How's that short movie you and your friends planned going, Yea Forums?

How's that short movie you and your friends planned going, Yea Forums?

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the movie I made with your mother?
It was a few hours, she couldnt make me cum

I used to have a fuckbuddy with a haircut like that, she went shorter over time. For some reason I never liked it. When we stopped meeting, over time, I developed an almost fetish for girls with short hair.

We're not in contact anymore and I became a fat slob too lazy for sex so it's too late. Weird how brain works sometimes.

she looks like Angry Rice

God I wish female humans were real.

Sounds like you just self-sabotage I can relate.

Damn you're right. I never realized that. Thank you.

It probably won't change anything, but good to know. And very obvious, huh.

Do you feel tough when you write mean things, little man?

>I used to have a fuckbuddy
>I became a fat slob
serves you right you degenerate piece of shit


That’s a little boy you queer


who's that qt?

That's me, hello dear

That Brexitfu? Looks like she's putting on some weight.

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>tfw no short haired qt gf

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h-hello, do you wanna touch my peepee?

fuck everything in this thread that doesn't pertain to the most important question: WHO IS THAT GIRL?!

That's clearly not the same girl user. That brexit bitch is like 14 and completely caked in makeup because she's plain ugly, the girl in the OP is older and a lot prettier.


>fuckbuddy degenerate is a leftypol commie faggot
Not surprised.

I don't want to tell you!

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Did Ltcorbis recently get a short hair cut? or are my eyes playing tricks on me? (was it a costume) sorry for my shit english please gimme asnwere

>if you're not a Fascist you're a leftypol commie faggot
Americans are so fucking retarded, the two party system has fried your brains

More like giant God with a huge white cock that Emma Roberts wants to choke on and will someday

Justin Bieber

Oi isnt that kittens?


jokes on you, emma roberts chokes men, not the otherway round

That's a dude, dude


no looks nothing like her bro

this thread is spam and you're going to get banned for posting a nudy in it anyways, you could have just posted it uncensored

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gosh she's so cute

why are shorthaired girls so qt

shall kindly uncensor this user?

Side note: looking for this photo I found this chick from the same company that kind of looks like the Stranger Things chick, doesn't she bros?

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It's "Natalie F" from something called Abby Winters just google it

Abby winters is amateur-kino

I think the lack of hair highlights and accentuates their faces. A cute girl with a cute face looks amazing as a result.

>girls with short hair

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She reminds me of Angry Rice

She literally looks more like Steve than any chick in ST.

I think Angry Rice is my new Yea Forumsfu

Attached: angourie-rice-for-instyle-magazine-australia-may-2019-9.jpg (1034x1280, 296K)

i think its sad that women think posting nude pictures online is alright, imagine devaluing yourself like that

>my nude body is worth $2.50

How the FUCK can you be on abbywinters and not have any lesbian stuff

I am going to be the first one to respond to your question original poster. I tried making it with them two summers ago and we got a third of the way through, which is when I called it quits because our acting sucked, the sets looked like shit, and the script probably was less funny than I wanted it to be.

abbeywinters is a lesbian site though, it's literally porn made for women

That's exactly my point, but this natalie f has no lesbian content, which is really annoying

i don't see that much of a problem with it. it's just a body for chrissakes, how much SHOULD it be worth, it's not pride or honour or family or anything

she was great in Black Mirror

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>Her pussy is so tiny and delicate looking but she gently parts her lips for you, revealing the soft folds and moisture inside. Mmmm!
Uhmm yeah, women should really stop doing that shit in porn

seething remoaner

Scots wanting to leave the UK is less retarded than the UK leaving the EU

based. thanks for saving me about two fiddy bro

god that's boring, who would pay for this

its invaluable, youre a cuckold beta if you think its alright for a woman to sell herself in anyway, the greatest thing a woman has is her body and her sex, imagine putting an actual dollar price on that and then imagine being okay with that as a man

When you think about it we're all cuckold betas who sell themselves under capitalism...

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Scots voted to remain

what a babe

people who go to gyms sometimes would be my guess

Thicc Angourie Rice. I like it

Scotland is a welfare state so if they happen to leave, happen to jump the queue and get fast tracked into joining the EU then it's just another mouth for Krauts to feed. Stop spouting Guardian talking points.

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>Scots want to leave the UK to gain MUH INDEPENDENCE
>but they also want to remain in the EU

lol imagine being this retarded as a nation

and to top it off
>we want a referendum
>okay sure
>loses referendum
>we want another one

That's pretty hot. You might be too jaded.

What's hot about it exactly?


>UK want's to remain a UNION, STRONGER TOGETHER
>Also wants to LEAVE the EU for its FREEDOM

naked chicks

she's perfect to play romcom movies Hepburn style

Imagine the smell!!!!

if scotland wanted their independence then maybe they should have voted for it when we gave them the chance

are you 12?

They were promised that the UK would remain part of the EU though

provide proof that this was a major talking point at the time of the referendum (people claiming this after the referendum does not count as proof)

Stop jerking off 4 times a day.

no i'm just not gay u fag

literally the perfect female.

What you say makes no sense. The United Kingdom wanted to remain the United Kingdom not amalgamate into the EU and become another generic satellite state.

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We shot it already and are working on getting it into a feature! We have the script, the location and the equipment locked down, and we’re talking to investors soon!

but only in that pose
do not watch the rest of the album
dont ruin it

I don't have any friends.

You do know that the EU isn't a nation or a collection of satellite states right? It's a trade UNION first and foremost. Furthermore, the immigration crisis, which essentially pushed this whole muh brexit problem onto the table, was a calculated operation brought forth to cripple the EU's economic foothold.

She's cute in a bunch of others too.

She's so adorable with her clothes on that when I got to the ones with her and the asian girl nude I came anyway just from residual cuteness.

You're completely deluded. If it isn't a superstate then why does it have it's own flag, anthem, police force. Why do they want their own army and navy which both France and Germany support. Why do the things like the Aachen Treaty exist which further erode national borders and cultural identity.
If the migrant crisis was meant to cripple the EU then why were the majority of member state leaders and EU officials for accepting and integrating of migrants?

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I can tell just by looking at this one that in 3-5 years, she's going to come out as a lesbian, and Yea Forums is going to get Ellen Page'd all over again.

thanks bro

those boomer conspiracy pics are always hilarious

imagine being this salty and thinking one tweet and one page on a website of many other pages is cause for spamming calls for another referendum, EU was a small point of independence, i will give you props for actually linking something but the SNP website is hardly the most unbiased option lol

plus the original point still remains
>obsessed with independence from london
>obsessed with staying chained to Brussels


if that's true then why hasn't she done any girl on girl stuff for the lesbian website she works for?

pay it forwards masturbuddy

the irony with this statement is that Ellen Page has been doing straight porn under a pseudonym for a few years as some kind of feminist infiltration mission thing

Yes everything is a conspiracy unless you believe it.

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>Ellen Page has been doing straight porn

think of the porn stars you know who look and sound exactly like ellen page

it's one of those

I don't know any