Good Morning Sunshine

Good Morning Sunshine

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I have never seen any movie or interview with her I only know her from Yea Forums

Good morning, pancake ass.

>poop eyes

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She betrayed me bros

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They aren't going to lick themselves clean

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That looks like a very WHITE MALE!

Fuck off, you neurotic cunt with necrotic feet.

the only Thing better than blonde women with Brown eyes are dark haired women with blue or green eyes

I used to dislike Brie, but actually she is kinda based in a hateful way

I love Brie!

That guy is pounding her puss as we speak.

That guy probably was born a woman. I can't see Brie kissing him otherwise unless he was very black.

Don't remind me please

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She doesn't hate white males, we should forgive her.

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>brie is jewish blood

Nah, voice is too deep

watch Short Term 12 and Room

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I've forgiven her a long time ago, but I'll take a break from Brieposting for a while. Doesn't feel right anymore. Was fun while it lasted.

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imagine the smell

More sexy brie

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Imagine being her assistant

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Are they drinking male tears again?

We both know what she's drinking currently. A shame I couldn't contribute.

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used to hate brie now can't stop fapping to her

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I like that she has autism and gets confused easily.

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Yes, she's drinking wine she got from that store.


These pictures with her new boyfriend look so staged.

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Her backpack is cute. Looks like those kids wear for their first day in school

>I've forgiven her a long time ago, but I'll take a break from Brieposting for a while. Doesn't feel right anymore.
It's kind of weird, isn't it?

They uploaded these pics around the same time and no one knew they were dating yet.
I think they were hands on on purpose, so that she doesn't have to hide him anymore.

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Yup, doesn't feel like /ourgil/ as much now. Hopefully that guy treats her well.

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They probably are. I've been listening to some of her interviews from around the time of Short Term 12 and Room, and it's hard to believe that in a few years Brie would become someone who would call paps to show off her new boyfriend in a cheese and wine shop.

I think her being private is exactly why she was so open about this one. Sooner or later she'll get paparazzi'd and hiding the relationship like a bunch of pussies is just too much trouble. They can at least relax now.
I've also seen Josh Brolin comment on that guy's IG posts, so I think he's the one who introduced them together.


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A-are you German?

You forgot the
>thinking of Stan, what a legend
tweet already? And how shes another hero-complex, rich white woman who has had multiple careers who never shuts her fucking trap about womens struggles? Stupid dicks

>that tippy toe

She could've taken him to some event or premiere or even just posted a picture on her Instagram. This photo shoot doesn't feel like her at all.

It's some Ryan Phillipe wannabe

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That tweet could rightly be explained by autism.

>imagine brie larson's big full boobs pressing on your back as you shop for groceries
It's not fair bros.

She hardly even has any photos at the beach. That's what being a paranoid introvert is like.

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I purposefully hug women continuously because of that same reason. I think one time a girl understood why I was doing it, but didn't seem to mind.

Why do liberal women who always hate on white men end up dating them?

Captain Marvel is one of the rare movies i start watching, dropped it half way, and never care again.

He's not nearly famous enough to date her. How long can their relationship even last?

>tfw no brianne boobage in your face
The game was rigged from the beginning

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Imagine being so low self esteem you date a ugly roastie with toe fungus.

>that brief split second where you can see rock hard, pencil eraser niple

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I don't know, but I'm aware of a very similar case, wherein a known super "woke" feminst arthoe ended up dating a jock who she studied with in High School. Women don't exactly use their brains when they're attracted to someone.

Because other races are shit.

Why do polcels always assume that white women hate white men? Blacked overdose?

That's actually a good thing, imo. Proves that she's not super vapid gold digger or trying to get with some A-lister. Maybe they have a lot of things in common.

Most white women are liberal and just look at social media like twitter. The biggest anti white sjws are all white women

those emcel eyes creep me the fuck out

Because their statements are just meaningless words that are never reflected by their actions. It's like when all the libtards claimed they were moving to Canada or Japan after Trump was elected in 2016, but didn't actually fall through with their alleged plans.

It has always been obvious that she's not like that. But maybe he is.

I've always been afraid to do this in case they call me out on it, a pervert or whatever, and try to ruin my life because of it. I give the most beta hugs imaginable as a result. I understand Chad would give no fucks, but then again Chad can get away with everything.

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There's nothing to worry about with hugging in particular, believe me. They don't mind it. But obviously don't force it. If it happens it happens.

Did you know that fungus never leaves the body. Even if the patient is healthy, deep under the skin the fungi is dormant, waiting to awake.

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There's procedures for that stuff.

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That's actually not true. If would be talking about a virus like herpes then you'd have a point. While foot fungus may cause permanent damage, the fungus itself is never permanent.