Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

Attached: 1564659048680[1].webm (320x400, 2.01M)

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Idris Elba


Can you repost this as .gif?

I can’t view .webm on my iPhone.

why was he so joyful while being grabbed?

>Getting pleb filtered my your own phone

brown people would die in a race war



i put on some weight recently and i already feel the difference in mobility, even though i'm still more or less fit. but it's annoying and kinda discgracing enough already so I know I definitely won't put on any more weight.

Like a fucking turtle on it's back, pathetic

because it was obviously his friend playing a prank

the apex predator ladies and gentlemen

Fatties are generally jolly folk. Probably because they eat whatever and don't give a fuck.

i dont think the guy at 5 seconds really tried his best to help him

based fatty getting btfo

I hope he paid the additional fees for having luggage over 55lbs.

Download the VLC app my idude

Dios mio...

I have never once in my life met a jolly fat person. 90% of the time their personality is as bad as their appearance.

Thats just because everyone hates you

Can you use Firefox or Chrome on Apple products that play webums?

That literally looks like it would be a scene in paul blart 3: TSA

this but unironically

grab VLC

Nah, they already outnumber whitey.

No, they're not. You're the same as some roastie thinking every person with developmental or mental problems has a heart of gold or that every successful man is compensating for a small dick.

>refused help
guy was having too much fun

all women are whores though

have sex

fat men can be hilarious because they don't give a fuck but fat women are insecure headcases that resent the world

Stop replying to my post unless you have something relevant to say you incels

have sex

hating on fat chicks is always relevant

that's why you talk to them when they're eating

The Chan in the appstore dude

I know a jolly fat guy but I also know a grumpy as fuck one. I don't think being jolly has a direct correlation to fatness. I think it depends mostly on personality, upbringing and maybe gentics

Anyone know why I can view webm's on my phone if I'm connected to wifi but if I use my mobile data no webm's load?

Yea Forums btfo

They can't function without whitey.

Attached: 1564611373721.png (454x520, 11K)

Get fucked

That’s fucking pathetic. He’s not just fat, he’s a fucking moron, too.

You need to upgrade your service for more data! Please give me your full name and social security number

>that’s funny!
Those comments, when did the interwebz die.


don’t ever admit this again faggot.

I’m a jolly fatso, you bias-filtered fuck. I’m just about the jolliest asshole this side of fucking Santa.

>Can you repost this as .gif?

>I can’t view .webm on my iPhone

Attached: 1560682776561.jpg (680x940, 63K)

Frost Webm app

why the fuck has Yea Forums become /wsg/ recently?

>fat men can be hilarious because they don't give a fuck
Fat "men" are about as insecure as it gets. They "don't give a fuck" because they already lost. The only thing funny about them is their existence. Put the fork down and stop coping.
