W-why is this board so racist, friends?
W-why is this board so racist, friends?
Cuz we don't like your kind around here, partner.
Friends? Friends?! Since when are we friends? Did we go to hs together?
having no job and no social life makes people bitter and hateful.
Because this place is filled with society’s rejects who sit inside watching tv all day and need a way to feel better about the fact Stacy rejected them for being a fat slob with 0 social skills or life experience.
WTF i love hearing tyrone's gunshots outside my bedroom window now
And yet here you are.
because niggers and feminazis are the ONLY reason that I'm a 34 year old NEET virgin
if you had a job you wouldnt have to live in an impoverished neighborhood prone to violence and crime.
If you are too slow to notice,this is a /pol/ tourist board,like /int/ or /r9k/.
Go outside
Being poor has almost nothing to do with crime and violence.
It's more about their shit fucking culture.
da joos is keepin' are aryan warriors down. That or they can't fit thru their bedroom door frame no more
For what it's worth, I am the only user on this website who isn't actually racist.
Huh, I always thought we were enemies.
all whites must fucking hang
fuck you nigger and fuck your friendship
>not being racist
you're no friend of mine
Jews, and not your friend, pal.
misery loves company just like (you)
It’s the one place we don’t get censored for pointing out that niggers act like niggers.
All niggers have to make fun of whites is People of Walmart style pictures, but blacks in infinitely more embarrassing so it doesn’t work as well and isn’t as funny.
based pet nigger go get the crackers
It's just banter bro
because black people exist
i need a vacation
There is absolutely 0 reason to pretend non whites are your friends in 2019
>still up
lets keep this up
I think it's a defense mechanism, people here hate reddit and think they can scare as away by a bad word. Pathetic.
Because blacks are just so goddamn awful. I try so hard not to be a racist but they are just so obnoxious, violent and stupid that I just can't help it
The constant bbc and anti-white posting is what really turned me against them
jokes on you, I’m bitter even when I have a job and social life. In fact I hated my social life so much I actively sabotaged it. Fuck normies, they never do or say anything interesting. It’s white torture.
Oh my sweet summer child, racism isn't projected insecurity or bitterness.
>niggers dindu nuffin dey gud boyz
Go fuck yourself.
I lived in Chicago and had to deal with blacks constantly ruining everything ever. Once section 8 started in my comfy Italian suburb the neighborhood turned to complete shit. Maybe if they didn’t ruin everything they touch we would like them.
>imagine having a job and paying taxes so Paco and Jamal get a free ride
having a job should make you more racist
What does having job got to do with living in black neighborhood?
>Implying white knight have a rich and successfull social life
>projecting this hard
probably a sheltered liberal that hasn't had the privelege to live among nogs yet
>It's more about their shit fucking culture.
>not realizing the racism here is just ironic
Honestly if you met more then 3 black people you would start being a little racist lol
Kek, based. You managed to get all these incels fuming.
this i really really hate non-whites
Hahaha, memes about black genitalia made you hate a race? Pathetic.
It definitely compunds the problem, I know of well off blacks who are loud and obnoxious, but the ones who live piss poor in shitty communities become even more shitty then turning violent
>don't respond to my narrative
>The constant bbc and anti-white posting
lmao you know that these aren't blacks, they're white dudes trolling right?
it's confirmed r/asianmasculinity spam
>" I love living in the big city, it so diverse! look at all the food you can get, sure I have to step over homeless people, ignore that everything smells like shit and piss, avoid all the black neighborhoods, get mugged at gunpoint twice a year, commute two hours because I want to live somewhere where my house and car don't get broken into, but diversity is great and if you're a racist you must not be as open minded as me!
Fuck off back to /pol/ tranny, you'll fit in better
This but in an honest and truthful way
Holy fuck this pic must have been made in 2014
>white dudes trolling
implying those arent chinkcels
and get shot
fuck kikes am i right based liberal these miga cucks don't know shit
>they're white dudes trolling right?
Yeah sure
yeah ancient tier shill pic still is funny to see them spam it though
anons mad about their new black dad moving in and telling them to get a job
thank god i don't live in muttlandia imagine being some hapa dicklet
ITT: white fragility
Real talk, who is the most fragile?
>he fell for the /pol/ is just satire meme
ITT buttmad chinksectoid
either blacks or Muslims. Very concerned with “respect”
its one of the few things that distinguishes Yea Forums from reddit....which is really important to some people (incels, autists)
jews ofcourse imagine being able to guilt several generations over and over
truth, white incels with no outlook on life have to find something to hate so they focus on minorities to make themselves feel better
you realize that my taxes are also paying for you and thousands of other neets on this board, right? no fucking self awareness.
we don't hate you either. normal people don't go into a frothing rage when a tiny bit of their money is used to help other people. think about how much more i'm paying for people imprisined under reagan's war on drugs, and for the military to harass people for oil? i don't get in a hissy fit over that either even if i disagree with it a whole lot more. and you probably defend all those things.
Agreed, Muslims always trying to pretend their religion isn’t as dogmatic as it really while also doing pretty backwards shit.
While blacks claim everyone is out to get them but as soon you call out any fault their race is associated with they break out scream KKK boogey man wiypipo
Alaways blacks
i can tell you never had the displeasure to live among those creatures
Because the Jews keep kiking up our TV
>we wuz gud boys dindu nuffin
fuck off nigger
>three mad whitebois instantly reply thinking they aren't the fragile ones
Whitey. Will say nigger kike all day but will cry "race war now" if you make a joke about them not liking spicy foods
Just banter, actually I'm a macaco.
>shut up incel autist gosh have sex let these niggers in your country
>back to /pol/
that is one cool dude
just trying to get the bants in before the 404, my dude
Having to spend several years in a downtown urban environment has disabused me completely of the notion blacks and whites can cohabitate. They can't.
Gen Z™
oh look i respond to thee
>ugghh these underage kiddies are spouting mean words again!!!
Racism and general fear of change are the only remaining ideas that both unifiy and empower incels and other generally low-potential people.
>he fell for the memes and shitposting
based bait
Just go back to plebbit you tremendous fag.
They can and the do. Just not in a polarized environment like the one you were in.
I have both and still hate niggers and Muslims.
Stormfront took over at a point to brainwash everyone
why are whites so cucked, it's retarded
Based Stormfront