Star Trek General

The "Pulaski? More like I want to fuck you in the ass-ki" edition.

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Other urls found in this thread: we left behind&pc=MOZI&form=MOZCON

Reminder this should've been the NX-01 at the very start of Enterprise.

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Pulaski you god damn polak beam down to the planet already we dont have time for your retarded shit

I'd rather fuck Wesley desu

Pulaski is better than Crusher.
Fight me.

>Star Trek General

I'm legit going to find you and put a photon torpedo up your massive asshole

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this. OP a retard

pulaski at least had a character.

crusher is like a more boring jordi. every second of her screen time is wasted.

that said I still hate pulaski and liked crusher more, but at least they tried with her

Eat my ass homo

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>crusher is like a more boring jordi. every second of her screen time is wasted.
Not surprised a drooling brainlet doesn't have the intellectual capability to understand Sub Rosa.

Who's that?

FUCKING HATE THE SIGHT OF THIS UNMITIGATED FUCKING CUNT!!! She's such an unlikable fucking bitch that they dropped her down an elevator shaft in LA Law to get rid of her. I only wish something similar happened in TNG!!!FACT!!!

What went wrong? She wasnt funny irritable like McCoy she was just a bitch that never got along with Dater

You're stupid.

What was Bill thinking here?

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did voyager become good during the last few seasons or am i on drugs?

Bill Shatner didn't think at this time in his life, he basically existed on a diet of cocaine, hookers and coffee. He was given a script 5 minutes before shooting, told to read the yellow highlighted lines, and the rest was left to history


No, I prefer the way it was but I would've liked to see the refit in season 5.

Pulaski was better than Crusher. She was written as an actual human being who was friends with some of the bridge crew like Worf.

get pozzed, takei

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Shatner wouldn't have been fat if he was using blow. If you hit a decent combo you can go a whole week without feeling like you need to eat or sleep because you have become a god and there's just so much stuff that you have to get done. Plus his acting style is so slow, if he were making it snow he'd be shouting at ensigns to snort lines with their pussies while threatening to castrate Scotty for not making the ship go faster, faster, FASTER YOU LAZY FUCKING DRUNK I SWEAR TO TRELANE I WILL REPLACE YOU WITH THE RUSSIAN KID FASTER YOU INCOMPETENT FUCK

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Are you retarded?
Cocaine has been around since the 19th century.

Fuck off, you retarded schizo. You ruin every thread you post in.

You better be speaking from experience you stupid bastard. There is nothing worse than the glorification of drugs.

Nah, cocaine is for movie stars and models. I can barely afford my jenk habit.

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Dater and Wolf

I'm pretty excited for Picard desu

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This is ValleyForge.

He's gay.

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Watching an old episode of What's My Line? lads. Bill Shatner is the guest panelist. The host, John Daly plugs Shatner's new TV show briefly.

Any guesses on what that new show is?


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>Star Trek Discovery is a success and there are already three seasons.

>Star Trek Picard with the Borg, Number one, Data, the Romulans and 7 of 9 is already a success.

>Star Trek Section 31 is already a future success.

This is the best time to live.


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>watched "Data's Day" at work last night with no memory of it from decades past
Goddamn, that was a great episode. I often forget how comfy TNG can be.

I want a Fat Data™ episode now.


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So I just got done watching DS9 What we left behind Documentary and I think I saw Bashirfaggot in it from one of the conventions where they set up a booth for fans to express their opinions in and be recorded. GJ bashirfaggot. What is everyones opinion on the new DS9 episode the writers were pitching?

Deep Space Nine is not "Trek" because they don't go on a trek in space: They just sit on a darkened space mall and stare at their navels.

Just walking from point a to point b and you are trekking through space (unexplored space because since your planet, solar system, galaxy, and universe are all moving at different speeds in different directions, just sitting at your computer you are trekking through space faggot. So that makes your argument null and void, DS9 is actually moving through space time just like everything else in the universe.

I can't wait for fat Riker kino

>the planet earth counts as a trek series
wow man

If they made a show about star fleet academy on earth (which would be kino, especially if they had all the old actors on the show for guest appearances as their old characters. Referred to already established lore throughout the series, and followed a group of academy students through their classes, like Harry Potter Half of the seasons then on their first assignments. Then yes. This could be really cool concept, like a TV show full metal Jacket in Star Trek. Show all the training, then have a couple of deaths on their first assignments and how it affects the other characters to hear about their friends dying.

>which would be kino, especially if they had all the old actors on the show for guest appearances as their old characters
>followed a group of academy students through their classes, like Harry Potter
>This could be really cool concept, like a TV show full metal Jacket in Star Trek
>characters to hear about their friends dying

Not sure if boy or girl but I want to fuck it

Obviously a guy

>If they made a show about star fleet academy on earth (which would be kino, especially if they had all the old actors on the show for guest appearances as their old characters. Referred to already established lore throughout the series, and followed a group of academy students through their classes, like Harry Potter Half of the seasons then on their first assignments. Then yes. This could be really cool concept, like a TV show full metal Jacket in Star Trek. Show all the training, then have a couple of deaths on their first assignments and how it affects the other characters to hear about their friends dying.

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There's no Adam's apple and it's shoulders are narrow but that's a man's haircut
I'm so confused right now

VF has always been male. You got memed by anons saying he was a girl or a girl (male).

Your plot is Star Trek Picard

Literally the saddest thing ever conceived.

They have runabouts and the Defiant which were used very often to explore the Gamma quadrant.

What was their problem?

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Pulaski was a better character overall but Crusher is best mommy gf

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Boston Legal

>posts start getting deleted as soon as VF gets mentioned
My post wasn't even off-topic you fucking tranny.

>no bush

Dude wtf?! Delete that

I don't care I want to fuck it


I envy your optimism

Hail security. I don’t give a fuck.

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Close. Bill Shatner played a NYC prosecutor in For the People, which ran for 13 episodes between January and May 1965.

I think it was his last regular television series role before Star Trek (as opposed to guest appearances, which he did a lot of). He also was in Incubus between the two.


>We wanted a Star Trek with modern FX and godly looking aliens : They listened to us and gave us Star Trek Discovery

>We wanted a Star Trek where philosophy, intelligence and art were the focus : They listened to us and gave us Star Trek Picard

what went right ?

What saddens me the most is that they've never made a show with a warship, it could've been interesting to have a show set during a war, have fighter squadrons, etc. and the show would follow the crew of one of those ships on a personal level, until the peace is made and you would see them try to re-adapt to a "normal" way of living.
I really hate that they made STD, they fucked up the Klingon war.

We already had that with DS9. The Defiant was basically a warship.

Just watch Babylon 5 or Andromeda. Star Trek doesn't work as a war show. The Dominion War made DS9 fucking unwatchable.

If she was 20 years younger and wasn't such an insufferable bitch, maybe. But there's only one true choice for Next Generation waifu

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>Star Trek doesn't work as a war show
Star Trek discovery is the best SF war show since... forever/

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>Just watch Babylon 5 or Andromeda
Jesus Christ buddy get some new material already. You're like Rain Man except real and you don't have a cool young Tom Cruise keeping you from embarrassing yourself.

The Dominion War was fine but I wanted another take on a galactic war.
I've watched B5 but it's not Trek. Andromeda was too cringe.

>I've watched B5 but it's not Trek.
It's literally DS9 with a different canon. If DS9 is trek then B5 is trek.

my opinion is that neither is trek because they just take place in a darkened space mall

>Star Trek discovery

Attached: 3.webm (320x240, 95K)

>show with different canon is same as other show
so /trek/ is the retard general?

You should play Star Trek Online

bait aside, STD was such a missed opportunity. They made a big fuss about the Klingon war but they showed nothing on screen, 90% of the war happened while they made a trip in the MU.
I remember when Kurtzman said that the second season would be about how the crew would deal with the aftermath of the war etc. and nothing happened, it was all about "I fucking love science", the Red Angel™ and dyslexic Spock portrayed as if he had the tism.

>the aftermath of the war
What ? You though the aftermath of the war was... a war ?

No, the reconstruction, the "back to normal" phase.

What a bad opinion. Her befuddlement at Data was so annoying.

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imagine hating the bones-spock banter they tried to bring back to the show

>believing there was any bones-spock banter
She was an ancient ugly hag who nagged at someone more awesome than she could ever be because she was jealous and insecure
Maybe if she fixed her hair and had sex they wouldn't have written her bitchy character out of the show after one season

The original writers got together and did a brain storm session during that documentary I watched for DS9 ("What we left behind") and you can see they forgot their own lore/plots while sitting there- They forgot the name of the Klingon homeworld, but they had an interesting plot for a new show/spinoff with all the old characters from DS9 .
First scene shows a ship being attacked by a cloaked (this never was a thing in lore- cloaked ships could never fire while cloaked because the cloaking device used too much energy, they also couldn't use their shields while cloaked) but anyway- a ship is being attacked by a cloaked ship, cut to bridge, a battle scarred Ferengi is captaining this new federation warship. We find out this is actually Captain Nog. 20 years after the events of the last episode of DS9.
>Nog escapes the attacking ship through the wormhole
>On the other side camera pans around to show DS9 20 years older
>DS9 has become a religious center- Mecca
>Sisko is still worshipped as a god
>Kiera is now Vectis (pope of the bajorans)
>Quark is sending messages to everyone saying "He is about to die, please come see him before it happens"
>The writers admit that Garak was a faggot, and he always wanted Bashir
>They have Bashir actually married to the Trill Ezri Dax
>Warf is back on Kronos talking to Gowron about how Warf needs to go to Bajor for some mysterious reason Warf is a captain of a klingon Bird of prey
>Obrien is on Earth teaching at the academy Mechanical engineering
>Jake sisko comes back to DS9 and is talking to someone on the prominade, we find out it's Siskos other son his little brother from kassidy yates who is an officer on DS9 and Jake tells him he had a vision of their father. It appears they have a rocky relationship (of course because families can't be happy for some reason)
>Jake Sisko is now a writer living on earth at his grandpas old restaurant, gets call from Quark but decides not to answer it. Then sees a vision of his dad

Part 2
All the characters are gathered on DS9 and they see Nogs ship come through the wormhole

As soon as Nog gets a message to DS9 it explodes killing everyone on ship including Nog

We find out the person Quark is talking about dying is the Hologram Vic Fontaine.

Last scene of first episode has Siskos vision appear in front of everyone.

>Kiera is now Vectis (pope of the bajorans)
They did the same thing in STO, I know she's religious but I find it hard to believe that she would become full Kai/Pope.

Yea I agree. Her character was more of a Paladin character, in which she held strong beliefs but she was a warrior not a priest. At first I hated her but as time went on I began to really like her character through the seasons. I can't see her as a kai.

Oh and they planned to have section 31 be a major plot point in the show- and eventually reveal Bashir as being the head of it. Section 31 was trying to destroy the Wormhole to get rid of religion from the Universe. Seriously this was the main plot they came up with.


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>trying to destroy the Wormhole to get rid of religion from the Universe
But the Prophets are aliens? Is that really what they said or did you get things confused in your retard brain?

so where is her sex tape link?

>But the Prophets are aliens?
Yes, like God, angels, daemons, spirits, dragons, desu everything that is not human (or Bajoran if you are bajoran) is alien by definition.

Hottest female on Trek, ever.

It's supposed to rain tonight lads. I'm gonna watch tng. Shit will be C O M F Y

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Shut up, faggot. I want to know if Ira really said he wanted Section 31 to end religion by destroying a wormhole full of aliens or if the user who posted that is a retard.

after first 3 episodes of battlestar galactica (including miniseries) im considering dropping it for star trek. should i switch right away or give it more time? it seems so sterile and soulless, will it stay that way?

But your question is caduc now

Forget OldTrek and move right towards Star Trek Discovery (and the web series).

Don't reply to me again.

Straight from their mouth.

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Did Takei ever recover from this?


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It was just brainstorming. If they had done more meetings they would've refined the plot and maybe shaved off some things that didn't hold up. The real point of those scenes was to show the writing staff's creative process, that the whole show rested on a few guys sitting in a room throwing ideas at each other. I thought that aspect was fascinating.

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We all know your pics are fake. Don't waste (y)our time.

They aren't saying Section 31 wants to destroy religion, they're saying Section 31 understands why you wouldn't let fanatical mysticism run rampant. It's the Prime Directive of spirituality -- they had a Starfleet officer propped up by locals as a Messiah which repeatedly caused conflicts amongst the nearby civilizations. Obviously they would want to discourage that. It isn't an attack on religion it's a management of your population so they don't kill each other over misunderstood alien technology.

And if there was any doubt of their idea:

The point I am making is none of what they came up with is what Star Trek is in essence. It's action schlock. They can't come up with a true star trek story to save their lives now.

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I liked Pulaski. It was nice to see Picard have to deal with a doctor who was immune to his charisma and whom he didn't want to fuck.

This is your favorite transporter room, isn't it chief?

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See You are an idiot. The pics are screen caps of the subtitles from the fucking documentary "What we left behind" that came out in 2018 after it got crowd funded to be made you retard.

>They can't come up with a true star trek story

>Star Trek Discovery : 3 seasons, 3 true Star Trek story
>Star Trek Picard : a true Star Trek story
>Star Trek Section 31 : a true Star Trek story

Why are you lying ?

>screen caps
That you and only you own

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So if someone takes Star Trek and slaps the name onto a piece of dog shit and label it candy, will you buy it and eat it?

If they are good, yes. The problem with you is that, even if the story is good, you will never buy it because fuck society fuck star trek and fuck muh women/black protagonist/liberal protagonist/modern set up/etc.

>Everything was better before

sounds like it.

Why is Section 31 lowercase? I'm not arguing with what was said, though I doubt it's real, I'm saying your interpretation is flawed.

That's a polite way to say it's fake

Unofficial subtitles. Go to RARBG and torrent the documentary. Jesus Christ. GO WATCH IT BEFORE YOU CLAIM IT ISN"T REAL RETARDS.

Well he'll stop replying if I keep openly calling him a retard and then I won't be able to dab on his clown ass.

>Unofficial subtitles.

nice pusy

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>What we left behind we left behind&pc=MOZI&form=MOZCON
>Youtube channel

You are retarded. No I will not stop replying to you. You are obviously a sub 70 IQ discord tranny paid by CBS to be an internet influencer trying to get subs to the paid CBS paid service because STD failed. I will continue posting, making fun of the talentless hacks that are now working for the Star Trek franchise as writers. Without Gene's guidance, none of them know what Star Trek is. Obviously all the talent laid with the hyper masculine racist Gene Roddenberry and this makes faggots like you cry.

>You are retarded. No I will not stop replying to you. You are obviously a sub 70 IQ discord tranny paid by CBS to be an internet influencer trying to get subs to the paid CBS paid service because STD failed. I will continue posting, making fun of the talentless hacks that are now working for the Star Trek franchise as writers. Without Gene's guidance, none of them know what Star Trek is. Obviously all the talent laid with the hyper masculine racist Gene Roddenberry and this makes faggots like you cry.

>YouTube links
boomer is busting out the big guns now lads
guess his screencaps riddled with punctuation errors were legit

CBS, Star Trek, writers = official

your subtitles = unofficial

Conclusion = your opinion is discarded

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Nobody likes Star Trek Discovery. (STD). It's why all the Star Trek threads are about old Star Trek shows. The world is filled with people that hate blacks and women. It's why your progressive shows fail.

So what is your opinion on the documentary then?

>The world is filled with people that hate blacks and women. It's why your progressive shows fail
>You are obviously a sub 70 IQ discord tranny paid by CBS to be an internet influencer trying to get subs to the paid CBS paid service because STD failed

>>The world is filled with people that hate blacks and women. It's why your progressive shows fail

>Nobody likes Star Trek Discovery
Sorry to smash your bubble

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It was a fun way to get the band back together and had a lot of heart. Seeing the writing team jam and break the story for the first episode of a new season was pretty cool. I had a great time seeing DS9 on a big movie screen.
Stop being autistic.

So you didn't watch it either.... Why are discord trannies such liars? All you had to say is you havent seen it yet and could have moved on or not even replied. I may be autistic, but I don't need to lie to myself about what sex/gender I am.

>I may be autistic

>racist against Date

This female needs to cease to exist

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why are people talking about DS9 in a /trek/ thread? it isn't trek.

Well, as said, STD posted their first episode of season 2 on youtube for free, so of course it got a lot of views.

DS9 is absolute kino and should be the only God tier

More Trek than STD yolanda.

utterly shit taste

Hmmmmm prime Gates

>DS9 isn't trek.
>B-B-B-But STD!

Is anyone excited for the Picard show anymore?

Not to a point that I mutilate myself or dress like a woman and claim I "pass".

that implies that anyone was excited in the first place

No. It looks like more of the same STD. Action shit and they obviously have stopped using experts that keep the lore in line and actual people with science knowledge on the show to ensure the sci fi is at least plausible.

>he has no argument so he starts calling everyone a tranny
Classic Yea Forums

True, you're much more eloquent when it comes to advertising your mental illness. I'm a mere discord tranny shilling for CBS and STD by never mentioning CBS or STD, what do I know about anything.

I asked a simple question and it triggered the STD trannies. Because it wasn't about STD and was about a DS9 documentary. That will more than likely get more views that STD's whole second season.

Cockney hArpies in me conduits 'Cappin

>what do I know about anything.
Good point.

>muh CBS shills
>muh discord trannies
Wow, got em

>he thinks he's figured out corporate star trek conspiracies but can't tell when someone is fucking with him
may be autistic

And I cannot lie
You other cardies can't deny
When a wrinkle nose walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face
wanna pull up tuff
cuz you noticed that butt was
deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop starin
Oh baby
I wanna enslave ya
put your husband in the grave yeah
Damar tried to warn me
but that butt you got makes me so horny
oh rump-o'-smooth skin
you wanna be "friends"?
well use me use me
cuz you ain't that average slave-she
I've seen her dancin
to hell with romancin
she's sweat
got it going like a turbo 'vette
I'm tired of propaganda
sayin spoonettes are the thing
take the average grey man and ask him that
those wrinkles pack much back
so cardies (yeah) cardies (yeah)
bajoran whores got that butt? (hell yeah)
make 'em shake it (shake it)
shake that healthy butt
bajoras got back

Attached: deathornight8.jpg (475x364, 31K)

Good one
I suggest you leave... now... before there is another... accidennnnt

Okay, but have you watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes yet?

They wanted to be strong and for their ship to go.

Another thread ruined by the discord tranny. Rad.

Gowron is dead. Work killed him because he was being a dick and not giving Martok credit for all his victories.

There also has been a ship that can fire while cloaked in the main canon. Star Trek 6. General Chang’s bird of prey.

I was never excited for the Picard spin-off. It's Logan+Firefly with the style of STD.

Of course.

Wait, is star trek discovery actually a good show? Or am I getting too old for ironic shit posting? Redlettermedia told me it sucked.

*Worf killed him

Fucking autocorrect.

Discovery is shit
Reddit Le Media is shit
You are shit

Brilliant rebuttal. As someone who was watching the shows as they aired I found it hard to consider DS9 as being in the same universe as the rest of Trek. Tonally and aesthetically it was a drastic departure, not helped by the fact that the events, despite being portrayed as huge within the confines of DS9 were glossed over or outright ignored by the rest of the franchise.

This isn't /trek/. It's "Star Trek General" apparently.

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>get rid of religion
What I don't understand us how the humans on the show are downright hostile towards religion on Earth but readily accept religion on Bajor because muh culture, muh prime directive. By all rights they should have been like, "you worship aliens in a wormhole, you people are idiots."

I’d pay good money if he’d shut up.

>There's supporting evidence that backs up Parrot's data. CBS had aimed to get 4 million subscribers to All Access by 2020, but on an investor's call in February this year confirmed they'd already hit that target.

>According to Parrot Analytics, a data analytics firm who measure demand for TV shows across the globe, Star Trek: Discovery season 2 was a measurable hit. Between April 6 and May 5 - the season 2 finale, "Such Sweet Sorrow", released on April 18 - Star Trek: Discovery was the most in-demand digital original series worldwide.

>Star Trek: Discovery Became The Most Popular Streaming Show In The World

This is the Cartmanland principle in effect.

STD (((STAR TREK DISCOVERY))) sucks. The only saving grace is to watch it to see just how bad the writers are now a days in Hollywood. Also watch it to laugh at how retarded they are- even someone in High School special education couldn't make the science mistakes they made during the first 2 seasons of the show. The writing is atrocious.

Everybody except /pol/ so everybody

I loved when they had Starfleet admirals talking about how grim the war with the Klingons was going and how they conquered most of the Federation and were poised to attack Earth but the casualty numbers were only in the thousands.
And then you have Martok in DS9 saying that the Klingons never considered attacking Earth directly.

oh ok. are you into business analytics?

What do you want to know?

Do Federation citizens drink soda pop?

>>There's supporting evidence that backs up Parrot's data.
Parrot's data means nothing. It's based on the number of times people use a certain term. It doesn't even matter if it's in a positive or a negative way.
For example if one person says "Discovery sucks" and another "Discovery is a great show", their algorythm will count as "2" mentions of "Discovery", meaning that there's an "interest" in the show.

Yes lol, they just don't give a shit about the canon.

>Parrot's data means nothing. It's based on the number of times people use a certain term. It doesn't even matter if it's in a positive or a negative way.
>For example if one person says "Discovery sucks" and another "Discovery is a great show", their algorythm will count as "2" mentions of "Discovery", meaning that there's an "interest" in the show.
They know better than you

Is star trek discovery a good show

>caring about STD analytics reports
wew the tism is strong with /trek/ today

Their job is to give you a big number to impress your investors. It's based on nothing.
Their algorithms scrub the mentions on social media, that's it.

At least it's not a wheelchair debate

Shit, I meant scan, not scrub.

Wheelchairs, much like dogs, women, and minorities, have no place in Gene Goddenberry's true vision of a future full of white men exploring space and bromances.

Pitbulls are wild animals which regularly attack and are too dangerous to be allowed as domestic pets. Anyone who says otherwise should be put in a cage with a hungry pitbull.

This isn't /trek/, this is "Star Trek General." It's like the Simple English version of /trek/.

Except for Captain Christopher "Beep Beep" Pike.

Nah, I agree my dude.

No. They drink something resembling soda pop but in reality it's just recycled, reconstituted piss.

Fact: If you use a wheelchair then you can't be in Starfleet (please ignore this image).

Fact: If you look human then you are human (please ignore this image).

Attached: please ignore this image.jpg (1440x1080, 486K)

Pulaski was fuckin' based. She was basically Riker's mommy considering she fucked his dad raw. Not to mention she wasn't afraid to tell Shitcard to go fuck himself.

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Remember that time user posted about shitting his chair and his dog licking it up?
My post is a chair covered in shit. You're the dog.

Why didn't the Voyager writers' room have a whiteboard for keeping track of shit?

Attached: DS9 writers room.jpg (1200x900, 155K)

Imagine if someone writing for Voyager kept track of their shuttlecraft, so they didn't end up losing 20+ shuttles over 7 years.

Buy a fucking whiteboard, Rick!

Attached: DS9 writers room.jpg (900x1200, 249K)

Because they were busy WRITING, not circle jerking to their EPIC LORE!

>ywn chase your Bajoran rape slave through the southern jungles, rescuing her from so many space panthers and space gorillas that she realizes you're her protector and falls in love with you
>ywn let out a primal tarzan yell letting the southern jungles know you're king after seeing your bajoran rape slave's pusy for the first time
>ywn load the southern jungles program in the holodeck sometimes just to feel alive
why even live


I've been thinking of trying to write a Trek novel. Would a TOS era story with Kirk and crew making first contact with Bajor be a good concept?

Attached: whathesaid.png (1215x273, 41K)

No that sounds boring
You should write about a day in the life of a holodeck janny

What's with all the reposts?

Heres the one they had during their brainstorm session for the "What we leave behind" documentary.

Attached: DS9 Whiteboard.png (1920x1080, 2.31M)

sure, maybe kirk will meet kira's great grandmother

Why didn't Voyager have a computer program that kept track of all the progressive ideas they had? They had it for the documentary.

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>implying they can't replicate shuttle parts

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Why? It's just 8 hours of cleaning semen 95% of which belongs to Reg Barclay...

at least 50% is LaForge's

Okay write yet another fanfic about Kirk, nobody's seen that before.

Right, "meet" wink, wink.

>lol just kidding we have infinite resources lmao
Fooled me again, Voyager writers. Fooled me again.

Ok, pitch me an idea that isn't about cleaning semen.

There's a holodeck malfunction while a janitor is cleaning and his memory is erased and he thinks the program is real. He spends a few hours playing the hero in the program until crew members start looking for him, or maybe someone else who had scheduled time on the holodeck shows up, and he realizes he isn't a hard-boiled detective or an old wild west sheriff but a janitor on a spaceship. Maybe a five page story at the most.

Why are people always so mad that comfy Voyager wasn't a survival horror series?

Something that can carry 100k words please.

Because that's exactly what it should have been. The crew should have been slowly picked off by the horrors they encounter until Janeway does a Ripley and goes into the Borg hive to fuck up the Queen. Instead we got a "comfy" show about retards blindly following the orders of a madwoman.

You want me to write your entire fanfiction for you?

Because if they wanted it to be comfy with infinite resources then they should have chosen some other premise instead.

People hate Voyager not for what it is but for what it isn't.

No, just an actual concept since you think mine is shit.

Because when you're 11 DS9 is awesome and seeing people lose legs and lots of pew-pew is cool.

Nah, everyone's just already said their peace about Voyager so discussion always gravitates towards what could have been. I've only seen a couple episodes and couldn't click with any of the characters because they all seemed boring and vanilla, the flying spoon ship was repulsive, Seven is the ugliest and least compelling tits and ass character I've ever seen, Chakotay looks stupid with his face tattoos, and so on and so forth. It gets boring talking about why I don't like something so the more interesting path is discussing what I would have enjoyed, and I have to assume that's the same for most fans who were expecting another TNG and got the bland nothingness which was VOY.

I already gave you an idea. Stop being a bitch and go write something, if you can. Let's find out what happens when Kirk lands on a planet.

because it was TOO comfy

>hot as fuck day, been pulling and pushing hundreds of pounds of wire all day
>thunderstorm hits as i'm driving home
>dog jumps on me and gets wet dog smell on me
>see a package in my porch
Week salvaged.

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You're just being a cunt

>Seven is the ugliest and least compelling tits and ass character I've ever seen

OK now I know you are trolling tranny faggot. Voyager always had one of my favorite episodes, "Living witness". I wouldn't say voyager was my least favorite of old trek, but it did have the most episodes I normally skip because I didn't like any of the characters other than Janeway, the doctor and Torres.

For those who watched the DS9 documentary, how are the remastered scenes?


All I know is that Jessica Lynn was the star.

They didnt' show much of the old show, it was mostly just them interviewing the old cast, the guy with the blue goatee talking and them brainstorming a new show. Judzia Dax raised a bit of hell because they killed her off the show, said they told her that if she didn't like her deal she could go work at Wal Mart, I guess she liked Wal Marts retirement package.

No, if you're fanfic user this is what encouragement looks like. If you can write a compelling story about Kirk and shut me down then why are you wasting time replying to me? If you just want to hypothetically glue macaroni noodles to paper plates then, sigh, okay well done. I'll put this on the fridge next to your drawings of Kirk fucking Picard's mom. You're so talented, honey.

If you're the Voyager user then I'm sorry your favorite show is unremarkable and remembered as the worst series.

why was DeForest wearing drag?

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You don't even know who you're being a cunt to, lol.

Feels good mang


Robert Picard was the lovechild of Picards mother and Kirk.... Is that why there was a rift between the two? Knowing that Robert was the seed of the manliest man in the universe? Is this why Robert acts like a real man and Jean Luc always acted like a cuck?

Hopefully someone extremely talented who's going to blow me away with a story so full of love and passion it makes me cum

Reading makes you cum? See a doctor.

No, seeing people rise to meet a challenge makes me cum.

>The "Pulaski? More like I want to fuck you in the ass-ki".
More like "I'll never pull out-ski".

See, that should only happen as the result of direct sexual stimulation. If you're spontaneously ejaculating you probably have prostate cancer or something.

Quit playing bro, butt cancer's no joke. This is a serious discussion about Star Trek fanfiction not assgasms

the picture of quark on the inside of the box is pretty rad

It started out perfectly fine.

I´ll never forgive Jew#metoo Moonves for canceling Enterprise just as it got good.
Romulan War with the refitted NX would´ve been fucking Kino!

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If your prostate's in your butt then you have more problems than I thought.


There´s something fundamentally wrong with you people.
Preferring that conceited old broad to breeding a proper redhead.

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obvious underage. Summer is here.

I always get prostate and colon cancer mixed up
There need to be more Trek episodes about this stuff

Hurrr durrr neck yourself

It's okay, it's not like intelligent people know basic anatomy.

Just checked it. Neat.

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retarded and a goddamn waste of digits..

I admire your naivete.
Picard WILL get me to watch it though.
I should know better but I won´t be able to resist.

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Hey, how much time on average do you spend thinking about prostates and colons? Prostate sounds like it should be a butt thing anyway

>that hair
God I'm glad permed up hairsprayed to hell and back hair went out of style. I can literally smell the aquanet through that pic.

Row Row Row your boat........

>dad buys whole family TNG action figures back in the day
>lil brother got Geordi
>big bro got some edgy robo-demon from some edgy McFarlane comic
>I got Data
>Dad took Worf
>Mom got Crusher
>tfw used to rub Crusher-figure's tits all the time

I miss star trek lads

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What did they feel like?


20 years earlier, she was in TOS as the wife of Sargon (the episode where three glass balls contained the souls of a dead race of people). She was pretty hot in her prime.

where the fuck is that abomination from? That looks nothing like a star ship from star trek.

looks like a miranda-class ship to me ya knucklehead
you ever watch wrath of khan or TNG, crap-for-brains?

or ds9

That tiresome lie again. Why don't they tell us how many viewers they have each episode then? Does anyone know how many viewers the second most popular streaming show had? That would at least give us some idea of who many viewers ST:D had. If the #2 program had 10,000 viewers, then ST:D is, in all likelihood, a failure and costing CBS a lot of money.

it got good

Enough to know where things are in my body.

I take it you've only ever watched STD and the JJ movies?

Well then write a fanfic about Kirk's prostate JEEZ

They had the first episode of season 2 up on youtube for a few months. Never broke a million views.

Who the fuck would sell out his race to become slaves for the Dominion?! How the fuck is that a solution? Yeah the Klingons conquered half of your empire. But being a "third rate power" is still better than being a slave.

Gul Dukat did everything wrong.

It's better to rule in hell than serve in heaven.

Good ole Parrot Analytics. Owned by CBS. Ranks popularity by how many posts it gets mentioned in on social media and youtube. Gives extra points to youtube. It never trended once on twitter or facebook. All the hate videos about it are counted towards its popularity

mold injected plastic.

because they weren't slaves, until they were losing.

Why are you so focused on butt stuff? Are you gay?

You've got it backwards. It's better to rule in heaven than to serve in hell.

Gul Dukat is Lucifer?
>How you are fallen from heaven,
>O Lucifer, son of the morning!
>How you are cut down to the ground,
>You who weakened the nations!
>For you have said in your heart:
>'I will ascend into heaven,
>I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
Gul Dukat is Lucifer.

Wrong intro, dumbass.

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As I understand it industrial replicators can do anything but it still requires base materials.

based uncultured user

You're wrong but you're probably underage so it's fine.

What's wrong with butt stuff?

>What's wrong with butt stuff?
It's gay

You're kidding, right?

>Romulan War
If they had an entire season of time to fill, they'd have eventually fucked up the "No one knows they're related to Vulcans until TOS because no one ever saw one's face during the entire war" continuity.

Maybe the crew finds out but vows to keep it secret?

If Dukat wanted people like Sisko and Kira to like him then why didn't Dukat just stop being a self-serving asshole?

Girls have butts. Since you assume all butt stuff equals putting a dick in someone's prostate I'm starting to think you might be the gay.

Because they were wrong most of the time and Dukat was right, most of the time. Dukat is not a man who pities the fool.


I am aware girls have butts queer boy. However anal sex is predominantly associated with homosexuality.

I'm not responsible for what people think about anal all I know is you're the person who keeps talking about butt stuff with someone you think is gay instead of writing your Kirk fanfic

not perfect, but agreeable, doubledubs confirm. cant wait for some fuckwit contrarian to ruin it

You're the one who suggested a plot about Kirk's prostate faggot. Maybe if you took your boyfriend's dick out of your mouth once in a while you could focus on how gay you sound.

Best TNG season? Must see episodes from 2 and 3? Thinking of skipping them.

Wormhole aliens nuke an entire Dominion invasion fleet. Were the Founders not aware of potentially hostile godlike aliens in the wormhole who where in communication with a high ranking Feddie? Did their intelligence not pick this up?

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not gonna fight you. You're obviously right. Crusher was literally who. Pulaski was a real character.

Lot of stupid all over this list.
STD needs to be in satanic, Outlaw Star needs to go to Very High, just to name 2.
And Lexx in very low? Fuck you.

When you think of yourself as a God, you don't really believe in the might of the other gods.

seems like a comfy family you got there

Moving away from gay anal to gay oral now, are we? Thinking about sucking dick is gay, right?
How much writing have you gotten done tonight?

Just thinking about how gay you must be to keep posting. Your constant need to defend yourself speaks volumes about the depth of your homosexuality. Though it sickens me in a visceral way I can't help but admire your commitment to that degenerate lifestyle. Taking man after man into your mouth as they penetrate you again and again. Even then, your shame compels you to deny your nature with puerile comments amounting to "nuh uh, y-you're the gay." Maybe you should get a hobby that doesn't involve male sexual organs? Just a thought.

skipping is bullshit. The only thing you should skip are ENT and DISCO cause they are not treks. Other than that, watch everything. Episode that is considered bad, can be good for you and the other way around. And even the bad ones had something in them.

fucking. this.

I'm aware of the Khan reference, I just can't let stupidity go un-checked. And I got trips so I win.

Why are you writing fanfic about Anonymous sucking dicks?

>the Khan reference
lol good bait have a (You)

Max comfy tbqh famalam. Middle class family in the upper midwest late 80s-early 90s.

Good point, but did the Founders ever do anything godly? Aside from liquid sex.

It's not fanfic, I just can't envision someone who acts that way not being a flaming homosexual.

You're writing text walls about how much you admire me for sucking multiple imaginary dicks. Honestly you have some skill, if you ever actually write up a story with a character not based on me you should post it here.

Based. Severely underrated character.

>"Fall asleep" reading a particularly erotic chapter
This is code for she masturbated her lights out, in case any of you bois didn't get it.

They're not imaginary you degenerate. Hard to believe you can focus on your rebuttals while being repeatedly sodomized but you faggots never cease to amaze with the depths you'll sink to.

Fuck off, ValleyForge.

>>Jake Sisko is now a writer living on earth at his grandpas old restaurant, gets call from Quark but decides not to answer it. Then sees a vision of his dad
>living on earth at his grandpas old restaurant

Which is funny,because in real-life Cirroc Lofton actually own and manage several restaurants!!

Why is Janeway such a bigot?
The nyrians have such a rich culture. Let them in!

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>Kira is now Vectis (pope of the bajorans)
oh fuck me sideways how stupid can you get

Worf killed him to save the Klingon empire from themselves and return them to the path of honor.

Pulaski was the superior character.
Crusher was the superior piece of ass.
That is exactly why she was re-cast.

They ALREADY FOUGHT the fucking Roms and it basically created the first mini-Federation.
Also the cringy Borg&Ferengi eps proved they could pull off silly premature reveals.

It would´ve worked.

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Because we were literally taken for stupid even back then.
And it would´ve been so easy to just mention some rooms getting bullshit refited into fucking industrial replicators or somesuch crap to at least create a bit of atmosphere of scarcity.
Thus tension and actual drama.

To a mortal, doing something godly is wiping out a single fleet. To a god, doing something godly is directing the evolution of a thousand species for a ten thousand years.

>be a post-scarcity spaceship
Shut the FUCK up, you mouthbreather

>start the show by explicitly explaining to the audience that you do have problems with scarcity
I wonder which Berman who goes by the name of Rick could be behind this post.

This is correct. False gods (Prophets) destroy, but true gods (Founders) create.