Reminder that this is considered disgusting and obese

Reminder that this is considered disgusting and obese.

Attached: THOR.jpg (1399x938, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's pretty much my body, to be honest.

but this isnt

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women are children. they always want complete freedom and test their limits, only today they have none

Are you American

Reggie Ledoux before the tattoos and the occult?

Same, and I really liked seeing Thor like that because of it. Felt good to have a badass hero on screen who was a little chunky. I unironically finally got what women mean about representation mattering.

Both are considered disgusting and obese you dumb nigger. Do you seriously think the TLC picture would have a tv show if it wasnt considered as something extreme? These people are literally the modern equivalent to circus sideshow freaks

eat less and healthier or just 3 mcdubs a day. you choose.

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Men over 14% bodyfat are repulsive

It is

>Söyboys are actually browsing the 'chon

a single filet o fish for dinner for me, 330 calories

lunch is usually whatever, as long as i don't overeat

Me too. minus the powerful arms and shoulders

Nah, fuck you dude. I have the same body type and I was pissed they made Thor a pussy. Representation my ass.

>you are a basedboy if you are overweight
>says the scary skelly
Yeah im sure you are the spitting image of masculinity

Marvel screenwriters wanted to cater to women feminazis who have daddy issues and want to see a man who they cannot have as obese and unattractive. Why american women hate you guys so much.

It wasnt just his body that made him disgusting. It was mostly his mannerisms

I have thyroid problems so it's difficult to stay skinny even if I do eat healthy. Doesn't bother me that much tho, tummy looks a little weird, but who cares. I'm still somewhat decent at soccer.

honestly that's way fatter than I've ever been and I think i'm fat even when you can see abs. I wonder if I have body dismorphia

>that autocorrection
Go back to where you came from.

fat people are the lowest of the low and it should be a crime to be fat

That's good too feel free to sub a mchicken/mcdub though.

Imagine putting in months and months of excruciating work to look like a Norse god and then they put a fat suit on your character and turn him into comic relief

>be 36
>drink beer pretty much everyday
>eat whatever the fuck I want
>can pretty much lose weight at will with just a little bit of exercise
im fucked when my metabolic wall hits for real

>tfw wendy;s spicy nuggets are coming back

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this is me

Youre fat af, you have zero muscle mass unlike Thor.
Stop lying to yourself faggot.

It's not about you being fat, it's about your womanly/kike mindset.

countless girls would still fuck him though

>metabolic wall
>be 25
>be told I'm at the wall
>still a skinny fuck
I want the gut already. I've had a 6 pack my entire life.

The irony here being is that Thor is the most human character in the entire MCU. Say what you will about him becoming fat but the dude is easily the most masculine character even in Endgame. When you think about it he lost the most out of any character in the MCU and still shoulders that responsibility on his own.
In an attempt to de-masculize and berate Thor by making him a fat guy with PTSD and "laugh at the fat man" the kikes just made him even more lovable and relatable. They fucked up.

Anyone who doesn’t find that body repulsive, I can only imagine how much worse you look like. At least he’s handsome. Imagine being fat, out of shape, a 18+ year old virgin, on Yea Forums all day shit posting, eating crap and thinking you’re better than people who are miles better than you. Man, suicide would really be your only option. Trying to better yourself is impossible for most of you.

Feels awesome man

>these losers will never know the feeling of cumming inside a woman

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If you're 15-20% bf you're probably at least a little fat, unless you also have a decent amount of muscle. If you're above 20% you're definitely fat.


I'm badly, badly depressed and think about suicide a lot. But I have a pretty good life and a GF and such. How do these people keep going?

That bodytype is objectively the best though
Reminder that the greatest natty fighter on the planet is a literal 5'9" fat bald man. No amount of shitposting or disagreeing will change the fact that short, fat men are objectively the master race

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my brother in law basically looks identical to sean william scott and has that body plus a bunch of 20 year old tribal tattoos. women fucking throw themselves at him. some girls legit dig the dad bod

>hes on the television so hes the best fighter huuurrr
I would absolutely rape this dude in a fight.
t. 6'0 190lbs blackbelt

>implying you wouldn't get knock outed by out some bum on the regional circuit
wew lad

>but this isnt
Sauce on this statement?

This is almost exactly my body type

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i've ridden horses my whole life so my legs have been fucking jacked since I was like 11. makes BMIs pretty much useless

Shitposting isn't going to change reality, user.
Reminder that the greatest Judoka of this century was a 5'7" 290 pound bald man.
Short heavy men are objectively the master race and no amount of women or tall losers complaining about it is going to change that.

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DC raped dudes that cut weight down to 205.

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I said body fat percentage, not BMI. No one cares about BMI.
Calling him a "short fat man" is pretty disingenuous when one look and you can clearly see that under the fat layers he's got plenty of muscle.

well, yea, he's basically a man who's always on a bulk cycle and never cuts. So he bloats up to 250 pounds, plus he's an olympian wrestler.

Why do Yea Forums millennials always go full
everytime soemone even posts something related to women?
You are a millennial outcast, you have nothing of value to teach anyone.
Zoomers have more real life experience than you.

shut up boomer

Daily reminder none of you have the body of fat thor, you're all 100% fat and zero muscle

Stop trying to appear wise lmao, you are 30 year old kids.
Millennials are the dumbest generation ever.
Now i'm sure you have to watch Avengers 50 a couple of times today to make some kind of political statement, so i'll let you be.

It is. I'm like 1/4 as fat and every girl I get down with tells me I'm chubby. I don't mind as long as they're down.

because it is, go work out fatty

Being a keyboard warrior is all they have. IRL they’re all just mumbly betas.

Thyroid problems: the age old cope

You have willpower problems

I haven't eaten in 10 days and have lost 2lbs of pure fat every day

Get on the snake diet fat faggot

>I'm badly, badly depressed and think about suicide a lot.
>But I have a pretty good life and a GF and such
congrats you're a pathetic normalfag

>Zoomers have more real life experience than you.
lol @ this retard


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>I haven't eaten in 10 days
How are you still alive?

I have thyroid issues too but that just means we have to try harder. Meal prep some chicken and vegetables and cut back on sugars that really helped me out. Plus cardio and lift. I felt disgusted with my body but now it's a little better, I gained a lot of weight at my job laster year because I just sit at a computer all day .


How do people even let themselves get to that point?
I don't go to the gym regularly but I get back to the gym for a week or 2 daily as soon as I see some amount of fat on my stomach.
It is relly easy. You don't need 6 pack abs but your stomach shoudn't be visible even in slim fit tshirts. A little bit of fat on the sides is okay.

I have the same blessed physic

I try but what's even the fucking point?

>I don't go to the gym regularly but I get back to the gym for a week or 2 daily as soon as I see some amount of fat on my stomach.
Sounds like a waste. What even is the point of going to the gym if you're not doing it regularly? Weight loss is predominantly about your diet.

For me? It's the McChicken.

A lot of people didn't have a choice. Most extreme cases became so fat at a very early age due to shitty parents not caring about their health.

If you've been raised healthy then all you need to do to not get fat is continue to eat healthy like you always have. If you've been morbidly obese since the age of 3 then you have to dramatically change what you eat and cut down massively from what you've known as the norm your entire life. Not to mention that you know you still won't look good even if you do succeed due to all the loose skin left over.

A fat women with a similar look as Thor are not considered disgusting, not only that but they are also celebrated. So you should have posted some chubby/fat whore like Amy Schumer o Tessa Munster at worst because despite having their decent layer of blubber they are still acclaimed as symbols of body positivity and all that shit.
Meanwhile stuff like is still considered unhealthy and pretty disgusting... for now

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So fucking tasty

>At least he’s handsome
Yeah and he looks better when they don't make him look like he's been eating tubes of lard and candy for a year, your point?

Post your tummies, fatties. It’s the hottest thing imaginable.

If your body looks like that, you should kill yourself or begin a dramatic self improvement program immediately.

>this guy was a sideshow freak in the 1890s

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He's full of shit. But you can try a water diet. Yes you just drink water for like 3 days.

>looked exactly like this 4 years ago
>now pretty fit, yet all the loose skin has yet to snap back
>don't know if it ever will

I can't win. I'm never gonna make it bruhz

Are you a girl

Yes (male)

That's a good thing

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>skinny skellies and manlets in this thread trying to act like they "have muscle" just because they have a scrawny kind of muscle tone

Is this why you faggots always get beat the fuck down for running your mouth? You think you're buff jusrt because you have definition?

Pretty sure I saw that guy waiting for the bus earlier.

Dunno man maybe you'll release more endorphins on a decent diet with more working out. So at least you'll feel more positive in the day to day.

>scrawny kind of muscle tone
fatty cope

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that's not teddy riner

Yeah unfortunately same, altho due to being fat I have powerful legs

how much do you squat?

teddy riner only started doing well when they banned leg grabs.
Muneta beat riner when they grappled

Reminder that if you're fat and want to look normal again it'll cost you $50k but if you're mentally ill and want to chop your dick off you'll get it for free.

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>How do people even let themselves get to that point?
Humans are creatures of habit. If you stop exercising for a little bit for whatever reason (new job changed up your schedule, child born, recovering from injury, etc.) it's very easy to just keep not exercising, especially when you realize time tends to be your limiting factor when deciding to do something. Realistically you probably have your entire day's time scheduled out, so trying to add an hour of exercise back in means having to cut something else out, and again, humans are creatures of habit, so changing your habits are hard.

6 pl8 for reps

now i get why /fit/ hates Yea Forums
>lol whats the point ill just stay a virgin lardass never improve amirite

>it'll cost you 50k
fatty cope. It's completely free to stop eating.

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Unless you have 50k laying around the best you can do is go from fat to walking bag of skin. It's not an improvement in the realm of getting a wife.

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That and humans are lazy. Why workout when you can be comfy at home shitposting

Skin doesn't vanish on its own after a certain body fat percentage. That's a myth.

is this some /fit/ meme? he looks better in the third pic than in the last one.

This in reverse is hot as fuck

That extra skin goes away on its own, it just takes many years. Go look at your mother's abs. They were stretched out past the left most panel in that picture when she was pregnant with you, but I doubt she looks like the second panel still.

Be my feeder gf

/fit/ would never meme it because they religiously believe that anyone can get skinny from diet and exercise alone.

Then lose the fat and fill it out with muscle.

shouldve just taken steroids instead of going stickbug mode

>~3 months of stretched skin is the same as several years
Ah cool thanks for proving my point.

It's not a matter of belief. It's a fact.

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if you let yourself get that fat in the first place you deaerve some loose skin. tht thing is, if someone that obese actually manages to slim down by himslef, i have nothing but utmost respect for him. it takes a lot of discipline to get out of that hellhole.

That's not how it works.


Y-you too

It is, you're just too lazy to actually do it.

>if you let yourself get that fat
>childhood obesity? That's your fault, lol.

Then post something resembling proof and not just anecdotes. Surely a study exists. Surely that's what your opinion is based on and not just blind faith.

At least he is not a small framed manlet otherwise it would cost him another 200k dollars more or less.
Which percentage, is it something around 25% safe?

>diet and exercise alone
what else is there you fat fuck?

Jump to the moon for me. No excuses, don't be lazy.

>Then post something resembling proof and not just anecdotes. Surely a study exists. Surely that's what your opinion is based on and not just blind faith.
I bet you wrote all that out thinking "there's no way he actually has anything"

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already done. grow up.

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>impl;ying you still wouldn't
any heterosexual woman would do Hemsworth no matter how big his fake stomach is

>Which percentage, is it something around 25% safe?
That's about the limit from what i've seen. If you go above that you cannot lose the skin natually unless you get typhus or some shit.

Plastic surgery is the only way to get rid of excess skin after a certain point.

Study? What? Of what? Physics?

Make me a big ol fat boy

>skinny = less skin
what the fuck are you talking about

are you fucking retarded? obviously anyone can lose weight, but the skin doesn't just eat itself.

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the little guy? yeah he's absolutely obese

Nobody was talking about skin. We're talking about you not making excuses for being a fat fuck.

fuck off faggot we've been talking about skin since

That's because it is.
t. /fit/

>they religiously believe that anyone can get skinny from diet and exercise alone.
that's what you said lard ass

>tfw fat Thor is still more good looking than you

>la la destiny semantics la la
You faggot.

That guy was still "skinny".

In fact, one might say... he was... extra skinny.

Depending on your fat reserves, most people could easily sustain themselves on nothing but water for 20-60 days. I've gone on a water fast for ten days without consuming anything but water. It was fine and I actually lost a lot of water weight along with some fat. I experienced permanent reprieve from hypertension that I was dealing with before that as well.

And then your body looks like stretched toffee unless you have money for surgery.

Keep backtracking lardo

nobody cares what women think

Better than being the fat fuck you are now.

Why can't we all just get along, Im sick of all this arguing.

The last person that did that ended up in the hospital with severe organ damage.

Never listen to /fit/. Nobody there ever had to earn their physique.


Imagine the smell.

Lose weight fatty. There's no excuse to be like in the OP. If you're actually obese to the point loose skin would be hanging off you if you ever lost weight, consider ending it.

Im not obese my bmi is 29.5 which is 0.5 under obese.

Don't respond to trolls.

The real story here is how did Thor manage to lose all will to fight and become a fat alcoholic who plays fortnite with his effeminate rockfaggot friend but still be deemed "worthy" to wield Mjolnir and Stormbreaker? If anyone should have been worthy it was Ant-Man because he was never a little bitch about losing his main piece. Also most fitness freaks are addicted to dopamine and endorphins, they're no better than any meth addict and usually just as retarded in all other fields of life.

If you look like thor in the OP you're unambiguously obese.

Yes? Although if this was real and not a fat suit I expect he'd have bigger tits.

Still fat. Lose weight.

Maybe eventually I'll feel better but there's no reason for me to start when everything thing else is shit

I hate obese people so fucking much, not just their grotesque appearence but their personalities. If you can't respect yourself there's a high chance you dont respect anyone else.

Go to bed, Buzz


Classic gladiator body. Layer of fat over some dense muscle. Saying he's just a short fat guy is really disingenuous.

the endorphins and day to day energy is a reason, but you're right in that having a healthy body doesn't magically make you a better person. usually people who compel strangers to exercise are severely lacking in self worth.

people that are in as good of shape as he is can rapidly lose weight and get back to low body fast pretty quickly. He's bulking.

wow i have the exact same body type

anyone else only eat one meal (dinner) a day?

I'm 5'11 and 80kg how the fuck do I lose this last 5-10, I've never been obese but I can't seem to lower my body fat any more

I actually have thyroid problems because the fuckoos at the hospital fucked up my radiation procedures when I had cancer years ago and damaged the fuck out of my thyroid. I run, eat less and count my calories but I still have weight issues/overweight despite taking medication every day. I should fucking sue but I think it’s impossible because I live in Canada.

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>but this isnt
He says this as he literally links a screenshot from a who where a major media company literally just follows the lives of these fucking whales for normal people to laugh at and feel better about themselves.

its prosthetic

I did that when I was unemployed and waiting for uni. I'd wake up way past noon, eat lunch/dinner, and sleep pretty much at sunrise. Sometimes I'd eat some snacks, like a slice of bread, during the night though.
I still went to the gym/did some cardio so my muscles wouldn't atrophy. That's important.

What's your current bf%?

If I had to guess I'd say around 20-25%, trying to get to around 15.

I used to eat a lot of carbs but stopped around 2 months ago (mostly), I'm hoping that'll help.

>those droopy tits
when big guys get fat they retain and even enhance the mass on their chest and shoulders. Thor would look more like a powerlifter than anything.

one problem at a time fatty

girlbrain detected

I have Leos body, I've been in much better shape before though and trying to get back to it.

Yeah, just eat less in general, work out frequently, do lots of cardio. Getting to 15% and slightly below is definitely doable.

same but with hair

how can I walk then, check mate

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fat men are in a feedback loop of low t and high estrogen
skinny guys unironically have higher t, and have lower body fat because of the effects of testosterone
look up how hormones effect males sometime fatty, you’ll be surprised (not sure how considering you have female equivalent tits)

kys faggot

I am over weight becuase I don't do anything

If I had low t my body wouldn't be hairy and I wouldn't have to shave every morning

skinny people who also don't move have fucked up metabolisms and will be the first to go in a famine

how about you say that to my face and not online and see what happens

I’m 6’1” and about 188 pounds. I drink a lot of beer. Probably 12-20 beers a week. Whenever I start going over 190 pounds I just cut down on beer and switch to liquor for a week and it drops off

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nah body hair is much more attributed to genetics than body fat
i would and id laugh at your disgusting fat stinking mass

you are overweight because you eat too much
you dont need to exercise to lose weight or be thin
you just need to not stuff your face all the time

>a lot of beer
>20 a week


he was just bulking guys

>its another user gatekeeping alcoholism

It's an inverse correlation between bmi and t levels down to even the underweight range, underweight men have the highest t levels of all. the cope about this is unbelievable

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60 a week would be alchy tier.. that is the minimum.

what the heck

I could see that being the case for a woman, but a guy?

based and skeleton pilled

>How do these people keep going?
real shit? we want to see where the ride ends. most of us losers dont care about anything but trying to make it through the day, in hopes that tomorrow will be one day closer to better.

imagine being so profoundly unhappy, that nothing you can do or accomplish can fill that empty lonely hole in your life. not food, drugs, drink, sex, money, possessions. nothing fills it and nothing fixes it. hope for the better is a bandage, but for some of us, its all we have.

>you are overweight because you eat too much
I don't but my last meal of the day is super high in calories
>you dont need to exercise to lose weight or be thin
no but I really do need exercise to not get exhausted
>you just need to not stuff your face all the time
I don't, I just not need to eat like crap for my dinner

I don't care about being thin, I was thin in my 20s when mattered

a binge is considered 4 drinks or more in one sitting. so if he has 20 beers a week its safe to assume most of those days are at least 4 beers.
i know everyone thinks you have to drink a metric ton of booze to be a "real alchy" but it starts a lot sooner before that.

you dont need that much food to survive. water is much more important.

You have to remember that these scales were set mid century in industrial societies where men were slightly more out of shape than women. In pre-industrial cultures among young healthy people average bmi for young men is around 20, women ~21 so yea there would be a portion of the men who would be considered 'underweight'

yeh your genetics produces higher than normal test

that's like 1200 calories a day

I weigh 154, 5'10", and I eat at least 2k a day with very little to no exercise

And unnecessary. Thor should've had his muscle back in the final fight and should've rocked the world when he fought Thanos with two fucking magical hammers.

Could just lose it through fasting, autophagy increases and can rid you of excess skin.

no dumbass apart from hormone levels


>Nobody there ever had to earn their physique.
You're a fucking retard. Never gonna make it with that attitude.

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Best fighter in his weight class

It's like a fatsuit designed by someone who's never seen a fat person in his life


it's insane that people have fooled themselves into thinking they can subvert the laws of thermodynamics

he should have at least been this mode

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you'd need to supplement the mineral loss with vitamins, but otherwise it's ok.

>wanting to help others get fit is lacking self worth
you are the most retarded person in this thread. good job.

He raped heavyweights for years too

>it's a George beats Kramer and Jerry in an MMA tournament and fights Newman for the title episode

/fit/ is better than it was a couple years ago. Most roidfags stay in their containment threads now when awhile back the whole board was about roiding.

mhh. maybe because it is 100% true?

>Implying muscle matters when you can’t see any of it beneath disgusting heaps of fat

Hypothyroidism contributes to a 5-10% change in bmr, cope harder fatty

>metabolic wall
Don’t fall for this meme, aging has virtually no impact, people just get lazy and disgusting

>Falling for the bmi cope meme

You can go a month without dieing retard
>3min without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food

Where’s the comic someone edited when the punchline is “NEVER IMPROVE”

>I would absolutely rape this dude in a fight.
>he's a poster on Yea Forums

Losing weight is literally the easiest thing ever, you literally do nothing and have an ounce of willpower to stop yourself from eating like a dumpster

Meanwhile, Chad is out there eating pizza and enjoying life.

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Yep. It's literally eating one banana or half a chocolate bar less than if you didn't have the issue. And it can be treated. The medication costs like $10 a month.

>A fat women with a similar look as Thor are not considered disgusting
Yes they are, completely disgusting. Men can get away with powerbloat or bulkmaxxing but women will just look revolting

Damn, even fat he has a great face.

Since it's all muscle I'm sure you can show me your calf veins then, fatty.

Double quarter pounder has better carbs/protein ratio than a filet or a McDouble

>Falling for the tone meme

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that not eating for 10 days is probably not healthy.

I'm 16% and i think i look quite handsome

Or lose weight at a normal pace and not with gastric bypass surgery.

It's a fat suit, he didn't actually get fat

Lardo retardo strikes again

If you lose weight at a healthy rate of around 2 lbs/ week you will not have this problem

This is what gladiators used to do. They'd get fucking strong, and then just mass eat barley porridge to get a cushy layer of fat over it. It allows them to take cuts and shit better, since it wasn't impacting the muscle as strongly

>Nobody there ever had to earn their physique.
Hehe stay mad lardass, meanwhile I’ll look good and feel better

>Making my body do strenuous things to make me lose weight is hard.
>That's how you lose weight.
>That's not fair. Instead, I'll just say my body size is normal and continue to not improve as I see it as normal which means nothing needs to be fixed. Now I'm healthy.
>That's not how i-

>Falling for the BMI meme

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You don’t have to do that though... you can lose weight without going to that extreme.

Sort of?

Your body does need 10g of carbs and 10g of protein, and ideally you'd want 60g+ of protein to maintain as much muscle as possible, but there was a 500lb Scottish dude in the 60s who got a nutrient drip and ate 2tbsp of brewer's yeast a day (to get the 10g carbs & protein) and nothing else for a year under medical supervision, lost it all, and had no ill effects.

Or: if you get that absolute minimum of carbs and protein and take a multivitamin your body is totally happy to eat its own fat for the rest and you'll probably be fine.

Better addicted to something that’s good for you than sugar, cope harder lardass

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Eat less, weight less. Thermodynamics are absolutely unyielding

>entire show is about how they're so fat they're about to die
>main doctor constantly shaming them for being so fucking fat
>portrayed as normal or healthy


wait until you're done and you start eating like a man just rescued from a desert island

I've never met someone that came off a water fast and lasted

Sounds great, I love bananas. Gonna eat one now while laughing at hyperthyroid faggots

Yeah but we also have jobs and lives to deal with and I would say that in order to live and work effectively you do need more than that.

>>you are overweight because you eat too much
>I don't but my last meal of the day is super high in calories
Just what do you think eating too much means? If you’re a lardass, eat less. If you think you still aren’t eating much but are still a lardass, see previous sentence.

top tier bait

Wrong, caloric deficit improves markers for longevity

Caspere knew this

i won't lie, i'd fuck both their brains out

you faggots keep trying to make this an issue of 'marvel made him do this'

'femanazis are attacking straight males'

it was literally chris' idea to be fat since the original plan was to have thor be a vigilante. that story went to hawkeye

that was the point though in reality

Too bad you’re wrong

You don't, though. At that level of intake your body will enter into ketosis and as long as you take, 1) a decent multi vitamin and, 2) get the minimum 10g of carbs and 10g, your body is happy to treat your belly like a buffet for the rest.

You won't get sick, you muscles won't waste away, after the first 3-5 days you won't even feel tired, and if you do increase protein to 60g+ you won't lose any of the muscle that's been helping to cart your fat ass around for years.

There's a slightly elevated risk of kidney stones from switching to a 90%+ fat (eg., yours) diet, but then staying fat increases your risk for every other damn disease so...

Chances are he was just running too many cycles from all the movies

You'd look better with some decent vascularity and abs.

Kidney issues from consuming high protein is only in people with previous kidney issues, normal people can eat as much protein as they want without issue

Even for the occasional /fit/ chad who's convinced 1kg of protein a day is healthy and all the "health freaks" are trying to mog his gains?

I'd have to lose 200 lbs to look like that

no, he's some obsessed zoomer
little guy must have been bullied by his older brother or something

Oops, meant gall stones—they're the ones the risk goes up for with a stupidly high fat diet. But yeah, for protein/kidney issues, unless you're regularly going over 2g of protein per pound of body weight you probably don't have to worry about that if you don't have a pre-existing condition.

just eat less and healthier jesus christ it's not that difficult

it would appear for a lot of you faggots that it takes less willpower to literally starve yourself for a week than eating normally for a month; that's a problem

>The last person that did that ended up in the hospital with severe organ damage.
Post it then.
There are several documented cases of lardasses going on water fasts for up to nearly a year. No food, just vitamins and water. A year.

Granted, you do have to acclimate your body to food again after that, using bone broth and whatnot so you don't go into cardiac arrest. But it is still feasible.

>straw man
Try 160g a day buddy, I’m just giving information

Right, and there’s no benefit going over 1g per lb anyway

yeah except unless you're a human in which case you probably want at least 1.2 and more as you get older

I remember him being fatter

Are you sure you aren't confusing lean mass with mass? Because 1.2g per pound of overall mass is definitely overkill unless you live in the gym.

Not him, but really a year? I’d be interested to see info on that


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*Even if you live in the gym
Once you’re eating enough protein to be nitrogen positive there’s no benefit to eating more

It is.
Please come to . It's not too late.

I'll bet my kidney you have gotten exactly zero tests to confirm your suspicion. Hypothyroidism is fairly easy to treat in most cases. It's a bitch to find the proper dosage but that's all.


No woman cares about weight and physical shape, Hemsworth is still a Chad for being 6'3 and having a good phenotype and decent frame (his shoulders are a bit small for his overall size but passable).

“Muh glory days”

You’re out of shape and disgusting, faggot

>Probably 12-20 beers a week
thats like 3 beers a day at best. Fucking amateur

Wtf is your problem, you faggot? The guy is improving himself and you just insult him for no reason.

>put a fat suit on a woman
>disgusting fascist bigotted misogynistic nazism

>put a fat suit on a man
>lol!! so funny! totally okay!

Attached: 1057.jpg (540x360, 91K)

Fuck you

three mcdoubles isn't enough to even come close to the average man's daily calorie requirements

>t. fatass

t. lazy incel coming up with excuses to not go to the gym

there are 390 calories in a mcdouble. 390 x 3 = 1190. you absolutely will not gain weight by eating 1190 calories a day and will in fact lose significant amounts

>Falling for the phenotype meme

Dad bod only works if you're handsome.

>Go to the gym meme
Lol literally why? It's easy enough to fuck a hooker and eating is one of life's greatest pleasures. And if you have money like I do women are constantly looking to fuck you anyway lmao. The trick is you just fuck them and don't give them the money LOL

joke's on you, I'm 5 foot 2 and weigh 110 pounds

It is.

t. European

>women are children.
So men are also children since they become obese just the same? Where does your cognitive failure become self-aware, nigga?

There's something really unnerving to me about fat people with shit on their wrists, like watches and hair ties, and I don't know why. Maybe it's the idea of all of that skin being constricted, but something about it disgusts me.

user, what your autistic ass is missing is:

>Leo is considered one of the hottest people in the world
>Schumer is a fat comedian

That's why they get a different treatment: the news that deviates from the norm is more sensational. It's not sexism, dumbass.

Sounds like projection, time to hit the weights fatty

I know what you mean. There's an especially repulsive quality at looking at a watch straining with some lardass' bulging forearm fats



20 beers a week isnt that much lad. Half the people i know as well as myself average 8 pints per day though it sometimes goes up to double that if we have a big night. And i know this alcoholic who tends for 10-20 per day, gets the shakes in the morning before he has his breakfast pint, its p.funny.

But at least you won't be 30 years closer to dying, right?
Look up "The Fasting Fat Man" on YouTube. Dude lost like 200lbs doing water fasts.
Look up "snake_diet_wizard" on instagram. Look up other stuff about the snake diet. Crazy fucking transformations.
>Nobody there ever had to earn their physique
Fatty cope.
>Most fitness freaks are addicted to dopamine and endorphins
Why is this a bad thing? Why the fuck is being addicted to something that keeps you healthy a bad thing? Fuck, the fucking mental gymnastics that lazy people have gone through to quiet some of the self-hatred they have for their disgusting sedentary bodies kills me. See above about The Fasting Fat Man. Also, there was a very famous case study way back in the day about this guy Angus Barbieri who didn't eat for 382 days and became a normal human.

>A fat women with a similar look as Thor are not considered disgusting
They unironically are though, even by themselves. This kind of media reporting is just infantilising cope. It should make you feel bad for them, not angry

>lol literally why?
Not having chronic health issues plague you throughout your life, especially in your old age.


Please be in London


this is considered muscular in america

life's not a judo match

>you have nothing of value to teach anyone
>dont listen to the voice of reason and accurate observations/warnings but do listen to the degenerates and lcommies/pedos/fags that wanna see you dead for being healthy and wanting the same type of society
Sheeeeit, is that dick finally off ? Feel better now knowing you went full in yet will not pass no matter what

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No, you shouldn't listen to anyone on the internet.
The internet has become a series of safe spaces where autistic people that, in any other period in history, would be forced into complete loneliness and would never talk to another human, somehow run amok free.
These people are not your friend, nor want good on you, they are weirdos who would prefer everyone else to be as miserable as them rather than making themselves happy.
Nowadays the internet exists to mock miserable people, nothing more.