What are the most kino films and television shows about a dystopian future?
What are the most kino films and television shows about a dystopian future?
I am Jazz
Go back to /pol/
>sell kidney for 60k
>bang thai whores for 10$ a night
>live like a king for a few hundred dollars a month
>die in a drug fueled orgy due to lack of kidneys
they look pretty normal compared to other meetups, ie /fa/ or /mlp/.
Go fuck yourself lefshit
$60k seems like a lot for Thailand tbqh.
Its AUD so it works out about £34,000
I’d be down to do this.
Anyone know how to go about it without being killed for both of your kidneys?
>Punching down on groups that you perceive as taking your share of the pie instead of punching up at the wealthy
wtf is this chapo trap shit I keep seeing everywhere?
why do I feel like it actually has nothing to do with the el chapo drug lord
It is referring to El Chapo, upper-middle class white liberals think it's hip to idolise murderous drug lords
>only 60k for a kidney
sorry its not 'pc' lol
dam boomers can't handle how much of a dirtbag we are
capitalism is such a fucking joke
And I suppose you want socialism as an alternative? Lmao
>muh dirtbag left
You idolise him because your life revolves around cummies. Drugs, sugar, marvel movies, porn, shemale prostitutes etc. Anything to spark your burnt out dopamine receptors. The human cost of his criminal activities are meaningless to your bourgeois sensibilities.
Indeed, capitalism is a disease that needs to be exterminated
Is this a donor arm or what?
lol what is with you guys and loving these techkikes
That’s how they make Male tranny cock
I don't wanna Google that but am I to assume they took the skin off his arm and used it to create some kind of frankenpussy?
It's a radial phalloplasty, the surgeons take flesh from the arm and graft it onto the crotch to create the neo-phallus
frankenpenis but yeah
Did he pay taxes on it? Seriosuly how does this even work. Is this guy real? Who is crazy enough to trade an organ for a stupid truck? I wouldn't trade it for a Mcmansion let alone a $60k truck that would be worth nothing ten years from now
c-could I get this done as a guy and get a giant horsecock? asking for a friend
60 000 bucks for a kidney is sweet deal, I'd take it in a heartbeat. I live in a shithole with free healthcare, so it inly makes sense that they would fuck up my kidneys for free without compensation.
His way I can pay off half of my mortgage and save fifteen years of hard labor.
>implying el chapo not being pc is the problem
>implying the dirtbag left isn't completely retarded
Trannies are freaks, get off the internet and talk to people.
Those guys represent everything wrong with comedy atm (ie, being the wrong people in the wrong place).
>implying socialism is bad
Hitler implemented socialism in his country, they went from the worst country in Europe to the most advanced country in the word in about 5 years. Why do you think world jewry destroyed Germany? They want you to believe socialism is communism. Hitler was a fierce enemy of communism, that's why he went to war, to avoid a russian revolution in Germany. Jews made them pay for puting their people first instead of international bankers. It's ironic that today's nazi sympathizers are economic right wing and pro Israel.
Q predicted this
>kidnap homeless for new kidney and organ money
God I hate these faggots.
Had one in my group once, and whenever he'd get drunk he'd try showing naked pics of himself to us (specifically to the lads), and we'd tell him to fuck off.
Glad we ditched the twat, it got a bit much when he got fucked up on ecstacy and started wanking in front of everyone and trying to get us to fuck him, telling everyone that his ass was actually a pussy and that he's 'wet'.
WEW LAD, mental illness is a hell of a drug.
>leftshitcuck pretends that trannies and faggots are not entirely their fault
>muh capitalism
Reminder that under socialist swines tranny shit would be even worse AND they would feel entitled to my fruits of labor to pay for this butchery.
No way that story is real
hard to hear you with zuckerbergs cock in your mouth lol
>Yea Forums allergic to joy
Seethe rightoids
>not 'PC'
>muh trannies
>muh faggots
>muh womyn
>muh pocs
>muh marginalized groups
Yeah so fucking edgy comrade.
I have twelve burner phones, while you use your real name on Facebook, you revolutionary you.
It fucking is.
He called himself 'Sol' after the sun goddess or something, and he'd go up to all of us when wasted and claim that he's a deity, and that we shouldn't tell anyone (though he told each and every one of us).
He also (on the ecstacy night) said he wanted to be a stripper and infiltrate a club, pretending to be a woman.
Any excuse he'd use to try and touch one of the lads, it was mental.
Yeah I've got friends not conspiracies
God damnit story's fake would have loved that 60k
Do Americans really do this?
fucking kek.
>Trump personally hands him a check for 6 grand
>The donation center is no longer operating. It was raided in 2014 by the FBI following accusations that it was selling donated bodies for profit. It was during the 2014 raid the agents made several horrific discoveries, including a woman's head sewn onto a male torso, dismembered limbs and heads strewn about and a cooler filled with male genitalia.
America is literally the Mystery Babylon of the Bible
>I have twelve burner phones
Pedo or drug dealer?
not that guy, but internet/discord trannies always overcompensate by getting way too sexual with everyone
basically because they judge how successful of a discord tranny they are by how many sad internet guys they get to fuck them
That's a speedrunning event called NASA. /pol/ never had a meetup and never will.
>Crapo Tranny House
shouldn't have laughed at this but jesus christ man
This can't be real. Fucking americans.-
It's a group of smug white middle class leftists that have a podcast that make fun of everyone to the right of them politically (90% of the US population). They make $130k/month on Patreon hating on capitalism and discussing their future socialist utopia.
>german socialists
>hypercharge their economy in the war industry
>steal property of its citizens
>ban women from working to decrease unemployment
>use drafted men as a slave labor to build their infrastructure
>only way to keep going was to attack fellow Europeans
>gets bitchslapped in five years
>little germanoid bootlickers still waffle about German miracle economy a hundred years later
Reminder that Germans had the same economy that bolsheviks then implemented in CCCP, only difference was that commies had five year plan while german socialists had four year plan.
Professional shitposter.
Yeah, you sound like someone with blue checkmark, comrade.
fucking retards
Some gay podcast hosted by a bunch of upper class, white, fat, bearded soiboys. For some reason socialist trannies idolize them despite them being inherently capitalist.
They really are like this. There's a video of /leftypol/s board owner(tranny) sucking the dick of a 8/tv/ janitor while oinking like a pig.
Why the fuck do you spend time "researching" trannies? The fuck is wrong with you?
>hypercharge their economy in the war industry
Just like everybody else. You sound like salty lefturd desu
Are you jealous of everyone remotely better off than you?
>muh revolution
>120k on Patreon
>millionaire backed
>Silicon Valley untouchable little pets
Reminder that not one of them would touch a working class guy with a ten feet pole, because they consider them to be nazis, just like Pakman, Yughur, Kulinsky or the rest of corporate shills do.
Post it.
Nigger I saw the webm on infinity. Why are you so defensive?
sounds hot how big was the jannie?
>steal property of its citizens
Property stolen from germans by jews. How do you think they were owning so much property?
>ban women from working to decrease unemployment
Imagine implying this is a bad decision, just imagine
>use drafted men as a slave labor to build their infrastructure
Oh well, imagine them being drafted to play videogames all day like american marines
>only way to keep going was to attack fellow Europeans
HA, the same fellow that put unbearable sanctions on them, forcing them to either go to war or starve to death
>gets bitchslapped in five years
LOL the whole world had to band together o defeat this small country
>Reminder that Germans had the same economy that bolsheviks then implemented in CCCP, only difference was that commies had five year plan while german socialists had four year plan.
Again jews want you to believe communism is socialism. They don't want you to shut down their business
This is how /pol/fags actually look like.
Why do you watch webms of trannies sucking cock?
Oh look already a socialist is squeeling like a liittle pig when the light is shinning on them.
Love how you didn't refute anything, just passive aggressively lashed out like a little bitch.
>jews stole from them
Like listening to a BLM shill. After all, socialists of all kind are niggers.
Ask 8/pol/ they probably have it.
He could barely keep it hard. True lad sacrificed himself for the cause.
I can do whatever I want, nigger.
Fun fact: This image has nothing to do with /pol/, it is the NASA Speedrun Event, the opposite spectrum to AGDQ.
>complain about trannies
>watch tranny porn
I mean, my God it makes sense you're from 8ch. You should go back.
seething glowing jew, doesn't even attempt counter arguments.
Traps are only attractive in 2D form.
>chapo trap house
Matt is a treasure
Glass houses, leftshit.
Good God, my sides.
He's dressed like the 3 years old kid behind
Is there any more cute albino girl?
>being this triggered over gay porn
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. The Reddit club is two blocks down
Wow, so much working class presence. I am sure that after the conference they returned back to their positions in mercury mines.
I really don't get chaponies. They put up this veneer of being tough dirtbags who aren't worried to take on the ebil poltards but at the same time they burst into treats whenever someone deadnames them. Which one is it? At least when you troll them poltards get mad, that's a bit more intimidating than having a panic attack.
you dont get a cock, you literally get a hairy sausage.
look it up.
umm all the chapo boys are cishet white jewish dudes
The United Kingdom is genuinely the most pathetic country I know.
I can almost smell the estrogen.
I call it an armadildo.
>those niggers in the back row
/pol/ will always be the most diverse white supremacists on earth
Need albino gf
Thats a bloke though
Stop being so transphobic you fascist. This is beautiful
Looks like a mortadella.
Well good luck, albinos are pretty damn rare.
The dick just makes it better
>tranny sees cute girl
This is you.
Dilate now.
Let me guess,/pol/ insulted you by calling you a non white or your country shit is that right?
Kill yourself, disgusting faggot.
>casting aside your humanity because you want to be the little girl
Somebody explain this shit RIGHT NOW
>Woman: size doesn't matter, guys! Seriously! It can be too big!
>Woman "becoming" a man: I want you to rip off as much flesh as possible to give me the biggest dick modern science can produce
Bit of a disconnect. Almost like size does matter or sumpin.
im convinced this is satire
Absolutely love the way many American men dress like children
How did he learn this?
>a shave and princess Jasmine's wig
>T - Yes
>H - Yes
>I - No
>N - Yes
>K - No
For this you can get jailed
Children Of Men and Brazil (director's cut) would make a good dystopian double bill
Don't take MY money, poor lazy faggot
You don't even have any money you fucking loser
if that's what you have to tell yourself to justify theft and your own lack of success in life, go ahead.
If you're fine with the added flesh eventually dying and rotting, since that's what happens.
>implements Kenysean policies, mostly planned by the german finance minister of the day.
>privatize most of the stuff that were nationalized in waimar era
>bans trade unions
>bans SPD and Communist Party
>industrial growth can be maintained only through territorial expansion
>Start annexing states
>First England and France remain timid because they don't want to spark another war
>Germans invade Poland
>game on baby
>I think we should invade Soviet Union. Besides we need oil - Hitler
>Fast forward to 2019
>I am answering to a faggot in english, not german.
>on Laotian kino forum
You can get jailed for this if the wrong person sees it.
>>Germans invade Poland
you are skipping a few steps
no need to post shops
Should have mentioned states were Lichenstein and Czechoslovakia.
If I don't have any money, that means you're richer and are therefore higher on the commie chopping block.
He's just regurgitating what he learn at school, where programs were written by jews ampahisizing on the holy holocaust. The only holocaust that happened in WII was the extermination of 200 000 japnese by american jews. The atom bombings are completely brushed off next to the holohax who turned into profitable business.
I'm gonna need a name
so whats the point of this one?
cut off exces skin?
(insert video footage of antifa beating the shit out of a gay asian immigrant)
Make a dick out of the skin
we don't care about your identity politics
Won't stop me from trying
>ALL women wear heels
>they wear heels because women have to wear heels, not because its fashionable/makes their legs and asses look nicer
This shit is just silly.
>He added he had signed paperwork refusing experiments involving explosions: “we checked the ‘no’ box on all that,” he said.
No idea, all I have of this specific girl are these four pics.
Nothing political about it, mate. That shit actually happened. I'm just pointing out that the left has some fascist shit too and they're not above taking out the people they claim to stand for.
>hard labor
>with one kidney
Lmaoing at your life kid
uhh, he wasn't '''''''beaten''''''''' because he was gay or asian you retard
Well, as I said then, good luck.
Just get ready to apply sunscreen on her every day.
I've literally seen better looking sausages, should have just hired a butcher
How the fuck did this thread degenerate into tranny dongs
>punching down
Have these dykes ever seen a dick before?
pro tip it doesn't look like gabagool
this makes me want to PUKE
I can't wait
literally manbaby, look at that stance ffs
I want some names of dystopia kino instead of you faggots jacking off to trannies
>Hitler didn't even kill any jews, just fellow Europeans, in alliance with non-whites
Sounds like a socialist alright.
You literally had no arguments in the first place, just passive aggressive bitching like he said. Just look at that videogame shit you mentioned, was THAT supposed to be an argument?
All socialists are stupid fucking niggers, hating jews doesn't mean planned economies aren't complete and total shit.
>police found the penis pail
Damn dude, are you Swedish by chance? I knew a tranny who called himself the same cringy name once, seemed like a decent guy otherwise though.
>be american
>get shot
It's very swollen right after the operation, it honestly looks kind of like a normal dick with a weird glans after the swelling is gone.
Ever notice how those who push socialism and communism aren't actually the workers. Some, like these guys, are actually incredibly rich but surprise, they won't distribute their wealth.
Why people still fall for this scam, I just don't know.
How ((they)) make the balls? Remove fat or something like that?
Go back to sucking tranny dick
>mfw you can tell how big a woman's dick is by the scars on her arm
Why don't they just keep the dicks they cut off of MTFs and sew them onto FTMs?
They get to charge more this way.
I can't believe that's even a question in america
I would love to see an image of Chapo users
Nastya Zhidkova
Organ compatibility, any tissue from another person has a chance of being rejected by the donor's immune system even with immunosuppressant drugs.
Ironically less white than your average sjw meet up
Search "Faggot"
They sew labia majora together and put ball implants inside of it.
>any meetup pic that isn't 100 aryan gigachads
absolutely laughing at you right now
They don't cut off MTF's penises, they just change the shape of the analogous male organs to appear as in the female's.
Male and female genitals are made of exactly the same tissues, just of a different size.
Ballsack = labia.
Clitoral hood = foreskin.
Glans = clitoris.
Vaginal canal = inverted penis shaft.
Etc etc
I would like to get my entire arm grafted on to my cock-area. Elbow, hand, and fingers. I want to be able to piss and jizz out of each fingertip. Then I want to replace my missing left arm with my magnum dong. Anyone who thinks I shouldn't have some American Dr. Mengele do this for me, is a literal Nazi who deserves to be punched.
So basically, having sex is super gay no matter what. I guess I'm lucky then.
This always makes me laugh
This reminds me of that cargo cult shit where African tribesmen thought that if you arranged a pile of wood in the shape of a plane, it would fly
Why bother mutilating yourself for something that doesn't even work?
>trading your kidney for a mountain of metal that's going to be worth a thousand bucks in 10 years
Kidneys grow back to full size in a couple of years, who cares?
that’s not a /pol/ meetup.
I hear you comrade. Dab on the haters.
>be edgy teen
>idolize Hitler
>be dumber edgy teen
>idolize El Chapo
That's the liver, user, not kidneys
top lel
Nah, British.
He also had this weird inferiority complex where he constantly had to show his muscles off and tell us how strong he was, but he was thin and tiny, even had long hair all the way down his back like a grill.
Kek, I asked him to arm wrestle once and when he saw I was winning he desperately grabbed my arm with both of his in a vain bid to win, and everyone was almost shouting at him that he was cheating, but I guess his mind was breaking or something because he wasn't having any of it. Gave up and asked if we could call it a draw eventually lel.
Honestly, I can understand why people wouldn't believe some of this shit at first, it was surreal to witness it.
fucking kek
The irony of the OP calling out a /pol/ meetup for being a bunch of goobers when
Could be shopped in seamlessly and no one would question it
They don't cut it off with MtFs, they split it and turn it inside out.
>Stephen Gore, the Biological Resource Center's owner, pleaded guilty in 2015 to operating an illegal enterprise and was sentenced to one year deferred prison time and four years probation.
Communist larper podcast that is the #1 earner on patreon making 134k per month.
>I would like to get my entire arm grafted on to my cock-area. Elbow, hand, and fingers. I want to be able to piss and jizz out of each fingertip. Then I want to replace my missing left arm with my magnum dong.
What doth life?