I never watched any Jake gyllenhaal movie, can you recommend me his best ones?

Attached: Jake-Gyllenhaal-to-star-in-HBOs-Lake-Success.jpg (975x648, 65K)

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Night crawler.

Zodiac is alright.

He's the worst part of it though.

The Day After Tomorrow if you want to see baby faced Jake.




the capeshit ones

Start here.

those are kino , heres the ones that are kinda bad but fun

Prince of Persia
End of Watch
Source Code

thanks bro

Spiderman Far From Home
Source Code

Also, how did Nightcrawler receive such huge RT and critics praise if its basically a movie about white hetero man going crazy and commiting crimes? In 2019 critics would trash such movie

Brokeback Mountain

Donnie Darko

hes too handsome for SJW roasties to trash him

>end of watch

>kinda bad

fuck off

Only one person said Donnie Darko? What happens to Yea Forums???

it's decent, but it's nonsensical
they literally said in the commentary they had no idea what they had been doing, it's one huge incoherent asspull

All around me are familiar faces tho

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Josh and S.A.M.

Zodiac is his best

Try "Source Code"

Attached: Source-Code-movie-image-Jake-Gyllenhaal-2.jpg (947x530, 108K)

Heres a short one where he plays himself. It's kino

Bubble Boy

Quite the opposite actually

Watch directors cut if you need spoon-feeding

These are my favorite Gyllenkinos.

How the FUCK has nobody mentioned SOURCE CODE? One of the most compelling and charming movies in his catalog

He’s actually good in everything, my favourite is his character in Prisoners. And Spider-Man FFH is good despite the shit mouth breathers here give it, Jake & Tom’s scenes are kino.

the day after tomorrow

Attached: gK14_7jGoyNl.jpg (600x376, 34K)

Yeah it’s great, I actually wanted to cry when he phoned his dad.

Memes aside Brokeback Mountain is great and has beautiful cinematography

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already mentioned 3 times above you actual retard

Brokeback Mountain is unironically a great movie.
Donnie Darko is alright.
Life is okay


my man

Finaly someone said it

Poor little white boy 4 (2005)


Also Brokeback Mountain


Because it’s a pre-2015 movie. Had it been released any later then it would’ve been called racist

Enemy is the best film he's in, but he's best in either Nightcrawler or Prisoners.

All make up the holy trifecta of Jake kino