About to start my breakfast shift

About to start my breakfast shift.

I fucking hate my life Yea Forums

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Don't forget my hash browns wagie

get in that cage wagie

make me a mcgangbang wagie, and make it snappy!

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Kek so true
I'm going to kill myself

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Why do you faggots think that the only jobs that seem to exist are in wal Mart or fast food places oh yeah it’s because you’re all obese Americans lmao

>work in grocery store in my younger years
>used to take piss beaks and fantasize about the toilet bowl filling up with blood from my cut wrists

Thanks god i got a chronic nerve disease and never have to work again

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w-we don't sell those here sir..

i’m 5”9’ and 198lbs faggot yuropoor

Fuuuuck you lucky bastard. Is there anyway I can do that to myself? Like hitting my head really hard or something

>I hate my life
>I'm going to kill myself
t. Isn't going to do anything but bitch
That's what really pathethic, not your mcjob or what a worthless shit you are but how you're going to claim to be so fed up and so at the end of muh tether but you're never actually even going to have the balls to kill yourself, nevermind climb out of the hole you've gotten yourself into
Fucking pathetic

Why are millennials so lazy?

let me speak to your supervisor user

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I've applied for 162 jobs since may, I've decided if I cannot get a job by the end of this month I'm going to go over to the canal and slit my wrists, be happy you have somewhere to be and something to do and a source of income you gigantic turbofaggot.

>tfw just stop showing up cause i dont need it anymore

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>chronic nerve disease
wtf tips on how to do this to myself?

Join the imiktary

Dunno no one knows maybe from glandular fever or gastro. Chronic pain and occasional inability to walk is nothing compared to wage slavery

stop crying wagies


we don't have that in my country user

If you literally cannot even get a job as a fast food worker, stocking shelves, or working in a warehouse, you’re doing something seriously wrong.

being a neet is boring as fuck but better than working at a burger place. maybe. dunno.

too old

>mfw have 20k saved from neetbux, live with mummy so no bills, own a 4k tv, top of the line gaming pc, just got a new car and now im gonna go get a caramel sundae from mcdonalds and laugh at the wagies

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it is the bourgeois who say that you cannot live without a job

Grass is always greener

I started last week. Nothing can truly prepare you for the pain of wagecuckery

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What country?

>chronic nerve disease
How do I get this meme disease?

I found out yesterday I have to have spinal surgery and won't be able to lift weights for 4 months, It could always be worse OP.

how did you manage to save 20k in neetbux. wtf.

It is literally not worth having a part time job if you can live with your parents and get newstart

could i have 7k so i can quit my job and go back to school

its exceptionally easy to get extra money for being "depressed" and they also some of my "rent" even though i don't pay any

I currently work in an excruciating office job where my awful normie cool wine aunt boss is a massive bitch who hates me for being an introvert autist. I find it hard to save money in London because I waste so much money on junk food and I pay rent.

If you live rent free with your parents you should feel fortunate. Save as much money as possible

This is why you should stay and finish school.

what country. i'm in uk and get maximum autismbux, spend most of my time at my mums place and still couldn't save 20k. tbf i'm having to buy two of everything for a comfy existence.

>volutarily lives in London
No ones fault but your own

Good. Fucking kill yourself. What were you doing all those years before? Fuck all. Now suffer.

just be happy haha

>get a better job
>stop eating junk food
It’s like you’re not even trying

cope harder normalfag

>dude just trap yourself in wageslavery, retirement age 110 don't even worry about it, possessions are totally fleeting xD

What are some Television & Film relating to this feel?

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>t. shitposter at 4 am
more money allows you to experience more in life

i would love to start a massive family (like 8+ kids) but that would require me to be making like 10 mil a year

Wagie wagie my food is cold
Wagie wagie I live on the dole
Wagie wagie tidy my mess
Wagie wagie in the toilet I left a big mess!

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Doesn't your gf help with the rent?

>rhymes mess with mess
>no consistent rhythm to the lines

>working in food service as anything but a waiter

night shift janitorial is some good mcwagie shit won't lie but it sucks nonetheless, get an education or look for better opportunities

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I'm starting in 3.5 hours too user, and I'm here for moral sipport. Gotta clean the literal pavement outside my TacB

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I hear complaining but I don't hear cleaning!

Quit your job, you CAN do it!

i live very frugally and don't spend money on fast food or alcohol or new clothes or things like that and i rarely pay for video games/movies/music
i didn't save that money overnight though it took a little while and it's very easy once you stop buying shit that you don't really need

>tfw still learning to drive and working in fast food like spongebob instead of being some intellectual investment banker

Dont you have to do as I say wagie?

I'm on break

A fat manlet, ahahahaha ohnonono. How can mutts even cope?

>night shift janitorial
I am this at a college. I only have about 4 hours of work on non busy day. Been sleeping on a couch once my boss leaves but there's a piano in an empty room. I could actually start learning if I wanted to. Otherwise I listen to audiobooks. This is probably the only job I'm qualified to do that doesn't make me want to kill myself.

My life is a break
Video games, netflix/prime, sleepins, prostitutes
Its good
I love leaching off white countries

It's money in the bank user, why is that bad?
You can buy things with that money.
You can afford to go places with that money.
You can move up in the business, or use the money to do something else.
Perhaps learn a skill or trade, redo highschool, go to college, etc.

hang yourself

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everything I want I can pirate
theres no where I want to go, people are the same everywhere and nature sucks
nothing I want to learn. I despise people so why would I want anything to do with business
99% of humans could die tomorrow and it would make me happy


Can you imagine being that autistic

You need to pay your taxes wagie so I can eat and sex
Pay your taxes and earn your wages for me

>pretending to be someone else so you can set up your own jokes

Jokes on you im a neet shitskin

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People from China or India would fucking murder their mothers for you job, cuck

Stop whining you spoiled shit

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Just feeding is all

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nah i think ill go to bed at 5 am, wake up at 1 and play video games until bed again

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You would rather have a disease that fucks up your nerve system than working?

Chinks and Poos would murder their mothers because they’re 3rd world savages you dumb nigger. Whites deserve better because we are the master race of the planet.

Be sure to wash your filthy plebe hands. I'm telling you through this medium because I would never sink so low as to patronize your nig tier establishment.

>tfw rent is 500 a month.
>gf lives with me
>too much of a proud faggot to make her pay half

such is the life of a wageslave

what payments you on and how did you get them?

lol she's prolly using that extra 250 a month to go out and fuck bbcs

>too proud
Is that what we call pussywhipped betas now?

>tfw phone salesman
>losing interest in job
>sucking at sales
>might be on the chopping blocm
>dont really care honestly
>only bummed that I wont be able to goof off with worker friends

that's not pride, dumb larper

im too crusty to pretend i give a shit about customers

fortunately i fit right in at a dirty hot warehouse loading packages all day


