Avengers: Infinity Endgame War

Did I like it?

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pepper never gets naked and hawk eye never deflowers black widow

it's bullshit


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No, you didn't, because there were only two fights, Captain America ditto and the final fight.


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None of those are nice shots

Les Avengeurs.

Les Vengeurs you ape.

How can people keep the interest/hype going for this? I was very interested in the first few, but by now it's just so lame and now it will be all girls, maybe more fun

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>muh time travel

The film

the absolute state of marvlets when they think this is in any way good cinematography

The top left one was beautiful. Iron Man's whole monologue set such a great tone for the movie.

But it is

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Nanoarmor killed it for me

The general consensus is that infinity war was pretty good and endgame was disappointing.

Endgame was better than Infinity War, though.

The Avengers/Avengers: Infinity War>>>>Avengers:Age of Ulron/Avengers: Endgame.

The first two feel lean and focused while the latter two are sloppy and al over the place!!!FACT!!!

Can someone explain why Old Captain didn't branch off into a new time thread.

Were you here when it came out? Like opening weekend? Because only like 1 in 20 anons would say they were let down by the movie.
I think the consensus is that it actually lived up to the hype.

>1 in 20 anons
You mean reddit tourists? The movie was a mess or did you forgot about the leaked scene with the captain fungus and the other women and how it became the laughing stock for the entire board?

Attached: avengers.endgame.1.webm (1920x804, 2.99M)

because he put back all the infinity stones where/when they were taken from.

Cap staying in the past would create a new timeline though.

He came from a different universe?

>Le rebbit tourists
>Le captain fungus
Calm down, goober.