>season 7 comes and the show is as well be dead
What happened?
Season 7 comes and the show is as well be dead
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wrong. It's kino up to the Capaldi depart and possibly with a Jodie too (haven't seen it yet)
Doctor Who is shit and I say that as a fan!
who the fuck is that whoser who still browses Yea Forums and links every single doctor who thread to /who/
I think you know.
Clara a best confirmed
I really don't
Jenna best, Clara crap
fobs here
fobs queer?
god i wish the 3 seasons curse didn't exist
just so we could get more capaldo
Hot girl, shit companion. The problem was they turned her into the Doctor. Companions work because they're different to the Doctor and offer a different point of view. When they become too much like the Doctor themselves than you just have two Doctors walking around and it's not really interesting.
Also they should have made the Clara that went on adventures with him the one from the 19th century or whenever it was who he first meets. Not just some modern day woman. Would have been more interesting.
The episode 'Blink' is what runnied Dr Who as it turned a fun kids show into serious adult drama with over complicated storyarchs and complex plots that often times clashed with one another. That problem with not only Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi but Steven Moffat era as whole. By trying to constantly repeat success of something that could only work as stand alone episode it ruined show.
The fact that Chris Chibnall trying to do same thing but lacks talent or the creavity to carry something like that through will only prove to be show downfall as it fades from public attention if it hasn't already. Dr Who is dead as they already killed it. It's just matter of time now before BBC cancels it. Thank fuck for that when they do. Dude.
They TRIED to make her like the Doctor but writing a 5 foot nothing mediocre actress with no charisma like the Doctor just came across as cringe-worthy. Hang on, am I taking about Jenna or Jodie?
>the problem was the thing that made her interesting
>companions need to be blank slates, they can’t ever have a narrative purpose where their personality has depth and is explored
>Time travelling space gentleman spends a conspicuous amount of time in the UK on planet Earth between the years 2005 and 2019
CapOLDick killed the show
>tfw still no cute twink companion
The Doctor presents as a woman now sweetie. Get educated faggot
>That Rosa Parks episode
Cringe in its purest form
Why do incels think they need to share their opinions
>tfw the tumblrites cucked us out of getting true capalkino
You should know the answer to that.
IDK, why do you faggots?
Characters should have their own personality, not the Doctor's, you dumb white knight.
Season 5
>amassive breath of fresh air compared to how dour Tennant’s year-long victory lap got
>The shitty 90s looking cinematography and production values were gone, replaced with movie-quality camerawork and color grading along with very good effects all in glorious HD
>this was also in the middle of the recession so they did all this with a smaller budget than season 4
>Writing was bumped up and most of the campy melodrama was gone, the central mystery of the silence was great and the season finale revealed how much planning had gone into it
>was incredibly satisfying to watch
Season 6
>throws a massive mystery-box bullshit thing at you immediately with no answers but promises to continue the threads of season 5
>Rest of the season goes by and it’s clear almost no planning went into it, it’s as bad as the worst of the tennant years
>Cinematography is still good but the editing and color grading is at an almost amateur level, colors are too saturated and dark/muddled which is a sure-fire sin of an inexperienced editor
>ending just left you pissed off that you wasted your time
I was basically done with the show at that point, watched a bit of season 7 and all the problems with the color grading and writing were even worse except for the episodes directed by Nick Hurran because he was an experienced movie director
I realized that my friends that insisted I needed to keep watching were the same people telling me to watch Buffy and Supernatural for the “great storytelling”, haven’t watched since
I heard Capaldi had some good episodes but nothing close to season 5, and there’s all sorts of weird BBC-mandated progressive messaging in it
Capaldi era is easily the best looking of the whole series.
It's just better in every way
>nothing close to season 5
but user, the single best episode of the whole revived show is in capaldi's run
Which? I would like to watch some, but every time watch it trash like the forest episode happens.
The problem with nuWho is there's too much focus on time travel and overarching cosmic plotlines. The show works best when the TARDIS is just a device to get the Doctor to wherever the adventure is, and then the adventure is entirely self contained. But so many episodes nowadays just have the Doctor using the TARDIS to solve whatever mystery the adventure is about, or having the adventure tie into some major organisation or alien threat.
Plus the TARDIS is used to just leave the companions in modern time when they're not adventuring, or have a bunch of offscreen adventures happen. When the show first started up again all those years ago the Doctor and companion were always just in the TARDIS about to start a new adventure. Now companions just sit at home waiting for the Doctor to show up, whose had a hundred years of adventures between then and the previous episode since the show is obsessed with trying to age him up.
Bro, this is exactly what that nerd faggot who is now Showrunner said.
From the bits I’ve seen it does look that way
It’s interesting how there seems to be no smooth transitions or continuity at the BBC when production staff changes, the editor for seasons 6 & 7 probably left
I remember a montage of the BBC Wales production staff made at the conclusion of tennant’s run in 2008/09 and the effects department was literally just two dudes in a basement with PowerMac G4s
Not that user, but Chibnall does not follow that rule at all
Quads confirm that Clara is what finally ruined the show beyond being redeemability
There’s a cottage industry of fan-fic tier Doctor Who audio dramas and books that make a fuckload of money and the people that consume them are as autistic as the most anal Star Trek fans
Davies and Moffat put those time jumps in to give them in-canon areas where the stories can be set
Chibs a retard but he's right. Whenever you have too much Tardis, it draws attention to the fact that you could just go back in time and cause the change you want. Same reason why the sonic was so sparsely used in the classic series. If it's use is too common and focused, entire stories fall apart. Season 12 has almost no Tardis use at all
ah, well, unfortunately heaven sent's kinoness is somewhat dependent on having actually watched the whole storyline leading up to it. i can't really recommend just going into it blind.
however, mummy on the orient express is a pretty good bet for a good standalone capaldo story.
Buffy was campy fun. The first 3 seasons were good.
I’m not saying camp isn’t fun
I had tons of people saying DW and Buffy and Charmed had quality mature storytelling when they really were just guilty-pleasure campy melodrama
The RTD era of doctor who makes a lot more sense if you imagine the target audience being 20-something women
Or gay 40 year olds like RTD
What it
Doctor Who’s ratings decline after Tennant coincides exactly with the loss of the female audience that only liked the show for the escapism of watching a sexy dashing man take some average waitress/cashier on exciting adventures?
No people don't like change and Smith and Capaldi did nothing to capture a new audience, only shrinking it to life long fans and tumblrinas
Every Monday season is shit except the latter half of S5. He was an absolute plague on the show and BBC programming in general. You can't say that his Doctor Who was good but then shit on his Sherlock, they were the same fucking show. He has absolutely no fucking idea how people should speak, the dialogue in his shows is genuinely quite unbearable. Every plot he writes is a contrived mess of him trying to out-clever himself. RTD, for all his flaws, understood the target demographic of the show (kids and families). Moffat made a show that appeals to 30 something year olds who think that it's "smart" TV.
Every *Moffat season, fucking autocorrect
>mediocre actress
Season 6 started off so well then it turned to shit
His shows are fine until he has to deliver. Every big Doctor Who reveal is absolute shit and Sherlock had that famous last episode which is the worst TV I have seen in years.
As if these underage faggots will listen.
It was all the sjw shit that ruined it.
The writing in season 5 was still campy melodrama kek
Nahhh, that's retarded
That's like saying you can't have mature comedies because they're comedies - the original Looney Tunes were made for adults, as were all the OG slapstick comedians like Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy, and Keaton. Campy melodrama can be quality story-telling in the same way that slapstick comedy can be. It requires craftmanship, intelligence, and sensitivity.
They will never know the glory of peak Baker and Leela
But then the writers would have to focus on writing the Doctor as a competent strategist instead of a quirky poof who bullshits his way through danger.
Is this the show where they said Jesus was black and victorian britain was multicultural and diverse?
>craftmanship, intelligence, and sensitivity
Things Moffatt lacks, especially sensitivity. He gladly shits all over established cannon and more just to leave his mark
i miss the time when the doctor was a man and the companions were cute :(
I couldn't watch anymore after Tennant left the show. It seemed like a cheap imitation after that.
By that logic Clara had already been thoroughly explored before she ever began to be equated to the Doctor (or even as his mother).
Secked and Fecked
Started happening mid-way through Capaldi’s run a few years back, the head writer (who is somewhat conservative and irreverent, check out his old show Coupling) has implied that the BBC basically held a gun to his head and mandated certain talking points be worked into the show
Dr who has always been shit. That's it's whole appeal, like red dwarf but not funny.
At least the older series only had 1 or 2 writers, not the fucking short bus committee they have now.
Didn't Moffat said that he has a duty to tell historical untruths about the past in order to paint a more multicultural view of history?
>At least the older series only had 1 or 2 writers, not the fucking short bus committee they have now.
Literally the opposite is true
>At least the older series only had 1 or 2 writers, not the fucking short bus committee they have now.
Literally the opposite is true. Classic Who was produced by committee until the late 80's pretty much.
Asylum of the Daleks, the season 7 pilot, was the last 10/10 episode of Doctor Who though. But yeah, overall the season was a massive step-down.
The only good stuff since has been the Big Finish audioplays, The War Doctor and The War Master are both incredible, especially the latter which was shocking at how dark it was, The Master of Callous especially was the most bleak story I've ever experienced. I can't wait for Rage of the Time Lords to make its way to torrent sites.
the show was dead the moment season 5 rolled around you pleb
that is some exceptionally poor taste
>Asylum of the Daleks, the season 7 pilot, was the last 10/10 episode of Doctor Who though.
That's an oof from me
>tumblrite Doctor SJW fan claiming it's everyone else that has bad taste
Where can I find it?
The writing went south well before we got the baby dunce doctor but it certainly didn't help.
a bold assumption, user. but surely, you can't honestly believe that asylum of the daleks, of all episodes, was superior to heaven sent?
It’s on a few streaming services and I think has a channel on Pluto TV
don’t bother with it though, classicWho has the production values and budget of a high school theater production
>classicWho has the production values and budget of a high school theater production
That's the best part
i believe pretty much every episode has been uploaded to dailymotion
used to love this show. the last season was utter trash, totally boring, and there weren't even any proper monsters.
you remember what happened to Adric?
never again
In Torchwood (and maybe Dr Who) they explained that Cardiff is sitting on top of some type of "time" hole which radiates inconsistencies. That's why he spends so much time in the UK
this. i just fucking love the raw, unashamed feel of its production.
it was literally explained in doctor who before torchwood was even a thing
cardiff sits on top of a rift in spacetime which happens to leak out energy which the tardis can soak up to refuel with.
Yes, obviously. Women are the main audience for this show, whcih is why female doctor is such a dumb idea.
Nothing is comfier than Hartnell or Troughton stories
>don’t bother with it though, classicWho has the production values and budget of a high school theater production
But infinitely better writing and acting than nuWho
I did it.
Well said. Thank you.
Doctor who is low brow schlock for British teens, it's no better than crap you see on the CW.
t. only watched tennant and smith episodes
It's your lucky day user, just pop this into your torrent client for Rage of the Time Lords
>Making Clara act like the Doctor was interesting
I don't get this. Whenever people defend Clara's inconsistent, shit writing throughout her tenure they always cite series 9 as some intense character study on the duality of man and the consequences of a normal human acting like the Doctor when in reality it has the depth of a piece of paper.
Cheers friend-o, that'll sort my evening out nicely
When you try to emulate JJ Abrams of all people no wonder it is shit
I've only seen the odd episode of the other ones so I can't make a proper judgement. McGann is underrated.
i'll give you having ecclescakes at the top, but
>worse than mr "stare into the middle distance and look mopey"
Jesus christ what's with all these fucking brainlets calling the first episode of a season a fucking pilot?
Not only are you fucking retarded, but you also think Asylum of the Daleks was anything but shit. What an absolute mongoloid.
Because Matt Smith's Doctor was as good as his side characters. The first part of S7 was terribly written then they killed off Amy and Rory who were the charm of the show. Clara Oswald was such an annoying character that everyone tuned out long before the Doctor became a women. The Last 2 episodes of S9 and the First 2 of S10 were kino tho.
What a load of nonsense. Form your own opinion you parroting fuckward. Moffat absolutely delivers his punches. The Big Bang, Hellt Bent and The Doctor Falls are incredible story conclusions. Moffat's landings are truly the pleb filter.
Wait, sorry, I meant the first 2 of S9 and last 2 of S9 were kino. All of Season 10 was shit.
how the fuck can you think world enough and time was shit you absolute philistine
just me or did clara not feel like a real person? like a disney character she was always bubbly and skipping(prancing) around. I just kept wishing nasty things would happen to her
You're right, I had forgotten about the Cybermen time one, that episode was a masterpiece. It actually made me excited to see the finale... which was shit.
In S7 yeah, she was much better in S8/9
I totally agree. I remember when I saw that Matt Smith Dalek episode where she's the Dalek who helps him and thinking "god damn, this smug bitch is annoying". Then she popped up in The Snowmen and I realized she was the new companion, oh boy. To start, the mystery around her identity was interesting but when Moffat revealed that she merged herself into The Doctor's timeline and made clones of herself, god fucking dammit that was stupid. More stupid than The Doctor marrying riversong in a robot suit of himself. I liked Moffat's self contained stories but when he did a big EPIC season arc, it always fell flat for me. God some of those stories pissed me off.
And how can you think that Magicians/Witch's was not pure shite?
and yet she had awful tits
It is us, the best tardis crew.
Because it wasn't
>we will never get a companion like adric ever again
why even live
This is verifiably incorrect
Series 9 and 10 are the best 2 series' of the entire show and I will defend this to my death
The objectively correct nuwho series rankings
>Series 1 - kino
>Series 2 - trash
>Series 3 - good
>Series 4 - good but goes to self-fellating trash at the end
>Series 4 Specials - mostly trash
>Series 5 - kino
>Series 6 - okay
>Series 7 - trash
>Series 8 - kino
>Series 9 - kino
>Series 10 - good
>Series 11 - onik
How can one user be so based
>not on Netflix
>not on HBO
>not on Amazon Prime
To watch it you HAVE TO be in the UK(or use a proxy) or pay shit money for a specific BBC on cable. That cuts the audience outside of the UK and US already.
>those digits
>world enough and time
Truly based
>Series 1 - trash
>Series 2 - trash
>Series 3 - trash
>Series 4 - trash
>Series 4 Specials - trash
>Series 5 - trash
>Series 6 - trash
>Series 7 - trash
>Series 8 - trash
>Series 9 - trash
>Series 10 - trash
>Series 11 - trash
Yes you are.
here's your (You):
>What happened?
I left
why did RTD have to make the whole show about Rose
>Series 1 - kino
>Series 2 - good
>Series 3 - good
>Series 4 - kino
>Series 4 Specials - good
>Series 5-11 - don't remember or didn't watch, either way it was shit
>Series 2
Even the most dedicated RTDfag knows that it's shit.
My headcanon is that Eccleston left when he read the script for S2E01 New Earth, not "they bullied me for being northern"
How to fix Doctor Who
>Permanent ban on the doctor shouting
>Permanent ban on the doctor talking quickly, especially about quirky facts.
>Permanent ban on the doctor telling people about what a powerful guy he is.
>Permanent ban on storylines that are resolved with the power of love.
>Permanent ban on monsters that require people not to do something in order to avoid being a victim (e.g. don't blink, don't breath, don't look and so forth).
>Permanent ban on season story arcs that revolve around an antagonist trying to kill the doctor.
>All sets of companions must have at least one character that is not a middle class Londoner.
>All sets of companions must have at least one male who is not effeminate or cowardly.
>No more than 2 episodes during a season can take place in present day metropolitan london.
>At least one episode per season must take place somewhere on earth other than england.
>At least one episode per season must involve some ancient culture.
>At least one episode per season must involve some noteworthy historical event.
>Permanent ban on cyberman episodes that take place during the day or other brightly lit scenarios.
>Permanent ban on flying darleks.
>Permanent ban on women, niggers and jannies.
But Chris Chibnall implemented each of these rules and you hate the show even more!
Hartnell, Mcgann, and Capaldi are the objective best Doctors
>Permanent ban on Chinballs.
>Permanent ban on showrunners writing episodes in general.
>Summery execution for writers who write more than three bad episodes in a row.
Not only did Chibbs write three bad episodes in a row, but they were literally back to back to back
>But Chris Chibnall implemented each of these rules
1/10, trying too hard
You had me 'til you went full pepe
It has always been trash. Have you seen the early seasons?
Need a black doctor desu
Smith's run continued the downward trend of the end of Tennant's era uuntil by the finale it was unwatchable trash, and Capaldi failed to reinvigorate it much.
Jodie is the best we've had in years but her storylines are quite poor, though not as much as Smith, so people who came back for the novelty fell off again fast.
He's right though. Sherlock is also an amazing show just with a cancerous fanbase. Scandal in Belgravia, Reichenbach Fall, Sign of Three, His Last Vow, and the Lying Detective are all 10/10 ultra kinos
Classic who was kino news stuff is dog shit an ruined by that dumb slut
I dropped this shit after Karen Gillian left. Clara is kinda hot though, is it worth watching?
S8 is kino, only Danny Splink ruins it
S9 is kino
S10 is kino
>ruined by that dumb slut
I literally would rather have this than Chibnall episodes about the Holocaust to get dem BAFTAs
The BBC propaganda ate into his brain. Sad. Many such cases.
Welp, this is it Yea Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>just lost 4k in stocks
>family wants to stab and murder and kill me until im dead
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked every single day
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc
stream URL + quick rundown:
See you all soon, lads
The first three are Baker staples
You may still not be aware:
don't do it please :(
Jenna no we were joking when we said Clara sucks don't do it
>series 1 is elder god kino
>series 5 8 and 9 have too much shit to be kino
Every single episode in Series 9 is a 10/10 don't @ me
wtf even is this shitshow?
What was Chibbo thinking with The Woman Who Fell to Earth?
>episode that reboots the show, introduces a new Doctor and is gonna be the first episode for a lot of new viewers
>barely has the Doctor in it
>doesn't even have the TARDIS in it
>doesn't have an opening intro
But Heaven Sent is the best episode of Who to air post-revival
>muh clara
>old man yelling at the camera for 45 minutes pretending it's all so deep and thoughtful
>moffat jerking himself off
>best episode
yeah fuck off with this bait
Clara is the second best female companion
And the best is Charley
The third Capaldi season wasn't my cup, especially near the end. Usually I watch the series with my mom, but I have to say she didn't much.
The only Jodie episodes I liked were the giant spiders and the witch hunt. They need to kill off at least two of the companions.
I can see someone thinking dw and buffy have quality mature storytelling (they don't but they can fool you)
Charmed though? you'd need to be a very small very retarded child to think that
I think BBC sent him some letter saying he had to put in different races in each episode and that they were going to tally it up. If he didn't reach a threshold they'd fire him. Arguing against the NWO would make you look racist.
This makes a lot of sense, considering that the RTD era aired during that time when wacky shows with wacky monsters and a lot of shipping were airing, and Harry Potter had movies almost every year and the Twilight series just got started.
I lived through that period. The Tennant era was HUGE with teen to 20something pseudo-goth fangirls who loved campy shows with lots of shipping between the main characters. They had music videos of every 10/Rose scene set to Linkin Park and shit. The episodes where the Master is reintroduced coincided with the "I looove homoerotic crazy villains! ^_^" movement that got big when Heath Ledger's Joker became a thing.
Once Tennant left the role, most of those fangirls dumped the show with him, leaving the void to be filled by another demographic - the quirky, noodle arm Tumblr fangirls who love Adventure Time who latched on to the Smith era.
Those things have more support than a single black mom in that dress
>clara has no personality in S7
>everyone hates her
>she gets a personality in S8
>everyone hates her
I stopped watching when Matt Smith left, did I miss anything?
Cantankerous old man Capaldi kino.
Utterly fucking based
Quite clearly not her
And? Everyone hated the Jews in Nazi Germany, didn't mean it was justified
History was a whitewash
i instantly turned around on her in capaldi's first episode. she was great. but then danny pink happened and i hated him.
The moon is an egg
Start reading classic who and then watch your favourites.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the biggest problem with nuWho is all the new incarnations are way too similar zany randome munky cheez. Since Eccelston was only one season it was reasonable that Tennant's Doctor was similar but then every other Doctor has been too fucking alike.
On top of that, the constant season-wide storyarcs got old really fucking fast and it would've benefited from less callbacks and more letting the writers run wild. Doctor Who as a universe feels smaller because they keep bumping in to the same shit all the time despite the premise of going anywhere, anywhen. It's probably also hurt by the season wide arcs because the new Doctor is ever so slightly less enamored with just fucking off and wandering. In early Who he was on the run, sure, but even after that was done that didn't stop him from getting a ton of episodes were "Tardis appears, crew leaves and wanders around with no explanation" under the assumption that the Doctor just wants to fuck around.
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ruined it with the forced diversity
There will never be a Series 10 soundtrack
Murray Gold is still a bit upset that Chris Chibnall fired him and replaced him with Segun "atmospheric mumble noises are music" Akinola for the diversity points.
I don't even mind the new stuff, but damn some of the music in the last few Series 10 episodes was top
What would you say is the best murraykino? For me, it's The Shepherd's Boy
The entirety of Heaven Sent
Based fucking quads. I love Jenna Coleman.
I wish the Silence had been utilized better. They were possibly the most threatening modern villains of the show, until they immediately threw them under the bus to make River Song save the Doctor.
After Smith left, of course, both fangirl groups dropped the show due to Capaldi being old and oogleh, and Moffat must've known because he stopped pandering to either and just did whatever he wanted, even the BBC didn't interfere (except with the "hire more blacks" mandate)
Great with Capaldi, slightly less so with Matt. The chemistry wasn't an issue but the writing of MUH IMPOSSIBLE GIRL was.
The finale was god tier though (not the special, though that was decent). Easy one of the best finales of Nu-Who.
shepherd's boy is cheating, it's obviously the best.
second best, however? fly on a painting.
>the funky classic who-sounding synth
Just watch Waterloo road where she's a schoolgirl that got raped by her dad.