gays are all pedophiles
Gays are all pedophiles
the only reason pedophilia should never be legal
There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia and little girls can consent as soon as they understand the word.
I'm a 20 year old virgin who's never even had a girlfriend. Recently a gay kid I went to high school with got into contact with me and some mutual friends confirmed he wanted to have sex with me.
What do?
Based and truthpilled
>sees a kid in drag
omg think of le children!!
If that gay kid were yours you would abandon him lmao nigger don't LARP as a >muhchildren moralfag
this but unironically
if parents weren't absolute shit kids wouldn't be gay at all
unlike Yea Forums of course who never lust after kids
frogposters are all retarded
Hey Big Jeff
Still mad about Dumbledore?
It's not abandonment for me to disown my gay child, because once they are gay they are no longer my child.
so Yea Forums is full of gays? that makes totes sense.
Yea Forums is full of pedos
hang yourself or kill your mutual friends and the gay kid.
Weebs are all pedophiles
Liberals will deny this.
>women and gays constantly throw hissy fits about underage girls being sexualized
>literally try to turn young boys into gay trannies are alarming rates
Have you never had a girlfriend because you are gay and don't find women desirable?
if my child ever winded up like that i'd kill myself because i've failed as a father in every way possible
Yea Forums is pedo board.
Pedo's are actually mentally abhorrent and should either be in therapy if treatable or removed from society if not.
I report pedobot threads, I bet you don’t.
>satan trips
I'm not a homo. I like jerking off to pictures of women.
>he comes to Television & Film for Television & Film
As a gay who fucks traps I hate kids hence being gay
>women and gays constantly throw hissy fits about little girls being sexualized
Lmao no they don’t, have you seen Instagram lately? It’s filled with hundreds of mothers sexualizing their little girls for the sake of instagram followers, to live vicariously through them and boost their own followings. It’s a literal epidemic because women are soulless animals
why are you here then
then why did youtube ban all underage users in march?
>Yea Forums
>"It's natural for men to be attracted to 14 year old girls, society used to accept young marriages"
>also Yea Forums
>kill a pedophiles
You stay away from my favorite fren simulator you pedo scum.
>liking 14 year olds is pedophilia
Lmao. Imagine defending gays yet vilifying the last sexuality that’s yet to have had emancipation. All those fag defenders go on about muh human rights while looking past the pedosexual cause.
Your first statement is typical of classic Yea Forums and your second one come from reddit pizzagate infested neonu4channel
>your second one come from reddit pizzagate infested neonu4channel
And yet it's been said on Yea Forums as long as the first one
or are you another case of bane 2014+ cancer?
>Everyone with a different opinion is banned
>Yea Forums
>People have different opinions
Yea Forums used to be very openly pedophilic and would take pride in its degeneracy
Now there's way too many middle aged soccer moms outraged over everything. I now get called a pedo and told to kill myseld for posting pictures of 19 yr kiernan shipka.