Is there any movie or show that deals with Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain?
It's a really interesting subject that could make good stories.
Is there any movie or show that deals with Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain?
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Alien 3
The """infographic""" you posted has nothing to do with the retardery you're spouting. Women's brains do not become genetically warped from sperm.
>Women's brains do not become genetically warped from sperm.
Yes it does.
>Male microchimerism was found in 21% of women overall.
>Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse.
>he doesn’t know
>Results ranged from the DNA equivalent of 0 to 20.7 male cells per 100 000 female cells.
Whoa, interaction with men causes women to absorb male cells. Who knew. Let me guess, you think this is “proof” that children of promiscuous women have multiple fathers.
Still waiting for anybody to provide proof of brain defect...
is this the new "multiple partners cause big labia"?
>vanished male twin
>autoimmune diseases dont have any effect on the brain
ok retard
wtf are you talking about
t. Seething roastie/spouse of roastie
It's possible for a woman to carry traces of DNA from any man who's jizz she has consumed.
Also an interesting concept I never see discussed on the issue is the fact that women who swallow the fathers sperm tend to have easier/successful pregnancies, compared to one night stands for instance.
>It's possible for a woman to carry traces of DNA from any man who's jizz she has consumed.
damn, women are like the thing?
I read some independent euro study on it and I can't find the source anymore, but the group of women who had the highest concentration of male dna were those that had had abortions...Hmmmmmmmm
maybe you should go out and kill all women with fire
Ah , found it. Wasn't Euro
>Male microchimerism was found in 21% of women overall. Healthy women and women with RA did not significantly differ (24% vs 18%). Results ranged from the DNA equivalent of 0 to 20.7 male cells per 100000 female cells. Women were categorized into 4 groups according to pregnancy history. Group A had only daughters (n = 26), Group B had spontaneous abortions (n = 23), Group C had induced abortions (n = 23), and Group D were nulligravid (n = 48). Male microchimerism prevalence was significantly greater in Group C than other groups (8%, 22%, 57%, 10%, respectively). Levels were also significantly higher in the induced abortion group.
WTF is wrong with women?
>WTF is wrong with women?
You thought they were anime waifus but it turns out they're actually mammals
Why can't they just be normal like men?
Really gross.
Do we need to burn all wahmen with flamethrowers?
In theory, gay sex can lead to microchimerism in the brain too. Just it isnt as easy to detect as in women.
You do realize women are only whores if men allow them to be, right?
Men can just stop having sex with them and bam women are all suddenly pure virgins.
Amazing, isn't it?
That's the brainlet opinion
We need to burn their enablers