Star Wars Rise of Skywalker

>2 movies talking about how the Sith and the Jedi don't exist any more.
Why do they look like First Order Stormtroopers? What did they do for 30 years? Are they clones? Does any of this make any sense? What about the Grysk?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no replies
So... Star wars really is dead... Huh


Star wars is dead

yeah the fans simply don't care anymore.

Last Jedi killed the lore

I knew a dude with full body Star Wars tattos, many of which were referencing events in the books even.
Last time I saw the guy was at the midnight premier of Attack of the Clones...
With how Star Wars has turned out I just imagine that guy is dead in a ditch somewhere or has a body full of laser tattoo removal scars.

Disney killing the EU killed the lore then TFA made him even worse, TLJ did nothing in comparison with these two things

>What about the Grysk
I doubt they will reference the Thrawn books in the movies. It’s just the First Order vs the resistance.

What's there to care about? They ruined the old characters and then killed them off, leaving us with some bland new characters that are less interesting. And then they pay shitty clickbait writers to shit on the fans because they won't grovel at the feet of Disney for more garbage. I hope this movie bombs hard because of how they treated the fans, but who knows? The general public might still go see this. I know I'm not.

The FUCK are The Grysk?

>What about the Grysk?
Only the movies are canon for Disney

How many times will you repost this thread disney?

What were those sith troops and all doing 30 years?

Orgy. Look it up on Wookieepedia.

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>what did they do for 30 years
Perfect 3D printing red stormtrooper armor

I don't get how Star Wars threads here still get tons of replies. How could you still be interested in it after the last movie?

Nobody even care if this is real or not. I bet this was leaked by Lucasfilm because nobody is talking about their stupid movie

Literally nobody cares about SW anymore.

Darth Vader is alive?

Tell that to Maul in Solo

There’s a rumor that parts of the film involve time travel


>yfw Darth Vader is his own father.

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I mean, it IS J.J. Abrams and he can't avoid his own tropes forever.

>Hey guiz, lets talk about mistery boxes!
Fuck off, shill

>What about the Grysk?
AAH AHA HH HZHAHHHHAAHAA star wars fans are fucking stupid

i only come to star wars threads in the hopes of seeing some beefy pepperoni nips

I'm completely indifferent to Star Wars now that it's been polluted with Feminazi/SJW trash!!!FACT!!!

Say it...

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Fuck off George

>there are Sith Jumptroopers that LITERALLY EJECT from their TIE Fighters to continue the fight on ground
Are you excited?

You say that as if it were a bad thing.

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Id rather just have Dark Troopers tbwh fellow star wars nerd.

No. Whatever cool scenes they could possibly have will just be ruined by getting killed by nigga trooper and the diversity gang.

I'd rather have something new and exciting than the same shit with a slight difference.

Aim sorry George. But you’ll be happy to know I’ve never seen a Disney wars film past TFa. But even then, my TFA was a chinese rip.


Sounds about right. Thanks JJ

>jumptroopers eject like a rocket from their TIE Fighters while they fly
>jumptroopers have jetpacks too
So, what happens with their Tie fighters?

I actually like The Last Jedi

Tree Troopers

Yes because he appears in clone wars but don't expect nothing from the Nu Wars books or games in the movies


Subterranian Dig Troopers

Their story group had one job. One job. That they were payed actual money for. These people are so mindmeltingly incompetent that they made a random autist who spent his own free time painstakingly compiling a canon timeline of the franchise to just throw up his hands and say "Okay, if you're not going to take this seriously, then why should I?"

>Introduce Knights of REN in TFA
>skip them in TLJ
>use them in Rise of Skywalker
>INTRODUCE A NEW VILLAIN FACTION Instead of fleshing out the Knights of Ren
Bravo J. J.

I have no fucking idea what's going on in those new movies.
How the fuck is the New Order stronger than the Empire that got BTFO?

>BvS writer wrote Rise of Skywalker
Will it be kino? LITERALLY the only shred of originality and interest ING stuff that could come from RoS

Buț how the fuck do Palpatine's Sith Troopers look like First Order Stormtroopers if they were made 30 years ago during the Empire's reign and they have star destroyers with death star technology too? Was Snoke a puppet of Sheev?

Just turn your brain off, bro.
It’s just a kids movie about space wizards with glowing sticks, bro.

Based and checked. Fuck off nerds.

Why complain? They are just made to sell toys, nothing new from The awful prequels or original trilogy

>miss every shots in your TIE and gets shot down.
>eject, fight on the ground but miss every shots again and get shot down.

Trooping is a hard life.

Aparently the Sith troopers can actually shoot compare to Stormtroopers. Thats why they are such a threat and KKKylo wants them

The Last Jedi is a GOOD movie and you know it

They could literally bring back Yoda to fight a sheev-possessed Luke and people still wouldn't give a shit.

It's sneed wars or nothing.

We actually see the Sith Jumptroopers în The teaser trailer. They are in The shot on the desert planet where they chase Poe and Finn. I think we also see the Sith star destroyers in The shot of the falling A Wing, that ship looks like a Venator too.

I'm more excited for Universal's Battle star Galactica movie reboot than Star Wars.

you know you fucked it big time when not even the mega nerds can keep with it


The New Republic is just that incompetent.

see the link that the other user posted

Alien from the unknown regions.

There is a giant 3D printer in space that prints star destroyers, clones and armor.


All Sith troopers look like rey

Time travel bro.

Holy fuck! We’re getting a BSG movie!?


Reminder that
>After being defeated in RotJ the Empire ordered all its own shit destroyed
>This is why there's no Empire in the ST
>The New Republic that formed was then perfectly okay with former Imperials getting together to form the First Order and took no action against them
>Because of this the New Republic was entirely wiped out
Everything about Disney Wars lore is a joke. It wouldn't surprise me if after Kylo is defeated the First Order is completely wiped out despite controlling the whole galaxy, and then in the sequel sequel trilogy there's a New New Republic and a New Empire to fight each other.

the big guy

the prequels killed the lore

That’s pretty fucking bad.

Nah. Disney desperately wants people to think that, though, as I’m just ever so sure you’re aware.

Five years ago I would have cared.

Not today.

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A good question... for another time.

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I still can't believe they killed SW. At least it's dead for me. I haven't seen Solo even though it's been on Netflix forever. I just don't care. I've spent at least a couple hundred dollars a year on Star Wars since college. Haven't spent a dime since TFA. I even forgot that the title had been released a few weeks back.
Great job, Disney.

>Nobody even care if this is real or not. I bet this was leaked by Lucasfilm because nobody is talking about their stupid movie

I’m sorry George. You are Star Wars.

Keep trying, disney shill.

The New Republic dismantled most of their military, and ignored the first order the entire time.

>Darth Maul gets cut in half and falls down a massive pit
>Qui Gon gets stabbed in the gut
Explain this shit Starfags

never cared for star wars. just couldnt get into it. watching a guaranteed cash cow get tanked is way more entertaining though. 4 BILLION DOLLARS

Maul's species is more durable than humans

I'm sure they will leak the script if they think it's good to get interest up for the movie.

Power of Hate?

and that's a good thing.

Attached: and that's a good thing.jpg (1440x1569, 530K)

All due respect to Terrio, boy, I sure do love cots.

The Rise of Skywalker trailer from months ago has 30 million views. At least three of those are from me, and I have no interest in seeing it. I'm sure a lot of those views are from people like me.
The Jumanji trailer from last month has 16 million views.
That box office weekend is going to be fun to watch.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

>Alien from the unknown regions.
Oh great, more yak potato-face aliens.

That feel when some dumb ass dyke bitch, and some faggoty director managed to kill one of the few series in existence which literally can print money if they just followed the standard formula to the movies. But no, they had to subvert everyone and fuck everything over.

The disney trilogies will go down as the forgotten starwars movies.

What the hell evin is SW anymore. Its not a redemption tale ore a coming of age tale or even a revenge tale. Its literally nothing.

Feminist fantasy tale

user... Jumanji already has 32 million views.

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I'm sure the franchise will be carried by LGBTQPPOCWAMEN

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>huh huh, it's just capitalism brah
That's literally incorrect.

You caused this, you fat fuck.

Feels good to watch the mighty fall

Not sure where you got that from. The official trailer from Sony is showing 16m.


t-this can't be fucking real. This is heart breaking.


>"all these things happening to Solo are good things!"
>movie flops and is immediately forgotten
Why are these people allowed employment?

Did they finally realise the 'balancing the force' shit was the whole point of the other 6 films?

I'm sure they'll be real effective against plot armor.


Good I wish I were sheev

You can shit on the prequel trilogy all you want, and rightfully so, but you cant fucking deny all three had one coherent story instead of this clusterfuck where each movie is trying something different and invalidating the previous. Whoever had this idea in lucasfilm should be fired immediately as this is what have doomed them.

So whatever you want about JJ, but they should have made him create all three movies instead of just one. And its plain as daylight that he was brought in for the third movie after the reaction to TLJ and Solo flopping.

Rian Johnson is a child and a troll. KK handed him the keys to the most profitable franchise in history, and he took a giant shit on it for the lulz. I have no doubt he has loved every bit of this backlash.

who the fuck cares? nu star wars is so badly written, nothing makes sense. everyone is an asshole or behaves like an emotional teenager - not a single likeable character.

Lucas apologists will disagree but it's 100% true. Disney garbage just finished the job.

It's this one:

Imagine if this movie makes under 600 million $. It's probably going to make 800 million but just imagine if it really flops.

True, but at least it spawned some good fanfics and licensed media. Disney doesn't even have that.

Star Wars had no lore before the prequels

It’s fucking real.

I laughed out loud in the cinema at her saying that.
Its literally just "the writers can't be fucked, focus on something else"

How embarrassing.

That sentence just made me RRRRRREEEEEEEE like hell when I watched it in theater. It was the clearest sign of what to come.

>the prequels killed the lore
But it didn't kill the franchise, it did quite the opposite really. You can't say the same about the sequel trilogy.

Totally new and original

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They're paid shills, user.
Look at Mendelson's latest article in defense of Disney's monopoly on entertainment.

Attached: Mendelson (1).jpg (400x400, 39K)

Holy shit. Jumanji really is going to beat SW that weekend. I bet KK will resign before Christmas.

Sorry Gorgie

At this point, I just want her and everyone to keep doubling down until Star Wars is box office poison. To have them one day explain that the new episode 12 movie only grossed 100mil WW because of toxic fans....again, and that they'll fix it... again

>Trust no one, not even yourself

Its fantastic seeing the new things they are putting in the ST. I just hope the new alien species in the new movie are just as diverse as the troopers!

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The previous jumanji movie came pretty damn close to beating TLJ, and I don't doubt it will actually manage to do it this time.

Friendly reminder that he wrote his first (and final) draft of the script on Moleskine like a pretentious artist.

Attached: moleskine.jpg (560x911, 130K)

Disney should make a Star Wars movie staring the Rock and Gillian Anderson as a half naked twi'lek.


What the fuck is a mole skin? Is this some hipster writing notebook they sell for 10x the price?

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movies talking about how the Sith and the Jedi don't exist any more.
>Sith don't exist anymore

Got a source for that? By which I mean IN THE MOVIES.
By all accounts, if instead JJ said that Snoke was a sith, not one word of dialog would be needed to be changed in either movie.

I’m definitely seeing it. Hopefully, this time around it will get a big, main screen instead of being foisted off on one of the smaller ones while a Star Wars film plays to four empty theaters.

More or less.
They're nice due to the size and I like them quite a bit for that with note taking... That said like 99% of people who buy them are people getting high on their own farts.

formerly alive

I'd watched JJ talk about his mystery box shit before, and I knew about his reputation for building shit up on absolutely nothing. So when I saw this kind of stuff I suspected there would be absolutely nothing behind it.

overprices journal

I hope the money was worth it. You fat fuck.

I don't know we will just have to wait and see

shit trooper

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I say "and thats a good thing" in real lofe when bad stuff happens and people dony laugh. I laugh. I like the meme.

Not to sound like /pol/, but I think the weeks after TFA redpilled a bunch of GenXers about the shit that was going on culturally. I know it did for me and all of my friends that are the same age.

"And here's why that's a bad thing"
"This is why that matters"
"This is why you should care"

This is their new star destroyer, with the super weapon being that tunnel down the center.

Attached: EFdZvud.png (757x511, 296K)

Krennick was a book character before he was in the movie. Galen Erso too

Other than the fact that Luke knew of Snoke8s existence and still thought there was no longer a need for the Jedi. If someone’s out there still following the philosophies of the Sith, there is a damned good reason for the Jedi to continue.

Sequel trilogy goes Alderaan.

And this is the new rebel load lifter or something. Wedge is a member of the command crew.

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That's not true, operation cinder was not about suiciding, Sheev wanted a fight to end all fights so that only those who would survive it would be considered strong enough to rebuild the Empire. Basically accelerationism.


This is what the Star destroyer st design should have been from the start

This should've been in the movie. Imagine a shit trooper with a shit thrower covering the resistance with crap...

Yep, it's an overpriced notebook.

>Hey, let’s take the bridge tower from the back of the Star Destroyer and SLAM it on the front.

So creativity. Very wow.

Maul was literally too angry to die. That's canon.

>And this is the new rebel load lifter or something.
Fucking how? The resistance is only 20 people aboard the falcon?

And they didn't even put Obi & Anakin as an option.

Rogue One villian

That's the power of the dark side nigga

what about obi and qui gon?

How the fuck did a dozen people on the Falcon build a ship? It was over at the end of TFA. The First Order was in total control.

In order to sell the toys you have to make a movie people actually like. The nu triology is actively shitting on people who went to see it, bringing their wallets with them on the way out

hang on

in TLJ they had "death star tech" that was about the size of an AT-AT, why the fuck do they need a ship that size to carry a super weapon that can be smaller? it doesn't have to be big enough to blow up planets so why the fuck are the first order/secret sith wasting more resources on super weapons that are needlessly big in size.

fucking hell Disney cant design good star wars vehicles even if you put a gun to their head

I guess it makes sense in star wars but thats fucking dumb in real life

It shoots smaller star destroyers at light speed.

Why are they wasting money on any weapons besides hyperdrives?

In TFA butthole eyes said something about how she 'saw evil in many forms' and names the Sith, the Empire and now the First Order.
According to Disney canon the Sith were just one iteration of Dark Side users rather than the ultimate counterpart to the Jedi throughout all history.
Which still makes it a purely arbitrary distinction but Snoke and Kylo would not have considered themselves to be 'Sith'

Yeah. Still love the films with Lucas involved though. Didn't mind Solo. Everything else is heresy.

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Well it's a time skip so we don't know

Plus most of the resistance ships were repurposed older ships, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case too

There was never any “lore”... the OT was self contained and it was man baby autists who fan fic this shit into something it wasn’t.

These designs are from Armada game which takes place right after RotJ, they have nothing to do with TRoS.

Inferno Squad (the traitors from Battlefront 2 EA edition) go to the unknown regions and find some, or something like that. Leia sent them off-screen at some point, like most of the ass-pulls.

It's also where Kylo goes after Sheev and where the red guys are. Apparently everything important was happening in the galactic suburbs during the first two movies instead of, well in the movies.

Here is Wedge.

Attached: oRLICOg.jpg (1125x1069, 236K)

>the biggest franchise in existence
>durr no lore at all
dude go and hang yourself you don't pay 4 billions for a franchise with not lore

Is a shupp

>TFA introduces us to Kylo as a Darth Vader wannabe fanboy who went to the effort of finding Darth's half melted helmet and talks to it as if it's some holy relic.
>Wouldn't consider himself to be a 'sith'

Fuck Disney.

I think it was just because the Sith weren't a thing in the OT and OT nostalgia was all JJ cared about.

I would, if they come out erected and horny

They’re the Vong.

This... they should be just carrying drone hyperdrive ships and hyperdrive torpedos

Attached: JJ, make sure that Chewie dies.jpg (584x335, 126K)

Why are zoomers so lousy?

They weren't. They got books set before Rogue One released after the film did (aka: Fixfics). And they were never part of the old EU. Just Disney canon.

>lead actors score 3% on droneland
God damn.

Would you pay 4 billion for Stormlight or any other of the franchises with real fleshed out lore from a single source? Starwars was never about lore. It was about merchandise and overall design. Why the fuck do you think these dumb niggers can’t design a new uniform, trooper or ship without it being some derivative of the OT designs? The fucking EU was a mess of discontinuous fanfic, there’s no existential reason d’etre other than “muh balance of the force” which any Hollywood tranny or Nazi incel can use to mold into what ever the fuck they believe the lore to be. It’s a fucking hollow sleeve used to make money by selling toys. That’s it.

To prove there is no real lore, ask any two Star Wars fags about anything outside of the Skywalker sagas and see if you get a single shred of consensus... it’s either one fanfic or another..

>the Sith weren't a thing in the OT
not in the movies, no

Attached: sith.jpg (316x445, 27K)

>Imperial troopers who somehow wear the same armor that the first order would create 30 years later

did Sheev really use the force to see the future and copy the first order's designs because he knew his troopers wouldn't do anything for 30 years?

Worked on the movie, AMA while I'm still here. Will keep it safe for me but you can still get enough if you ask the right questions.

What does sheev do in it?

does it suck ass?

Returns, has a plan that actually starts working until the last portion of the movie.

how much did you hate your life standing in the middle of a desert behind all the other people that did more than you?

Hard to tell because I only know of stuff that was filmed but not how it's put together. I haven't seen the rough cut or anything like that. I know a bit of order but not all of it.

How does he return?

I wasn't on the Jordan set.

As his younger self.

Any Anakin/Obi-Wan cameos?

Not that I know of Christensen but I know of Ford and McGregor. Doesn't mean Christensen isn't in it, just that I don't know about it.

Who plays his younger self? Or is it cgi?

Matt Smith but I've heard that he is going to look like 30-something Ian McDiarmind, not as Matt Smith.

The book was released before. I read it before in leadup to rogue one

Yeah, they managed to crash a franchise with no survivors

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Did Kylo know about Palps' plan to come back all along?

Catalyst was released a full month prior to RO hitting theaters.
Officially that means it came out first, despite RO pre- and active production happening long before the book started being written. The latter never matters, however, in the long run.

Why would you be allowed to storyboard if you dont even have 4th grader level drawing abilities?

How was JJ on the set?
Do the people in charge know what they were doing with IX?

I have a great aunt who is about 80 years old right now who is a big fan of Star Wars with a bookshelf full of Star Wars novels she has read along with her Grand son. I don't have the heart to tell her that Dosney hand waved that all away. She hasn't seen the new movies yet because she is old and has a busy schedule still too this day.

movies talking about how the Sith and the Jedi don't exist any more.
Those two movies take place over like 4 days, so, sure. The Force has awoken.

>Those two movies take place over like 4 days
I always forget that. Makes me laugh every time

They know what they are doing as far as technical stuff. I have no idea about the script. From what I've seen and heard, the movie will be controversial. They run a professional, friendly set.

I buy the discount version for 1 dollar

>FO conquered the galaxy in 4 days

What, do you think all directors magically also know how to draw?

>sequel trilogy takes 4 days apart
I hate this

...and they never really explained what happened in the few minutes between the end of TFA and the beginning of TLJ.

Attached: this is the explanation for what happened between TFA and TLJ.png (1054x382, 513K)

some entire planets were channeling france and gave up at the first sign of trouble
some planets were already being tainted by FO spies, which let them give up to the FO.
the vast majority of the NR fleet was blown up at Hosnian Prime. nulore has half the new republic planets depending on the NR navy for defense, and the other half using their own self-defense forces bolstered only by their own planet populations. the former would have no defense against the FO, so the invasions would be short. the others would be the only problems, which are only a small handful of overall planets.

four days is absolutely bullshit, but there are "canon" ways to handwave it already in use.

Is it time travel? or is it some reincarnation stuff?

Honestly storyboards for non-animation stuff can be shit like that as long as you can tell what character supposed to do what.

Did the Reylos win?

>Busy schedule
There’s a good chance she doesn’t give a fuck about SW and was doing it just to be friends with you. Your aunt seems cool

I'm so sorry you sold the fucking series that you said you would never sell george

>invasions would be short

Faggot do you even imagine the scale of a planetary invasion? How much troops they would need to occupy just one world?

Even during prime Empire Sheev was still keeping puppet senate around because conquering everything would be too much. He only dissolved it after Death Star became online and regretted it right after.

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>Does it matter admiral
>Not one bit
Wouldn't that suggest they had a lot of reinforcements and another base that the resistance didn't know about? Isn't that exactly the sort of thing that matters in war?

So, is Palpatine back or just cameo???

I miss him

Attached: Exar_Kun_Headshot.jpg (602x850, 576K)

Given their Republic and Resistance would be reduced to a single light freighter with approximately 30 people, it's in-keeping that enemy logistics would not matter to these people.


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Having the first two movies take place back to back was stupid. It didn't allow for any character development.
Not having at least some idea of what the trilogy would be about was retarded.
I can't believe these chimps were put in charge of Star Wars.

So, will the sequel sequel trilogy be about the new Jedi fighting against the Grysk?

Maybe. Maybe the NT was just a reboot of SW that hit the notes of the OT while resolving the fate of the OT characters and will tell the EU all over again but with their OCs

I'm glad Disney can't ruin him or the old republic stuff.

>This guy knows

oh boy, can't wait for disney to file the serial numbers off KOTOR 2 and make a shittier canon version of it

This is the Republic fleet StarHawk (stronger than imperial star destroyer)

many planets have one or two big cities and that's it for population centers
very few planets are like coruscant, hosnian prime, or nal hutta.
all it takes is one hour long turbolaser barrage from an ISD to force the city and planet to surrender, otherwise the entire settlement of the planet would be destroyed.

Not possible to get shittier than KotOR 2

>The prequels were worse than this shit
t. 30yo boomer

Who's even the target audience for this crap, there's no way this is gonna be successful.
When I went to watch TLJ with some friends the only one amongst us, a girl, who argued it wasn't completely terrible isn't for sure gonna watch those movies on her own. And we agreed we won't ever watch any star warst shit again.

No, but him adding pew pew BOMBING RUN OF DOOM stuff tells me he didn't even try to.
And yes, I am aware storyboarders had fun with the images they drew within the OT, such as giving Ackbar a bib with a lobster on it.

Attached: ov3xx0c0wc801.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

sure you did

Attached: boredpepe.jpg (306x306, 20K)

You can say palpatine or the emperor. You don't have to do out of your way to use a name to signal yourself as a true scotsman.

>many planets have one or two big cities and that's it for population centers

There are canonically thousands of planets with billions of people.

Tell me again how they could conquer planets like Kuat with armed orbital rings.

the prequels enchanced the lore tenfold you traitorous kike

almost every other star wars video game, return of the jedi, the prequels, the sequels, rogue one, and solo would like a word with you

This is from a board game that takes place 1 year after the OT, absolutely no link with TROS.

You realized you yourself just invoked the no true scottsmen fallacy.

your statement equates out to "No true scottsmen signels themselves as a true scottsman." How about you let them just use palpatine, emperor or sheev and people who dont know who that is can learn more about the story.


Yeah, with shit like Midichlorians. Fuck off. Both PT and Disney trash suck dick.

>Tell me again how they could conquer planets like Kuat with armed orbital rings.
Kuat-Entralla works for the FO and built all of it's ISDs and the larger ones in TLJ.

>signal yourself as a true scotsman
The Emperor/Palpatine only got the first name Sheev in Disney canon, the late EU explained its absence with Palpatine renouncing his first name to spite his father, Cos Palpatine.
So much for true scotsmen, Sheev is only memed here because it's such a silly name and immediately struck a cord on here when it was revealed in 2014.

SW died in 1997. 38 year old xoomer here btw.

>Not possible to get bettier than KotOR 2

>How about you let them just use palpatine, emperor or sheev and people who dont know who that is can learn more about the story.
and i'm the faggot? Weird flex

Star Wars games are generally great though, at least until the 10s. That said, KOTOR 2 is great and KOTOR is proto-Disney Star Wars.

Damage control?
Sure looks like new ship designs of the First Order and Resistance, hell, they're still using old shit

A connector to the energy field known as the Force? What of it?

>Thinking its weird that people learn more about a stories setting.
>Im the faggot?

^This. You can shit on the prequels, everyone has an opinion, but to come on here with a straight face and say "The new movies were better than the prequels because." is disingenuous as fuck.

Almost none of the EU, created pre-prequels dealt with the prequel time period since that time period was actively being developed by Lucas. A vast majority of EU deals with post Endor, started with Truce at Bakura, goes from there. You have Knights of the Old Republic stuff that is chronologically way earlier and is pretty insulated from the rest.
I'm sure there's some exceptions, but let's be honest, midichlorians were already handwaved away before the end of the prequels, and some obscure darkhorse comic was probably trash anyways.
The destruction of the EU, and blame or praise, falls squarely at Disney's feet.

These ships were already present in the new canon books, we just didn't know what they looked like.
Sure, they might appear in the new film, but these designs weren't create for TROS.

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What I find hilarious is that TLJ defenders pretend TLJ is "expanding" on the more complex themes KOTOR 2 had, when the game's writer himself has straight-up said he didn't like TLJ and thought the way it treated Luke was stupid

Reminder Ackbars dead was a disgrace and fuck you

TLJ is a puppy's piss-puddle next to the depth of KOTOR 2's ocean. TLJ doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence.

Not entirely true, some of the TOR comics had "astral time travel" to the prequels era.

i hate this world...

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They're not a connector, they're simply indicators. Like you can allegedly tell your position relative to the north by looking at moss growing on tree bark. Midichlorians flock to Force sensitive people, they don't generate the Force as much as the moss doesn't create Earth's magnetic north pole.

Is Yea Forums excited for the KotoR trilogy?

Goddamn it George, I curse you and miss you at the exact same time.

At least we can all agree that Disney's first trilogy is better than the prequels

LJ only purpose was to shit not create. Kotor 2 added so much to the lore of old republic that you can't fucking talk about Kotor 1 lore and story without mentioning it, which might be a reason why only Kotor 2 threads manage to survive while Kotor 1 die 50 posts in. In Kotor 2 characters from previous game are done justice, more so than in original, are treated like heroes and those that return have satisfying development and more complex personality. Story is written by people who actually liked and knew SW and EU. Characters are likeable or interesting or both and story and lore is intriguing.

Kotor 2 deals with ptsd, force philosophy, conflict between jedi and sith, politics, Mandalorian culture and philosophy, Jedi hypocrisy and Sith stupidity, state of the Galaxy after war, foreshadowing bigger threat, asking questions about past events and looking for answers etc

TLJ just shits on everything without purpose and without meaning for no reason. It brings nothing.

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The Sith try to avoid death by living as long as possible, while the Jedi teach that there's nothing wrong about dying and giving yourself to the Force
Part of the reason Vader managed to survive getting burned up on Mustafar was that he used his hatred to keep himself alive

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Being written by the Alita writer, kinda, but Star Wars is still dead and I've already played Kotor 1 and 2.

This is the best meme from the sequels. Not because it is funny in of itself, but because it can be used for almost every plot point in the sequels.

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so we're ripping off endgame now

It's not even prequel levels.


The prequels ruined Darth Vader almost as bad as TLJ ruined Luke

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Well no. TLJ simply destroyed too much going forward that retcons are inevitable.

not really

the leaks says Rey wants to put an end to the conflict, so she travels to the mast and murders vader, sidious, luke, han and leia to prevent any other jedi or sith from being born

Then she becomes the empress and rules over the galaxy, but she's good so people love her

At the end of the day, PT Anakin would become OT Vader. Nothing in PT can change that. ST Luke, taking place after OT, can do damages a prequel can't.

Cope harder, boomer. KOTOR 2 only has childish and meaningless lines to seem cool.
>It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it
>Take the greatest Jedi Knight, strip away the Force, and what remains? They rely on it, depend on it, more than they know. Watch as one tries to hold a blaster, as they try to hold a lightsaber, and you will see nothing more than a woman – or a man. A child
>A culture's teachings, and most importantly, the nature of its people, achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves… or find themselves lacking
>They will die a death that will last millennia, until all that remains is their code, their history, and in the end, the shell of their armor upon the shell of a man, too easily slain by Jedi
>To believe in an ideal is to be willing to betray it
>Apathy is death, worse than death. Because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects
>It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built
Whereas TLJ has memorable and profound lines like
>That's how we'll win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love!
>Page-turners, they were not.
>Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs
>We are the spark that will light the fire that will restore the Republic

To be fair, Germany got btfo in WW1 and came back and almost took over the planet in WW2. The FO is honestly the only thing I feel the ST got sort of right.

>The prequels ruined Darth Vader
they did make anakin a bit of a baby at times, but his choices during ROTS make sense, because there is one thing he cares about, and that's padme
TLJ is just non-sense bullshit


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>so she travels to the mast and murders vader, sidious, luke, han and leia to prevent any other jedi or sith from being born

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Seeing as Anakin has always seen himself separate from Vader since at the very least ROTJ, what he did before donning the mask didn't matter so much. Vader remains unruined by the prequels as he gets to be Vader because the OT came first. Luke's progession from the OT on the other hand is rolled back to beginning-of-ANH levels because the mistake he makes is a mixture of the two major lessons he learned in ESB and ROTJ.
>Do not blindly trust in Force visions, or you'll pay dearly for it
>Even the worst person in the universe can be saved using the right leverage
And then he goes and attacks his nephew in his sleep for being manipulated by a powerful (not)-Sith Lord.

bait detected

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Those scene is from where The Dark Acolytw played by Matt Smith aka Palpatine reborn rises the second death star remains from water. Rey and KYLO fight

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>Thinking that vaguely and loosely dropping what, "plot hints?" in your half assed retorts in "enlightening anyone"
It'd be less gay if you sucked everyone in this chat off.

M___ S__

Prequels were better than the original trilogy


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>they did make anakin a bit of a baby at times
>literally killed children because he got triggered by pic related calling him "Master"

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kotor is so good, I think kotor 1 plot is better tho

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Reylo is the only redeeming quality of the sequel and it won't happen. Shame

What's the name of the comic where Vader defeats a Maul clone by stabbing through himself because both are powered by hatred and anger, but Maul's hatred is nothing compared to Vader's self-loathing?

Even KOTOR 1 had deeper exploration in ways the sequels don't. Just look at how Yuthura shows the downsides of the dark side and how she failed to do anything she sought out to do.

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Anakin is emotionally stunted in the prequels, that much can not be denied. He's not acting mature until he becomes Vader, and even then he keeps his fits of rage. (I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying think about what user meant when they typed "baby".)

Luke ends up being a bigger man than his father. That is by design.

No Bigger Luke jokes pls.

>killed a child
Then show me his body

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Once again only Kylo Ren looks like he's doing any actual fighting, while Rey comes across like a fucking retard.

Star Wars didn't have any lore before the prequels and the EU

The EU started pretty early, as the Marvel comics are part of it. The books didn't really gain traction until the Thrawn Trilogy in the 1991, that's true.

>And then he goes and attacks his nephew in his sleep for being manipulated by a powerful (not)-Sith Lord.
Yeah I always wondered, what made Snoke so specifically EEEVIL that Luke thought Kylo, a young boy, was beyond saving, even though he was able to get Vader, a middle-aged man who'd been using the dark side longer than he'd been alive and was the face of an empire that killed billions of people, to come back to the Light?

Kylo simply thought his monkish uncle was a weirdo and loathed being shipped off to him by deadbeat Han and career politian Leia I guess, so none of the parent generation ahd any of that leverage needed to turn him back around.

The Marvel era comics were pure shit just like the actual Marvel comics of Star Wars and nobody recognize these as canon they were in the lowest tier, the EU is the reason Star Wars is a thing without Thrawn and other books/games/comics the franchise would never get that traction

>ywn see the alternative cut where kylo raped rey, causing her to embrace the dark side, and slowly take over the relationship, with her as supreme empress and kylo as her fuckboy

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Sure, you're right. But the original comics are still part of the EU, contributing lore.

it was about a trial Sheed made with some cultist in a moon

>shy poet
>socially confident, straightforward chad
>logical-minded autist flustered by feelings
>technician more interested in technology and weapons than people
>rigid, honorable but loyal soldier who feels the need to seek kylo's approval
In one picture we already have more varied and interesting characters than the whole sequel trilogy

Reminder all the knights of ren are females

The Marvel comics were the most retarded thing that ever happened.
>Hundreds of "villain of the day" stories, 9/10 times it was another clone of the Emperor.
>Whole Emperor's family was introduced, introducing at least a dozen of his sons and one daughter.
>Leia and Luke has a third sibling.

>multiple females as villains
you think Disney or KK would ever approve of that?

There were two conflicting reports on this.
One was that they're allegedly failed Rey clones and it's possible that Rey comes from the same batch.
Second was that they're sort of zombies that were turned into something inhuman while visiting the verge of the galaxy where rules of physics don't work exactly as they should.

Unpopular opinion, but Anikins portrayal in PT is actually the best acting in that entire series and a perfect portrayal of a young Vader.

In all of his lines he delivers them super awekwardly, and shows very little emotion toward any other characters and or the lines he delivers. He acts very casual about entering combat, and fighting, and killing. These are all heavy traits of someone who suffers from psychopathic tendencies. He is narcissistic, paranoid, lacks empathy, is extremely socially awkward, has very little care for risk to self and or others. All of these things though are taken as poor acting but in fact the acting was so fucking good it completely went over most viewers heads.

Anikin was portrayed exactly how a psychopath that becomes darth vader would have acted.

Honest question, was all of that intentional on Lucas' end?

Smart man sold it for 4 Billion

The actor delivering his lines awekwardly? Probably not. The lines themselves and the way the character was written i think yes. Because what the character does and says is exactly in line with what a psychopath would do.