Where’s the best place to watch these fucking movies online?

I’ve been trying to make my way through Studio Ghibli, but I deleted my search history and now for the life of me can’t find the website I was using to stream them on.

Attached: 1CFC0B78-3D80-4CCB-BFB1-BBC5294D0825.jpg (640x480, 25K)

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purchase them legally

Yeah, nah. They’re not available on iTunes and the blu rays cost $80.


Try not being poor??

>the blu rays cost $80.
they cost like 20, just get one a month and slowly make your way through the films

>streaming ghibli
unironically kys

Attached: [REVO]Mononoke Hime[1080p,FLAC] [7694B834].mkv_snapshot_02.05.32_[2018.09.30_22.14.38]_waifu2x_photo (3072x1664, 3.88M)

Attached: DCD12DC8-09E4-4498-861A-B6DE0526DBFE.png (828x1792, 750K)

Ocean Waves is the patrician choice, film4 kino at 4am

get a different, cheaper, edition

Not OP, but thanks.


If you got more wallpapers user, post em.

>watching movies
Kill yourself zoomer.

Mononoke > Spirited Away > Kiki > Arriety > Totoro > others > shit > Howls > Marie

Still havent watched Yamadas, Kaguya, Earthsea, Ponyo

shit > Mononoke > Spirited Away > Kiki > Arriety > Totoro > others > Howls > Marie

back to your own boards, tourists

>Can't figure out where to stream Ghibli
A good part of the catalogue is on SBS you fucking mong

Whisper > Only Yesterday > Totoro > Nausicaa > Mononoke > Castle in the Sky > Porco Rosso > Wind Rises > Spirited Away > Kiki's > Kaguya > Arriety > shit > Howl's

I got into ghibli movies through