At least she's not black

At least she's not black.

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She is from the Multiverses.

At least she's not gentile

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But her love interest is...

So We will get 2 chis thors movies at best and after he will go the same route as iron man?
worst case scenario guardians 3 builds up for thor to give the whole movie to portman

I love when user says this while ignoring that blacks are symptoms and not the cause of the disease.

Natalie Portman and her ilk are the ones in control.

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What's wrong with Natalie being in control?

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In English, doc?

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OP, just watch, they'll kill off Jane and make that ugly nigger dyke into Thor!!!FACT!!!

God fucking damnit.

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>wanting a character called Beta

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>we could have had this
>instead we got the worst possible timeline with feminist thor, fucking worst thor arc in the comics
just kill me in my sleep famalam

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It’s actually much worse.

It's going to be great!

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Portman is fucking cute and actually a good actress. I am fucking hyped. Its not forced either. And thank god its not some ugly black chick.

I would've taken Throg over this. At least then we'd have more pepe edits.

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emma stone said no xD


I honestly thought they'd turn Valkyrie into Thor

She's a tv transplant and she failed as a lead. Hershlag is a much safer bet even if it was pretty obvious they planned on never having her seen again in these films.

Blame Taika

Portman genuinely seems embarassed to be involved with this

Since they seem to be keeping the metal/rock theme from Ragnarok I wouldn't mind this if they gave femThor a glam rock look. Like a mullet and Bowie esque face paint or something.

She's genuinely interested

>Wants out of the Thor movies because they suck
>Ragnarok comes out and everyone loves it
>Thor becomes even more popular from IW and Endgame
>Suddenly wants back in
Marvel should have told her to fuck off

>women comic book shit

>>Wants out of the Thor movies because they suck
She wanted out because she got duped by Marvel who had promised her that Patty Jenkins would direct The Dark World. Also she had just had a baby.

>She wanted out because she got duped by Marvel who had promised her that Patty Jenkins would direct The Dark World. Also she had just had a baby.

Stupid kike bitch thought that she was in the position to demand Director approval just because she had won an Oscar. Doesn't realize that she's playing the heroes cocksleeve. Shouldn't be bringing this slithering cunt back!!!FACT!!!

She was not on contract with Marvel
She only came back for The Dark World on the condition that her friend Jenkins would direct
Jenkins wanted a script that clashed with Marvel's execs so she was let go
Portman naturally was angry

I still love the dark elves design.

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He should be in a GOTG movie.

Yeah my fear though is by starting cosmic marvel off with the gotg means it's going to be inherently goofy or at least expected to be lighthearted, which kind of takes the bite out all of it.

ROM or Bug movie never ever.

Their ships are the coolest things Marvel has ever created

As long as there's a meaningful precedent and the original character has had a fulfilling arc, this kind of casting is fine. Same deal with Falcon being handed Cap's torch. There were many movies about their relationship. They could have shown better scenes of Falcon exhibiting traits Cap would find worthy, but Marvel is not good at that.

That and the BP suit in Civil War.

Too bad they had to fuck that up immediately.

>Too bad they had to fuck that up immediately.
Not just the suit i'm afraid

I was hoping they'd get away from all the third rate heroes that haven't moved books in over 30 years that we got stuck with because Whedon is in his 50s. Y'now maybe some Clairemont inpsired X stuff or Surfer now they got the rights back. Not Avengers' girlfriends super show.

has she been confirmed as the lead? This is still a Hemsworth-Thor movie right?

This is the depths to which you cucks are prepared to sink.

The Professional was her only good role.

no problem with hawkeye since they need to bring in the younger heroes
we will probably see Stature in next Antman movie

I never saw the first couple of Thor movies. How does she go from not being in the latest Thor movies to being the lead? And are the first two worth watching?

Pregnant Anne Frank imbued with Aryan god powers to take revenge upon the Nazis when?

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She's okay in the first one, boring as fuck in the second. Same kinda goes for the movies, come to think of it, although I have a soft spot for Thor 1.

The first Thor is so loaded down with trying to be a cornerstone of Avengers it's exhausting but the strength of the Thor films is you go in not expecting anything and come out better because of it.

She's not white either...

The first one is okay at best, the second one is up there as one of the worst MCU movies