I'm afraid of gay people. Petrified. I have nightmares about gay people...

>I'm afraid of gay people. Petrified. I have nightmares about gay people. I have this nightmare that I go to Hollywood and find out that Mr. T is a faggot.

>It petrifies me because girls be hanging out with them. One night they could be in the club having fun with their gay friend, give them a little kiss. And go home with AIDS on their lips!

Attached: EDDIE MURPHY.jpg (1560x1573, 132K)

>Then I realized I liked dick as long it was attached to a tranny.
>I liked sucking it even better.
And then everyone clapped.

Eddy’s back!!

How the fuck is this guy getting a Netflix special?

Edgy or legit homophobic?

Affirmative action and retroactive negro reparations in the form of lucrative contracts.

Reminder that The Adventures of Pluto Nash is secret kino

As a fag, I actually ain't even mad. Dude lived through an era where there was a lot of fearmongering about AIDS and no doubt the fear surrounding AIDS freaked him the fuck out. It scared everyone - he isn't afraid of gay people, he's afraid of the disease. At least, that's what I get from it. Not everyone has to like my sexuality, that's okay. As long as they aren't interfering with my life, I don't give a fuck. If dude wanted to build a compound where he banned white people and gays, whatever, his business, as long as he isn't going to the polls and trying to take muh rights away. If someone takes his comedy as gospel, they are a dumbass that already made up their minds.


Eddie Murphy isn't afraid of gay people, he's afraid he's a fag, which is why he was so scared of AIDS. We all know he got caught sucking a dick.


Delirious was great, but his impression of gay people in RAW was too damn funny.

People are too sensitive.

Ah, makes sense. Never will understand why famous people are afraid of being fags, they are in the safest place to be a giant flamer. I grew up in the rural Midwest and being gay was scary as fuck - dude is rich and famous and would be lauded for being a gay black man. He's being legit a fucking idiot if that 'scares' him. What a puss.

His 'fag with a rash' Ramone in Beverly Hills Cop was pretty good too.




"But I want Mac Donalds." Fuck, the ghetto hamburger thing got me.

Thing is he's got about 11 kids. I'm not sure if it was to prove what a man he was by fucking a bunch of women, or if he's really just secretly bi.

Coming out as being bi isn't going to make those children disappear either. Not arguing with your point, I'm just saying Murphy is being a giant pussy if his reason is 'oh shit, I got kids!'

I host a quarterly viewing party where I screen the Eddie Murphy film Norbit. I call it Norbit night. I usually try to invite casual acquaintances as an icebreaker, and one time I invited a girl I liked from school. Another one of my classmates (we’ll call him John) overheard the invitation, and chimed in with how hilarious it is that I would have an ironic movie showing of bad movies. I stammered a bit trying to explain I actually like the film, but he cut me off asking if he could go, and my crush said that sounds like it would be fun, so immediately said okay.
At the party, it was an unusually large turnout. I had only invited maybe 5 of my old friends (only 2 came) along with the girl and John. I guess John called a bunch of his friends though, so there was like 11 people there. Everyone kept making fun of my old school 33 inch tube television and commenting on how small my apartment was and that I was using my Xbox 360 as a DVD player. It was terrible. Everyone kept ripping into the movie, but a couple people complained saying it “wasn’t even so bad it’s good”. Even the one friend agreed with them. I kept seeing John whisper into my crushes ear and she kept giggling. Before the movie was even halfway over people started going home, and the girl I was into told me she was tired. John thanked me for inviting him and said it was great I was “coming out of my shell”. I saw John get in the car with my crush even though he came with his friends.

After the movie was over my one old friend asked me in a really pleading way not to invite him to these things anymore. I still can’t watch anything with Eddie Murphy in it, and I feel the same sick feeling of loss whenever I see his face.

My mom used to make the exact same ghetto burger. I fucking miss it even though it was disgusting.

because he hasn't done stand up in like 30 years and was great at it. it's not rocket science.

$70 million for one stand up special is fucking ridiculous though

>Great at it
Yeah he sure was great. Being obnoxious and scraping the bottom of the barrel with the easiest race jokes imaginable for an hour. Just like richard pryor, chris rock, kevin hart, katt williams, and every other black comedian besides a couple of exceptions.


Alright, cast this film, directed by Rob Reiner

stop posting anytime zoomer trannyera shitter, your ignorance is showing. eddie murphy was never about race jokes

His joke about the ice cream truck is kino. Admit it, you didn’t even watch the special.

Sucking dick doesn't make you gay, bro.

I hope his act will be good. I watched some Pryor recently and it doesn't hold up as much as it used to.

he's black

same as dave chapple who has an entire career based on being able to say things white comedians can't.

Because Eddie Murphy is a legend. Him coming back to do a stand up special would be a giant event, bigger than Chappelle.

>Never will understand why famous people are afraid of being fags

Because for a very long time being openly gay meant hurting your career. Maybe even ending it. Pee-wee got jacking off in a porn theatre and it basically shut him down for over a decade because nobody wanted the association of a kid entertainer and masturbation.

Eddie was cutting edge in the 80s when he did standup. That's why people talk about his two specials. He was iconic.

idk, live on the sunset strip still holds up for me. That's probably his best show

Absolutely based


we should all watch it tomorrow night

Attached: Ps61ZjR.jpg.png (1600x900, 746K)

Eddie Murphy literally has fathered 10 children.

Yeah with all the great pacing and atmosphere it's fantastic.

He's a may enjoy pussy on occasion but he's also a notorious tranny chaser. It was a big scandal in the 1990s when he got pulled over with a tranny in the car.

>Read the fucking thread, already pointed out.
>Implying fags haven't larped as hetero and fathered umpteen children.
Ask a mormon.

eddie murphy when full fucking gay cabal shit when he got married, literally stopped swearing and disappeared from the scene.

The biggest problem is that he used to be foulmouthed and hard for his time, but now it all seems pretty tame.

There's no such thing as homophobia.


If its a feminine penis its straight hetero sex

ask any mtf tranny that posts on here

Homophobic, like most regular people instinctively are

Remember its not fear, its disgust. All abominations are disgusting.

guess buckaroo didn't buckle up

I’m scared of spiders cos I want to fuck them

It was at the height of AIDS epidemic where a lot of people thought gay people legit might end life on earth with their degeneracy

Not sure since majority of netflux users doesn't even know he did standup. Chapelle is known primarly as standup comedian

Everyone has a Netflix special. Hell, you'll get one next week.

No I'm not, I'm a white guy.

shut up fag

>richard pryor

Ok zoomie.

He does it far too well. Have you seen Golden Child recently? Every 3 minutes he's doing something really, really gay. It gets to be a little disturbing after a little while.

That means nothing to Netflix. Just bitch about Trump, you'll be a millionaire.

His hero Richard Pryor was bisexual

He talked openly about it at his roast. It was weird the first time I saw it . It's on youtube

Unironically it was a different time.

You didn't get any iiiiiccce creaaam
Cause you're on weeeelllfaaaare

>ur rights

you too?

Attached: fuckingspiders.jpg (800x600, 157K)

I call bullshit on this because Eddie Murphy got really obnoxious during the 90s. In the 80s, he can do jokes, sing, and even was a movie star.


Easy answer


Most his movies after 48 hours he acts gay like Beverly Hills cop. Hmm wonder why