A 2016 U.S. study found that church attendance during young adulthood was 41% among Generation Z...

>A 2016 U.S. study found that church attendance during young adulthood was 41% among Generation Z, compared to 18% for Millennials at the same ages, 21% of Generation X, and 26% of Baby Boomers
Where were you when zoomers saved us all?

Attached: zoom.png (637x633, 205K)

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What film

wonder what that's about. how are zoomers more religious than their parents?

>zoomers go to church more than previous generations
>zoomers are more vile, hateful and sacrilegious than previous generations
not sure how to feel about this




funny how there's no way to check the actual source without a journal subscription

libcuck seething
I'm guessing it's a mix of ironic church attendance to rebel from the godless boomer generations, and genuine faith in God
either way, say hello to the savior generation

Attached: jesussecondcoming.jpg (400x300, 21K)

there's nothing in there stating religion. stop baiting retard.

Oh boy, more christkikes. Who would have though the most gullible generation yet would be full of christards?

more like say hello to war and strife, another era of misery is to come

the attendance is at mosques and jew church.

>zoomers are more vile, hateful and sacrilegious than previous generations
Nope. Those are boomers.

They won’t because they’re going to shitty pentacostal or evangelical churches for subhumans instead of a proper Catholic church

>zoomers are more vile, hateful and sacrilegious than previous generations
That's literally completely wrong. You are so fucking stupid.


Whoever thinks that boomer death metal and devil worship is more godly than current music that talks mainly about beautiful women with nice asses is a retard who needs sex
literally just use ctrl+f and paste the quote from the OP retard

That's not funny at all.

Correct. Boomers are the most degenerate generation to ever exist. In 30 years they destroyed EVERY important traditional institution and cultural aspect across the Western world for financial gain and to protect their fee fees

based and true

boomers spread aids

Joke's on you, that's a function of all the anchor babies practicing Catholicism, not an increase in actual fervor among whites.

This. Mexicans are not only more religious, but they are more family orientated and force their children to do things like go to church and do good in school while white parents bend over and take it from their own children because they're totally cucked and no nothing about parenting or even how to live a decent life as a human being and not an animal. It's over white people. You had your time. Being a minority is hard but you'll get used to it.

Mexicans are stupid, cruel and vain.

>Oh boy, more christkikes. Who would have though the most gullible generation yet would be full of christards?

Attached: 7E74CB3B-20BD-40CA-ADE6-A5BA2BB0F77A.jpg (1024x1024, 166K)

>implying that won't produce a generation of white maniacs that cucked their own parents and unironically go to church in rebellion of the boomer's sinful ways
and here we have the zoomer

Boomers and older are the gullible ones.

razor sharp

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Tytler cycle

Atheism was always just a fad for neckbeards.

> they are more family orientated and force their children to do things like go to church and do good in school

This meme needs to die, it’s so far detached from reality.

>savior generation
they're all sneed posting queers who want to fuck men in dresses though.

Your faggot generation despises anything that existed before you, you shit on everything that didnt come out last week.

So does this mean this site will become atheist again once the general public is majority christian?

eat some more tide pods and suck more corporate cock zoom zoom

if you give a single shit what other people think you should just go to reddit and enjoy the upbote system


why not just kill yourself user?

>>zoomers are more vile, hateful and sacrilegious than previous generations
that's boomers retard

>Church using stats for this
>Church not using stats to calculate the possibility that God isn't real

house fedora
based libs

no source

yeah i believe you. great tv and film related thread by the way little zoom zoom.


God exists tho

hence the need for church and confession
mooslems in europe are the same, pieces of shit all around but it's all allah this and quran that

Lol weren't you people atheists who hated the church a few years ago? And now that it's edgy to pretend to be a "traditionalist to trigger the libs", you love the church? What a bunch of mongaloids


Cringe boomer materialist mindset

who cares, he's a prick

so now that zoomers and tv is christian, is it safe to wear a fedora again?

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Hatred of sin and wickedness is a holy thing though

Probably all the spic catholics tbqhwyf

It's spics you retarded kike worshiper. What fucking poetry that a kike religion gets completely taken over by brown people.

this is television & film buddy. not r/christian

>not r/christian
does that exist? is it allowed

Attached: 1553595117429.jpg (398x376, 37K)

Brown "people" are a violent, barbaric, subhuman race that simply doesn't belong in civilized western society. They're a step above niggers and a step below dogs.

Nice try zoom zoom. Nobody is buying it.

As a zoomer, I can assure you that my urges to kill are directed only to millennial idealists.

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hows college like still full of failed millenials?

Not an argument.
There's no way in fuck a generation that despises anything made before 2007 is going to worship a 2000 year old religion, especially one that they have been taught to abhor by the media.

If he exist why i am so ugly

Shut up, user, "zoomers" saved us non-believing non-churchgoing NEET slobs. They are "unironically /ourguys/". This week.

>especially one that they have been taught to abhor by the media
By fucking boomers you retard. Thanks for winning the argument for me


the world is gonna end in our lifetime isnt it

doesn't seem likely

You know what doesn't seem likely? The chain of "coincidences" that lead to our existence.

so the only other option is that a magical sky man snapped his fingers and the world as we know it just appeared? dont you see how that seems even less likely?

fedora-tier argument
I believe is saying that the "chain" of evolution still happened, just that it wasn't a coincidence. That's what the Catholic church says these days and I happen to agree

>Where were you when zoomers saved us all?
Watching zoomer porn

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how did god, a mythical humanoid creature, exist before humans evolved into humans?

Can you see the world from a fifth dimensional point of view? If you could, you would probably understand. I saw it once in a dream so I have perfect understanding of how god exists. Stay ignorant.

Why do white people have such fragile egos? The world doesn't revolve around you

Because i don't listen to what a fat neckbeard tells me

Being a conservative Christian is about as rebellious as one could get if their parents are retarded leftist millennials in "open" marriages.

im pissed this is a mf bop

is fragile egos codeword for empathy and basic human decency?

>their parents are retarded leftist millennials in "open" marriages.
How often do you actually think this happens?

>mexicans, muslims and black go to church

>Why do white people have such fragile egos?

I submit this file in order to have your advice.

Attached: mutt explains it all.jpg (883x904, 91K)

No. mexicans are just as capable of empathy and decency as white people. Hell, white people are fucking commit mass shootings.

/int/ and /pol/ are the boards with the least amount of americans on them and you still have to involve us in your unceasing racist shitposting. Get that shit out of here, everyone knows it's just some butthurt italians or irishmen who can't take banter.


ps dog bless israel

It's not wrong. Being a self hating neo hippy feminist is the norm.

>No. mexicans are just as capable of empathy and decency as white people.
*skins you alive with a chainsaw*

it's better because it's not tied to Satan senpai

>Being a self hating neo hippy feminist is the norm
lol you really need to go outside and stop trusting far right grifters about what the world is really like

God is great

yeah... at sucking!