By using minority and LGBTQ showrunners to push an anti-labor agenda designed to suppress wages...

>by using minority and LGBTQ showrunners to push an anti-labor agenda designed to suppress wages, an ugly truth is revealed. These writers, many who have spent years preaching the gospel of modern Democratic identity politics, are now revealing themselves for who they really are: Stone cold capitalists who will weaponize identity to shank their fellow colleagues in the back. It seems pretty clear to me that the agencies will attempt to paint the WGA’s leadership as racist, sexist, and homophobic for rejecting an anti-labor agenda. They’ve already used Saudi-funded IndieWire, and to push this message. (Fun fact: They’re all owned by the same billionaire, Jay Penske, a man who once got arrested for pissing on a woman’s shoes and punching her in the face.)

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Other urls found in this thread:

But I thought democrats were the good guys

I'm happy to say that I don't have to have an opinion on this, because I don't work in Hollywood.


God why are we talking about this important piece of journalism and fundamentally subversive thing when we could be posting 4/10 Weinstein trash, braps and crying about Spider-Man not being Tobey Maguire?

>I'm happy to say that I don't have to have an opinion on this, because I don't work in Hollywood.
Remember how awful everything on tv was during the writer's strike?

You are utter shit. This affects the whole film industry, and you’re one of the lying gobshites who always claims these things aren’t political.

I am the liberal machine, only say words that I deem acceptable to say, free speech is important, you can't say things that I find offensive, there's nothing suspicious about the amount of jews that control the media

Yeah it only changes everything about film & TV with degraded standards all round, go back to sleep.

>Shonda Rhimes

lmao that’s an order of magnitude off. Stopped reading there.

BOO this post!

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>Jay Penske, a man who once got arrested for pissing on a woman’s shoes and punching her in the face.
What a chad, don't know why the article says he punched her though. He just pissed on her boots and pushed her.

There has been nothing good on network tv since the writers strike


She’s worth about $140 million but her influence is undeniable. Her deal with Netflix alone...

>Leftists act shitty people
>"This is CAPITALISM'S fault!!!!!"

Literally EVERY time with Leftcucks.

Their agenda can never actually do anything wrong or ever be associated with anything wrong. If it ever happens, it's the malign influence of FILTHY CAPITALISTS.

Attached: Communism Cycle Macro.jpg (498x460, 100K)

Nobody's blaming capitalism though?

The article just says that a specific group of people who virtue-signal as woke allies of oppressed people to profit from them are working to destroy labor unions for their own personal gain.

We got prime conan and one of the better seasons of the office.

>Support and shill for the globohomo dem party
>social justice comes and bites you in the ass


>anti-labor agenda designed to suppress wages

So what do these people think about the fact that mass immigration, both legal and illegal, massively suppresses wages for the blue-collar sectors and the working-class in general? Oh wait, we already know: they're the ones calling you "racist" for not importing more "diversity".

Funny how their narrative changes as soon as its THEIR wages and THEIR jobs on the line though. Only then has Identity Politics gone too far.

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/leftypol/ is always right.

>Nobody's blaming capitalism though?

>These writers, many who have spent years preaching the gospel of modern Democratic identity politics, are now revealing themselves for who they really are: Stone cold capitalists

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So Jay Penske is now Public Enemy #1 and needs to be taken down, but George Soros? An irrelevant nobody you should ignore that the 'alt-right' has propped up as a boogieman.

Wait, so unless I'm misreading this article, the moral high ground is with the straight white males who run the WGA because they are pro-union and pro-labor, and the marginalized and oppressed trans-binary-xirsons-of-color (tm) who oppose the WGA are evil capitalists?


>Wait, so unless I'm misreading this article, the moral high ground is with the straight white males who run the WGA because they are pro-union and pro-labor, and the marginalized and oppressed trans-binary-xirsons-of-color (tm) who oppose the WGA are evil capitalists?

Um sweaty... your unassailable statement is a bit problematic?

>progressives reveal themselves to be antiunion once again
Honestly these idiots belong in the republican party.

unions are inherently racial and will inevitably organize among racial lines. diversity is a tool to keep workers from organizing, to drive wages down and to create cheap labor.

>unions are inherently racial and will inevitably organize among racial lines

>Wait, so unless I'm misreading this article, the moral high ground is with the straight white males who run the WGA because they are pro-union and pro-labor, and the marginalized and oppressed trans-binary-xirsons-of-color (tm) who oppose the WGA are evil capitalists?

You have to be an extremely online reddit bitch to write this shlock

Just for fun, what is "reddit" about this article? Please refrain from using empty buzzwords in your answer.

>jews jewing jews using niggerfaggots as weapons
Normally I wouldn't care but this bears some attention.

And why is that? Because while the strike itself was settled, the precedent was set, and there's no going back now. I'm not saying the WGA should've have striked, but we're still dealing with the outcome 11 years later.

7th paragraph

>agencies plan to produce content, which is illegal
Illegal? How is it illegal for anyone to produce content? What law is being broken?

Welp, this is it Yea Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>just lost 4k in stocks
>family wants to stab and murder and kill me until im dead
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

stream URL + quick rundown:

See you all soon, lads


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It doesn't work unless you space them out a little, faggot.

Fucking this

Based scabs