But... why?
But... why?
Other urls found in this thread:
>there are 10 out of 10 sharped jawed hollywood cuties NOT being hired for you to see
the current state of society
Yen has a manjaw. Why would you want a live action that?
It's my firm belief all the media companies know what attractive girls look like but chose to hire suboptimal looking women for their own agenda.
>the show is bad because muh videogame waifu
ok kid
Looks ten times cuter than the xeno they cast in the actual movies.
They made the show for dumb women who want to self-insert.
Considering who the writers are, I don't doubt this.
The girl is cute,she just doesn't have the mommy aura yennefer has
>We want the spic/poojeet/sand slime/coconut nigger audience
rather than a political agenda is simply because 51% percent of the population and potential viewers (women) reject other women, *specially* when they're attractive beyond any "fair competition" like pic related. She's a solid 9, arguably a 10. So they go lower, because by going lower other women will think "yea sure she's pretty but I can totally match her tier if I work out or wear makeup or something" and that's just enough for the girl to not reject going to see that movie. Go higher, like pic related, and you'll just anger them and lose movie ticket sales.
Source: I'm a femanon
She still cute.. would def bang as long as she didn't smell like a poointheloo.. heck I still would ;).
She's less attractive than Daisy
Is that really it though? If I see someone better looking than me in movies My first thought is I want to improve myself, not "i hate that bitch". do women really think like thiss????
>pretending other races dont like watching white shows
It’s a jew ploy you nigger
uhm sweetie games yennefer is not accurate either
>do women really think like thiss?
disneyland rey looks dainty as fuck though. She's definitely hotter but she looks weak. All women are weak but her more so.
Women on this site are misajusted and autistic, you don't get to be a source on how other women think.
You know (((why)))
when you think to yourself "why am I not getting laid?" remember this post you just made
>disneyland rey looks dainty as fuck though
if she were casted in the role, i'm sure she would get the same training as daisy did before the shoot, also arn't jedi suppose to be powerful because of the force, NOT their physical strength? It's more poignant to see a dainty qt overcome stronger adversaries than a butch girl imo
That's fucked up, maybe it's just you.
i haven't talked to a girl in forever could you just say hi to me
I'm sure a jedi goes through enough physical trials to not look like she lays on the couch all day takin selfies.
hello friend
Reminding roasties is more fun than sex.
Saves money too.
Not really, Jedi power comes more from the force than physical strenght. See: Yoda, fucking stronk and is only a green puppet.
btfo just end it boyo
She was the best actress for the job INCEL
well yeah, both luke and rey had to be relatively ugly to pull off the desert planet kid look
Aren't the brits leading the way on this though?
thank you
I don't see what the big deal is, she looks a little young for the role but then again i've only played TW3 and Yen looks like a early 30s woman in that.
10/10 are starring in big hollywood projects. Not some book/game based series
Yennefer is literally the worst girl, so who cares?
>My first thought is I want to improve myself, not "i hate that bitch". do women really think like thiss????
That's why there's been a push to cast unattractive women because they're vain, narcissistic and egotistical creatures who hate seeing beautiful women and don't think they should be expected to put some work into their appearance to compete with that?
Have you see ONE man complaining about Hemsworth/Pratt/Evans (or Mamoa in Aquaman) being objectified? No and it's because when men see that it inspires them to achieve that. Take Arnold or Sly and how many men aspired to get themselves in that sort of shape.
But not women. For them it's all about lowering expectations so that they can get Chad without any effort because that's what they think they're owed!!!FACT!!!
Not like Triss is any better
Getting laid is mostly about looks and status, it's not some gift awarded by fairies to good people. Being an ass on an anonymous mongolian cartoon enthusiasts forum has never stopped anyone to get laid.
showrunner is (((American)))
yoda an alienlet though. If you're a human jedi you gotta look good to play good.
I'm still fucking fuming. We could have gotten a redheaded cutie but we got a nasty half breed instead.
Same reason you hate Asian qt's.
Meh its more confidence and personality something 90% of this board lacks. Looks help break the ice but if you don't have the above it won't save you.
lmao no. there are british actors yeah but it's an american produced and made show.
Much cuter!
You would be entirely correct in that belief.
Cuter than Yen and somewhat cute in general, but not what Triss is supposed to look like.
What do you think she is thinking here?
>we probably won't even get a season 2 with this shit
lol She looks like an old gypsy fortune-teller.
Do you know this from your female peers, or are you self-reflecting on your own personal insecurities from encountering girls prettier than you?
On a scale from movie Rey to Park Rey, where would you say you fall?
she's wearing a remote vibrator, cav has the control in his pocket.
>Season 2 already confirmed
Cavil needs to skip leg day, those things are huge
so you say its the (((jews)))?
because it's a book adaptation? doing an adaptation of a vidya adaptation would be retarded
Is that Dakota Skye?
Yes, literally a cabal of Jews
I don't like driving attention towards me so I'm gonna have to pass on your questions my friend. No hard feelings
What an absolute thundering gigachad
>no woman will ever look at you like that
I don’t believe you are a female, and what you said is false. I grew up with 3 sisters and a stay at home mom, and none of them thought like this.
I think she'd orgasm the second he penetrated her
>american company wants the american audience
no shit sherlock
They've spent decades driving a wedge between white men and white women. White men, being the primary drivers of western Civilization, are starting to wake up en masse. This is a move at placation. Cavill as Geralt is meant to serve as a self insert for white men. The mystery meat roasties they're casting are meant to trigger the most primal urge all men carry within them - the urge to conquer and possess the women of other tribes.
It also serves the typical purpose of disenfranchising white women (as opposed to the men who have been the typical target for so long) by the forced pairing of Geralt with women who DONT look like white women (#1 category of women who thirst after Cavill, btw) to bruise their ego and make them repeatedly ask "WHY HER AND NOT ME?????"
What a world we live in.
>Getting laid is mostly about looks and status
wanna know how I know you're a virgin?
The lot of you need to get outside
Because you're a virgin?
If you don't think the MAJORITY of a woman's attraction to man concerns the man's PHYSICAL and SOCIAL health, you're delusional.
If that's the case, than what a re factors besides those two that women judge men on? How nice they are? How funny they are?
Cavill is really getting bald, poor guy
Casting threads are the word threads on Yea Forums
Yes, it's a thread that has words in it
you're a fucking retard stop posting anytime
Personality is a meme except if you are legit autistic no girl will rejects you for your personality if she is already attracted and she is not attracted by your looks and status nothing you says or do will change that.
>My first thought is I want to improve myself, not "i hate that bitch".
You don't really get how it works. Women don't think in terms of self improvement for the goal of increasing their sexual attraction because its basically an admission that they aren't fine the way they are. Women who walk around thinking "I'm not good looking enough" will literally become depressed. They can't deal that thought.
. Its the reason why you have fat women, who rather than lose weight will argue that fat is actually the most beautiful thing in the world and that every woman who isn't fat is actually a bad person and ugly as well.
>She's less attractive than Daisy
actual fucking retard here. who let you use internet?
>tfw no ultracute pajeet gf
Your amoron
To be fair, there is such a thing as being too attractive and being "meh" as a result for being so perfect. Most actresses have a quirk to make them stand out.
If every actress was the hottest women you could scour the country for, they'd all look the same (because beauty is objective).
The thing is, much easier to have confidence and personality brought down on you if in your formative years you were being approached left and right by women.
There's no agenda other than making money, and women make up a huge percentage of the cinema-going audience. Those women don't want to see other women that are much more attractive than they are up on screen.
God I wish that was me on the left but a boy instead of an ugly female
Wish I could say that I was that boy, but don't want to make the jannies angry.
>Most actresses have a quirk to make them stand out.
To some extent I can see this point. The theme park Reys are qt, but their faces are too perfect looking and it's boring in an ironic way
He probably one looks like he does from killing it on leg day. Test is produced in muscle and the legs and hips are your largest muscles.
My biggest problem is not the fact she doesn't look like the video game adaptation of her, but that she doesn't seem to give a fuck about the universe or anything Witcher related, based on the interviews.
Yes, all "perfect" women end up with the same features. I don't even fully partake in the lookism autism, but it's mathematically possible to determine what an attractive face on a woman should be.
And it's true that your theme park Rey, I've already seen her face in other perfect women.
Anya is cute. CUTE!
This t. >CHI who would watch Full House, Boy Meets World, and Family Matters with the family even though those shows were about whites, jews, and blacks
That's the problem. Her character isn't cute at all.
>that chin
>shields on me!
Jokes on you, I've got a thing for brown girls.
>black "girls"
>brown girls
why no asian girls?
>Test is produced in muscle
No it's not you absolute mong.
Asian qts should be elves tbqhwy
The entire staff is run by white roasties.
Do the math.
So refreshing to see these cute young actress hanging out with white people
Spot on. It's an automatic consequence of the fact that they're the weaker sex and valued for their reproductive potential. Sheltered from birth and later pampered once they turn into young women. It's also why the female psyche has always been portrayed as the opposite of the values that humans should aspire to. As weak or even downright evil, because everything would collapse should women reign. It's like handing over power to the weakest, most manipulative, selfish, un-actualized, unprincipled, unjust, spineless men you can find. The male psyche is what all classical philosophy and values are based on, it is the bedrock of civilization. Men have to be in charge and women must follow, else everything fucking collapses.
One on the right is hotter tho
They will metoo him so hard, he will lose his body mass.
Half true:
There are definitely women that objectively hate standards of beauty and want to tear those standards down. These women are over represented in Hollywood from story writing and casting levels because they tend to be nerdy, sex deprived cat ladies. They hate attractive women and desire to be filled up by Chad semen and Chads won’t touch them.
However the vast majority of women actively (albeit subconsciously) adhere to beauty standards. That’s why beauty / cosmetic expenditures are dominated by women... women make up 75 % of plastic surgery patients.
I really don't get this. They want to adapt a fantasy book series written by a old fart and put jewish white women in charge. The fuck?
>white roasties.
Me in the back
I mean that the BBC is the one with actual diversity mandates.
Only Cavill can save this.
because the Jews like to gaslight white people a little too much. All that's needed to counter this kikery is to cast the blackest man in Africa as Moses.
me on the right
I don't think even he can, from the looks of it.
How? He's a terrible actor and the writing is awful.
is it true that this bitch cucks Geralt, the mc?
Is freya’s hymen intact?
Too bad it isn't faithful to the books either
Yeah, with a black (in the show) guy too. Not even kidding.
It's true but before that he dumped and abandoned her without a word.
>There are definitely women that objectively hate standards of beauty and want to tear those standards down
yes but only when they know they can't compete with the women who live up to these standards and thus want to change them. Its like when a girl with small breasts complains that men only like women with big breasts. She knows she can't actually magically get bigger tits so instead she just says its an unfair system. That's the reality of a lot of female attraction, there is nothing they do besides plastic surgery after a certain point.
she's actually well peng
White incels hate black men because they can kick your ass. That isn't very different.
Why does Yea Forums like a cuck (Geralt) so much?
>Attractive guys getting metood
Jude Law just gets women pregnant at random whenever he does another film
Never will be metood.
The Metoo thing is for girls that had to suck cock to get work. Not fucked chad because he's a chad.
>girls mad about boob size
Most guys don’t get mad when other guys have bigger muscle or is taller, they try to improve themselves in other ways.
we haven't seen the show yet, the writing and characters coudl be totally faithful to the spirit of the books. stop pretending you have a problem other than crying about niggers.
He ain't a cuck in the vidya.
No one gives a shit about the lit, and they're right not to, it's shit.
I can only imagine how hard she masturbated later that night thinking about cavil tearing her innocent pussy for the first time
>There's no agenda other than making money
Hello JIDF.
Guys do get insecure about the size of their dicks though.
Only because they are bombarded with (((porn))). Guys that see other dudes naked irl, like when playing sports, aren't bothered.
doubt it
the vidya is post cucking so yes he is
>she looks boring
>she looks better, how could this happen!
>why are white people racist without realizing
Because they're white
Hot Take: For a younger Yen the casting is perfectly fine and Triss is the real blunder
I have literally never seen a girl turned off by white skin.
Because he's not a "cuck".
lol ok
Welp, this is it Yea Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>just lost 4k in stocks
>family wants to stab and murder and kill me until im dead
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
stream URL + quick rundown:
See you all soon, lads
why did they pick a downsy poo tard ?
Daisy looks like dog shit
Is she even described in the book as having anything but violet eyes and black hair?
she absolutely mogs any actress Yea Forums wanted to cast
Park Rey is soooooooo much more a 10/10
>b me this confident when younger
Living on them mems now
Based Macho blokes ,him an his m8 in this
I mean how you do not stare at that beautiful face? the girl is kinda cute too.
She is a qt , an I bet shes not Full on entitled hard work princess like most 10s
Ruins this bread just there , are there any nudes for the witcher chicks
Gee, I don't know, was Kunta Kinte ever described as being explicitly black?
Does anyone have the full image?
yes and? My entire point is that women deal with competition differently. Women try and discredit their opponent while men try to win by improving themselves. Seriously, its pretty standard stuff.
i don't even care about her skin color but why don't they ever cast truly attractive girls anymore
>answering a question with a question
The point being that the novels never describe her in detail, and you faggots are projecting the design from the videogame onto the TV show.
This bitch isn't even that ethnic looking, if she were a little paler she'd pass as a whitoid.
exactly that's one of the main things that differs men from women
Because they need to keep them poor so they are willing to work minimum wage at their parks.
pure >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> park > kansas = mini
Lol those weak ass punches, ok incel
have sex
>Have you see ONE man complaining about Hemsworth/Pratt/Evans (or Mamoa in Aquaman) being objectified? No and it's because when men see that it inspires them to achieve that.
This is true desu
oh no no no no no no no no no
Because marketing says casting a diverse cast will net them the most profit, and they won't have to hear people complain about there being too many white people, which is bad press.
Triss has brown hair in the books.
Luke was different. He was a heartthrob young man when he was originally cast, they had no idea how he would turn out.
She had chestnut hair, which is auburn, which is a reddish brown
That means we are both right, and the games and tv show are both wrong.
They said England was their inspiration for the diversity. Sorry to ruim your little moment lmao
Triss is also younger than Yennefer but here we are
If you really were a girl and what you said is true, why were characters like Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Elsa from Frozen or Robin from Stranger Things such popular characters? Heck, check all of the Disney princesses. Women crave role models just as much as men, stop it with this bullshit /r9k/ slob.
The fact that African-American lead shows does so well with the black audience, while liberals whites will consume something anyway if it is derived from something they associate with their own culture beliefs, makes casting blacks and other monorities a no-brainer for producers. Whites are going to watch it anyway, why not get the black, hispanic and indian communities to care a lot too?
Right looks better
Triss is supposed to be beautiful not cute. Someone went full Drowner with this casting
Actors are british but prpducers are American. Another one of those shows that's taking advantage of tax breaks in the UK.
What a Chad
>Getting laid is NOT mostly about looks and status
>No, YOU are the virgin!
right > left
You're not gonna get laid if you're a fat neet, yeah, but you're also not going to get laid if you're attractive with a 9-5 job if you're an asshole with no self confidence.
Looking good and having a sustainably healthy lifestyle are really good indicators for a girl that you might be a good person to be with, but a decent personality and self-confidence are what put it over the edge. Unless you're just fucking loaded you can't expect anyone to be all over you without confidence and personality. Even super rich people need a good personality and confidence to bed most of the girls they run for.
Pretty sure she smells like curry and poo instead of lilac and gooseberries
if he really wanted hair he's rich enough for a hair transplant. I think it's the roids
Arent most casting directors women?
Super cute for a poo.
It’s because you can’t even think of the most important aspect: trying. Looks help sure, or status. But it’s almost entirely about actually, actively hitting on girls and trying to get them into bed. No woman is going to aproach you, you have to do it yourself 99% of the time no matter your status or looks. What happens in the process of you hitting on the girl is what matters, what the woman really sees or feels. It’s entirely about how good of a show you can put up, and we know that actors looks don’t matter as much as how good his act is or what his fame is. A real, tangible thing that the woman can see and feel and see how you are doing right now, ss in your act of hitting on them. You trying. That’s what can get almost any man laid, and actually will.
I stared at that photo of Cavill's face for long enough I swear to god it moved
Originally this pissed me off, but now after learning what an old commie Sapkowski was and how he's basically okay with this because he's bitter at CD Projekt Red for making Poland known for something other than its surplus of toilet cleaners; I care a lot less. Chris Tolkien held onto LOTR for decades so that people couldn't rape his father's IP with niggers, and he's only now given it up because he hates what the world now is and is going to die soon. It really shows what kind of person Sapkowski is that he doesn't care about this (that, and the books were always sympathetic towards freaks and multiculturalism, anyway). The Witcher series isn't even particularly pro-Slav.
Shit opinion but I don't mind show Yennefer. She fits the bitchy wizard look who is obsessed with trying to have her own kids because she can't reproduce
>do women really think like thiss?
No, not all women think like this, especially not young and pretty women. Women respond far more viscerally and negatively to the perceived sluttiness of another woman. Basically, if some woman is clearly trying to steal male attention from her by exposing skin she's going to get angry.
There's almost no upper limit to how pretty an actress can be so long as her style and manners are appropriately modest and non-threatening. Of course this won't appease all women. There are certainly fat bitter tumblr feminists who hate seeing any attractive woman.
>Chris Tolkien held onto LOTR for decades
He didn’t. Tolkien himself sold the rights for the movies.
they will fuck for 2k , an bj on park for 500
Shit i meant actors looks or fame don’t matter as much as his act.
Boris said NO we sinking aslyum boats in the channel now
dang she cute
The only reason Netflix did (and will continue to do) this is to stoke the flames of outrage culture in any many places as they can. Anyone who speaks out about this will be ridiculed and called an "incel" or something, further proliferating the outrage.
Because just like the lunch breaking down in your intestines, the future of entertainment is brown.
right is better tho
Nah, all the Reys COULD make thousands in an hour by going to Girlsdoporn or something, but they choose to make an honestly living.
why what she's hot you homosexual freak
just brit actors (((everything else))) is (((((((((((((((((((((((them)))))))))))))))))))))
post tits (((femanon)))
>god i wish he were black
I heard they're not basing the TV series on the games which makes sense, but which book is season 1 going to be based on? I want to reread and be ready
only a big black cock could satisfy this
state of that chin
It's true, she has the problem of being too typically good looking.
you just know
What a bunch of brittle spirits. God women are such faggots.
i dont know about you Yea Forums but shes starting to grow on me
>roastie toasted
>have sex
y are women vile creatures bros? they can't help themselves it seems.
Those pictures are not from the books
She's white and good looking, so what the fuck is the problem?
That’s desperate.
Nah it was auburn
>nooo my impossible videogame waifu
jesus fucking christ these threads are beyond retarded. the trailer looked fine.
Because white people foolishly expected brown people to reciprocate when they give them freedom and equality and seat on the table.
don't act like jew don't know why
>people hate black men because they commit nearly all crime
fixed that for you
she is not white
>Source: I'm a femanon
Oh, sorry, is she 1% black and that counts as black because you're that desperate to complain about blackwashing?
You're deluded, you just need to be a normal fucking person like 95% of everybody for your personality to not be a handicap of any kind, no matter if you don't have charisma or confidence or whatever buzzword you learned from a snake oil selling pick up (con) artist.
>Source: I'm a femanon
Next time fucking start with this so I can stop reading.
nah, she's half indian
Never forget.
They made this armor because one of the she-writers said
>The Nilfgaardians are all dicks, therefore they should look like dicks
>skipping a leg day
What the fuck
When you're surrounded by shit it's hard not to stare at a diamond
what in god's green earth is this being? Christ I haven't seen anything like it
Asians should be casted as elfs.
>But... why?
You know (((why)))
>another liberal being a massive hypocrite episode
The more I see of her, the more I think she's cute. I won't mind the inevitable waifu threads. That being said, anyone who believes her casting as Yennefer isn't bullshit propaganda is deluding themselves.
If she chick playing Triss was white, she'd look alright in that comparisment.
she's cute
>I don't like this
>Time to blame the jews!
>sharp jaw
why do white men have such homo tastes in women
It literally is kikes, kike.
She looks like a baby while Yenn should be liike a fk Angelina Jolie