Bros, /int/ is laughing at us again

Bros, /int/ is laughing at us again..

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You mean the most annoying board on 4channel?

*Shit my pants*

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jump scares only work on babies and retards, they aren’t scary at all

that's not dis/co/rdtranny

I don't even know who you are

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Oh no, a bunch faggots who need utensils for burgers and pizza
Whatever will I do
jk im pretty sure half of them have never seen food lol

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mentally ill trannies you can make fun of and that will eventually kill themselves > newfags LARPing as their flag and who post the same jokes about countries over and over thinking it's ''banter''

/int/ is just Yea Forums for spics but no video games

s-stop them pls, moot

ahh yes /int/ the board where everyone pretends to be a nigger, a chink or a trap

/int/ is absolute trash now
>full of black narionalists and kara boga cucks
>communists and socialists
>faggot and tranny lovers
>hasn’t made anything funny since the amerimutt meme

Sorry abour your non-existant sex life.

>amerimutt was funny
go back

>ITT: seething amerilards angry at the board that bullies them the most

>communists and socialists
hasta la victoria siempre, pig


>t. La creatura...

I know you're trolling but it still enrages me. Fuck you!

The Kara Boga shit ruined the board. It just became a bunch of seething third world countries spamming blacked porn and thought they were funny.

the board is terrible even if it does make yanks cry

La broma de dios...


>zoomer humor

You truly finds to most retarded basement dwellers on this site

yeah you're right fuck

>El Atrocidad...

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It's a sfw board, retard.

>I know you're trolling
Sure I am

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my countries general is just trannies fix your shit kankerhomo's

here's an /int/ third wolrder

It put whitoids in their place and produced some delusional copypastas.

they are in no position to laugh at anyone

Also forgot to add
>most people posting under western flags are shitskin redditiros
It’s no longer a meme, every German and French poster is more likely to be a Turk or black

The /pol/cel fears the /int/ernational CHAD

>he wasn’t there during that month where a Turkish flag spammed black dick pics 24/7, got banned, and then did the same thing again under a Brazilian proxy