Proving once more that the Sleepycabin/Oneyplays crew are the only based video game and animation personalities left...

Proving once more that the Sleepycabin/Oneyplays crew are the only based video game and animation personalities left online.

Attached: based sleepycabin.png (1805x995, 669K)

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arin's fat wife ate his soul

Is his wife Satan?

just fat

Literally fucking who?

Arin is a fucking faglord lmao

kys zoomers

Rhat video is taking the fuck off, of course Arin has to cope. I appreciste the go-getter positive attitude, but Game Grumps is literally a day care, so their sensitive touchy-feely attitude is too soft

Stop projecting tourist

Was just berating James for the atrocity that was the new AVGN, and now this. This is turning out to be a pretty kino night for me.
Also fuck off Sleepycabin is antithetical to zoomer culture and I've seen plenty of comfy Sleepycabin threads on Yea Forums before.

Did he start taking HRT pills or something?

I have absolutely no idea of what is going on here

>silly hispanic autist makes a video chiding high-income content creators for the cheapness of their videos
>one of the highest paid people who does this comes out crying pretending he's defending amateur hobbyists because he doesnt like what he's hearing
Egoraptor is such a fag

Problem is the video wasn't even funny i dont get what's to be upset about

I'm checking out the guy who made the video they're talking about, and he's actually surprisingly funny. This would be "absurdity done the right way".

oney bought freddie freaker so his legacy could live on

Yeah Pelo is legitimately funny just by quickly animating doodles and screeching like a clown.

They're all shit. The majority of Newgrounds/Youtoob animators are the same style and same "HUH WACKY FACE GOOGLY CROSS EYE" humor that's not funny.

You must not know about animation storytime channels. It's impossible for at least the first 2 minutes of that video to not be hilarious if you're in the know about storytime channels.

Tick tock Game Grumps.

Attached: sip.webm (778x460, 1.69M)

Sometimes it does end up seeming like gross-out/weird humor just for the sake of it, but when done with some wit, it can be funny.

i never understood lets plays at all but for some reason oneyplays is just good to listen to

>Even in a webm without sound, Phil cannot stop talking.

i just watched the animation in question, and it was surprisingly hilarious as fuck
and very light hearted, arin is such a fucking pussy. you can't even call him egoraptor anymore, he isn't. like how maddox is now george

Just looked up Arin as I remember he got married years ago when I watched Game Grumps
>0 children
>Suzy kept her maiden name
>She's supporting meme charities to save an obscure animal
Wow Arin got cucked hard

whats her secret?

>worst financial situation of his life
>spends $30 on a single meal
>people talk about how this could be the food budget for a week for a poor family
>d00d people are st00pid it was just $30 now give me your money i'm behind on my bills

She has receipts of everything

haha yeah i think of that too when i look at her ugly face

Arin's a prick but the video isn't funny either

Arin said that they cant swear on game grumps anymore do to demands of youtube and their parent company. He said it will be good for them to 'be limited by not having to lean on it'.
and something about that rubs me the wrong way

ive barely caught a video of theirs in the last 5 years but arin didnt really have much else to offer than shouting at games

I cannot believe he threw away animating to chase a LP slog

Internet flash animations were already a dwindling medium by that point, anyway, and all the old animators/creators during that era have shifted to the Let's Play format one way or another. It was inevitable. The point of interest now is how the prevalence of Let's Plays is on the decline, though, so it'll be interesting to see how much of a career Arin has left in five years or so

poor Oney
spends his entire teenage working hard to become a decent animator and comedy writer
moves to America to make a Leo & Satan pilot, invests a shit ton of money to get it professionally animated by a team, and they give him it late and its way worse than the shit he did on his own when he was 18.
The pilot is so shit he doesnt wasnt shop and ruin his shot, and becomes disillusioned with sean kiely and doesnt even own full rights on leo and satan anymore.
So he develops the hellbenders shorts with his talented friend, psychicpebbles. and those shorts actually get them in pitch meetings. So they get asked to make a pilot in a 15 min format and they spend years on it since oney didnt want repeat mistakes and hired freelanced friends but still ends up in bullshit. They mentioned something about becoming an independent online release by they may as well just upload it to newgrounds then.

Based >Shadman.

theres no money in online animation. you spend 6 months making a cartoon with basically no other income only for it demonetized or buried by the algorithms after 2 days. even if a cartoon gets super popular it might get a couple million plays, but it only takes oney like five 10 min lets plays to do that.

what the actual objective fuck does this have to do with Yea Forums - Television & Film


Chris is just naturally funny as fuck unlike almost every other LPer.

What's the slog? With GameGrumps they just film like 8 hours worth of content in a single day and then sparse it out over two weeks. It isn't like twitch where you have have to live stream every single day in order to stay relevant.

Youtube is within the grasp of Yea Forumss crooked finger

It really depends on what guests he has to bounce off. Any Psychicpebbles episode is amazing though

Do zoomers really watch this garbage?

>Leo & Satan pilot
>said he got an animation studio to make the animation disney-like
>got 2001 flash cartoon instead
what the fuck was he thinking?

Just shoot the fucking melons Arin

the harry potter ones are really good

What the fuck is an STA?

e-celeb drama is zoomerism incarnate, you fucking faggot.

Story Telling Animations are powerpoint-like videos that tells relatable and quirky stories about zoomers for zoomers.