reminder that the 2010s have produced absolutely nothing worth watching
Reminder that the 2010s have produced absolutely nothing worth watching
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this is true
Wow. Millennial kids said the same thing in the 2000's.
Besides the highest grossing movie of all time you complete retard.
other than the golden era of television series
kek who cares
Why do all you tardbois equate revenue with quality?
The boys is great I dont know wtf you on about niqqa
zoomers are human garbage
cast him
>it made money so it’s good!
Back to the MCU subreddit you go
Shut up little faggot.
New bad! Old good!
yeah the 2000s produced like two whole films and a few sitcoms worth watching as opposed to current decade producing absolutely nothing
kill yourself trann
>money is a standard for quality
kys you spoiled zoomeroid
because zoomers don't go to the movies retard
if you want kino look elsewhere
Gone with the wind came out 80 years ago
There have been some kino but yea for the most part this decade really sucked. Disney and Hollyjews really came strong with the dishonesty and exploitation of dead horses they kept beating
But my name is igbert
Lord of the Rings
Freddie got Fingered
American Psycho
that's three movies
The Turin Horse, Leviathan, Burning, The Tree of Life, Goltzius and the Pelican Company, Paddington and Paddington 2, Manchester by the Sea, Jagten, Shame, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia, Winter Sleep, An Elephant Sitting Still, Insect etc.
What is
>Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
>The Tree of Life
theres only a handful of movies worth watching from the 2000s
zoomers dont know whats good, they're all fucking queers who want to fuck men in dresses.
>Lord of the Rings
filmed in the 90s faggot
Someone post the original video
Why do you think you're even qualified to make such a statement? Have you even watched 5 percent of movies in 2018? Prolly not
wow i can see how garbage they are just by reading the titles
dont pretend you have a clue about anything poofter.
He wasn’t talking about Infinity War
Liking objetive trash does make you a retard though
>muh mone-
>nwm that, muh favorite corporate's money!
fucking zoomers
you know even imbeciles have pocket change
The Dark Knight Rises
What are you unironically talking about?
cringy faggot
Read this Endgame is the fifth highest grossing movie when adjusted for inflation
>being the most watched movie ever doesn’t make it “worth watching”
Not even true by the most generous biased metric possible. Cope more.
Back to capeshit
i want to slaughter capeshitters with a rusty machete so bad
It's not the most watched movie ever tho retard, that's Gone with the wind. Have you zoomers watched that?
mad max and blade runner
Yes it has
Seething. Imagine having so little to be proud of you’re elitist about watching movies. Literally kys.
Bladerunner 2049 is complete garbage sorry but you’re a brainlet.
into the trash it goes
>noooooo leave my superhero film alooone!!!
It isn't
Inflation is biased now? Holy yikes you need to improve your cope game, copeshitter
The Hobbit was nice.
both are rehashes of the 80s movies
>I’m out of arguments but must get the last word!
which is also true. Cinema went to shit after Terminator 2 Judgment Day
>most watched movie ever
dumb fuck
Filming for fotr began in 2000
Not an argument. Learn to stop replying while still mad, it’s embarassing.
>Filming took place between 11 October 1999 and 22 December 2000
>Not an argument
Go back queer
Good picks
This meme will never work no matter how hard you spam it, NPCs hate anything old, it counters their "consume product and get excited for next products" algorithm
this kills the zoomer subhuman
>Not an argument
That's not an argument either you braindead mong
Typing the entire post number or manually deleting quote arrows out of spite.
Absolutely seething. How pathetic can you be. Literally refusing to upvote on Yea Forums. Deep throat your cars exhaust pipe.
But user, I'm 18. I just hate retards who spam that shitty meme. Some older things are better than newer things and vice versa.
>and vice versa
Revenge of the Sith being better than the Original Trilogy.
The Thing being better than The Thing From Another World
Don't pretend to be me you faggot
A cure for wellness is pretty good
what are u zoomer scum on about? there is literally nothing good about the 21st century, both in movies and elsewhere
Nobody is pretending to be you ya sperg. Nobody wants to be you.
I know it really bothers you zoomer faggots.