ITT: We claim our 80s movie waifus

For me, it is Heather.

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you don't claim a waifu. a waifu is about love, i hate mai waifu but i love her.


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She's mine bros

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phoebe cates

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The Vietnamese chick from Predator

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Her movies suck ass but I'd give anything to suck her ass

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With the 8th pick in the 80s Waifu draft we select

>Anne Archer

It's a pick out of left field Bob but surely one they will not regret, those Milkers are fabulous and her background in Scientology means the Thetian levels will be kept in check for many years.

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Based patricians

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Heather has always been crazy hot.

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winona makes my peepee hard


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Before the bolt-ons

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Beverly D'Angelo forever.

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I want her to BEAT ME UP!

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Goddman it


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>I'll let you tie me up

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One of the rare ladies who got prettier in her late 20s

who's she?


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First 8 year old crush was the girl from can’t buy me love. May she rest in piece.

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You watch Stranger Things. You know who it is

Great pick

Look at that fucking ZIIIIIIIIIIIIT

You absolute fucker.

Wow I just remembered Demolition U existed. If you weren’t there for peak Corey Haim you will never get it.

For me it's her, but only pre-makeover in Breakfast Club

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For me, it’s heather graham.

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sure everyone knows pre-makeover is the best but post-makeover is pretty cute too

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