Holy shit every single movie on this list is garbage

holy shit every single movie on this list is garbage

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>something being popular automatically means it’s good

thats zoomers for ya

we live in a society

>over 50% of this list are disney properties

Name 1 bad thing about Avatar

I thought you were exaggerating but nope, all shit

It’s propaganda

was everyone poor in the 2000s or something

the cgi is outdated

what's your favorite movie?

>10 capeshit
>14 sequels
>not even going to count how many Disney own
I'm not an Avatarfag, but it almost seems quaint on this list (same for Titanic, really). Granted, Cameron is going to make a million sequels to it, but still.

But user.... inflation!!

The Shawshank Redemption

Taking away his fire bending was a cop out.

>the pleb is retarded

perhaps the most bland movie of all time

it's on that list

When normal tickets go for $20 a pop, with 3D/IMAX even higher than that, it's no hard feat.

Transformers is kino though, I'm convinced that it was actually directed by Terence Malick

>list that measures consumption of a product
Wow you're very clever for noticing that this is about consumption of products

Poo poo pee pee

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Tail sex

Food. People should dislike giant (((corporations))) that want to destroy eco systems in order to fill their pockets

>the eternal normie

Pirates of the Caribbean


>the highest grossing movies are all from the last 10-20 years
CGI does matter after all.

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ben hur

Pathetic how Hollywood uses box office takings so inflation makes it look like movies are getting better and better when every other industry (music, video games) correctly uses units sold. Movies have been doing shit for deecades, none of them come close to the success of things like Gone With the Wind that sold far more real tickets than anything today despite there being only half the population there is today plus people having less money.

aliens that are just uggo lanky people

that's the most based thing a corporation can do though


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boring and unoriginal

>Imagine your movies that you think KINO flop spectacularly
Maybe you just have shit taste

Wait, second Jurassic World was a success?

Aquaman was perfect

The first Avengers movie is pretty good

Inflation, ticket prices, world population, economic growth in countries like China and India

People are also more well off than ever in history of humanity which probably plays a pretty big part

Thanks, China.

We need numbers without China now

>something being popular automatically means it's bad

>Imagine your movies that you think KINO flop spectacularly
Learn english disneypajeet

Should've looked more like m'ress, mrrshan, or rp1 gato queen huh

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property of the mouse

based imdb poster

Deathly Hallows Part 2 was fucking great.

>you read the filename as zoomers cum

You all need to have sex already
You're worse than normies
just anti-normie incelshits that are normie

>Furious 7 isnt kino

True pleb filter

>sexually active = mindless sheep
have sex

Truly not one kino among them except Titanic.

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>Niggers and Spics are Furious 7 is kino
You need to fuck off

Titanic is dogshit

Endgame was a piece of shit and had some big ass plotholes, I'm sorry tranny

titanic was good.

No shit you faggot that doesn't mean you get to blanket every successful movie as shit, have sex.

So I guess a lot of people watched those movies because they were bad?

All of those movies are good. No wonder they earned so much. Also i just want to add as side note that im American and i love blacks and mexicans.

No it wasn't at all, Cameron is actual trash on a stick.
>a lot of latinos watch garbage bing bing flicks

anyone seen fewer than 2 of those movies?

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I've seen every one of them and I can honestly say that they all suck dick.


Seen these but didn’t like any of them

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It’s just dances with wolves in space

Deathly Hallows Part 2 is good, you're gay

What the fuck is with you reddit Cameronfags? It's total shit. The main characters are fucking ass and their acting/romance is shit.

You just need love in your life. Have sex.

Titanic is literally the only salveagable thing on that list. Everything else is gargabe.

I've had it and it's nothing like Cameron's poorly written slop
Titanic isn't salvageable at all, you're a flaming pleb.

Film is dead. Is time to move on for good to another medium.

you're like that cringy kid that repeats nonsense the "cool kids" and his older brothers repeat


Like cuckime, bing bings and youtube videos? No thanks because those audiences ruined film to begin with.

Titanic was a perfectly good movie

No it wasn't for the hundredth time; it's cliche, overlong, boring oscarbait trash

>being this mad

Based and Flamey-o Hotsman

Whatever you so say MCU faggot.

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Blade Runner

>preferring open matte
Ah. You are a fellow man of culture.
4:3 open matte is amazing on a CRT with a great surrond setup.
It's like watching IMAX on a tube TV.
Recently watched the Raimi-Man Trilogy in 4:3 open matte with the Dolby Atmos tracks from the 4K UHD.

Agreed, based user. I can't wait to see sunlight again for the first time in years.

No, you’re just an angsts pleb trying to look cool. Probably a weeb too.

That's not CGI, the Russos built real Hulkbuster armour for Infinity War. Reality is unrealistic.

Are you fucking retarded.

People actually go to the cinema much less than before.

Anything by Takashi Miike of course

they actually just used a normal sized set of armor it just looks huge becuase Ruffalo is a manlet like rdj

k, that's 1 thing

Name one thing about Avatar

Avatarbros... I don't want to be a second loser...


The Prestige

Surprise: most of the population of earth is comprised of retards

most people are retarded so yea

Holy shit this list had good movies on it just 10 years ago lol the absolute state of zoomers. Also inflation

I think Marvel has actually fucked the way people watch movies. Ever since the MCU started up, almost nothing outside of it has managed to make a cultural impact because everything gets drowned out by the next bug capeshit movie coming out in a couple months. I think they’ve flooded the market so badly that movies that don’t follow the mahvel formula just fall to the wayside, whether they’re good or not.

Why are all actors manlets?

blue niggers

James Cameron couldn’t direct his way across the street

Name 1 good thing about Avatar

Return of the Jedi

I only saw two of all those movies

Will Russos have a better post capeshit career than Nolan?

>Dumbass retards the entire world over don't realize that the revenue of this shit can only go up over time and that the one and only truly groundbreaking thing on this whole shitshow of a list is Titanic entirely because it was in an era where millions of third worlders didn't even have electricity

Na'vi are better ayy depictions than 90% of the autism media loves to force

Too much blue and too much CGI
It's a tech demo with a narrative

F8 is okay

Furious 7 is the worst one, fuck James Wan

Either kids, people who have kids, or people who still believe they are kids.

The highest grossing films are designed to be inoffensive and mildly entertaining movies that anyone can enjoy. Movies that receive mixed reviews cater to a specific group and those people will enjoy that movie more while these high grossing movies will be forgotten in a month.

Kill yourself. 2F2F is the worst one. 7 is easily in the top 2


Just like Avengers “Quadrilogy”

1998 is the tipping point. It started with Lucas’ Star Wars I

Imagine having taste this shit

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Transformers Dark of the Moon is unironically kino. Incredibles 2 is ok. Everything else is forgetable.

Minions is the worst movie on the list and the only reason why it's that high is because only children wanted to see it, meaning they had to bring their parents, resulting in twice as many tickets sold.

Also INFLATION you doo-doo head dummy