*Pleb Filters You*
>b-but leddit says having bong in space suit is illogical and that the movie didn't have enough xenoniggers reeeeee
Prometheus Thread
I know it's shit but it still fascinates me to this day. I can say with confidence that it's one of my fav movies of all time.
I liked more Covenant.
It's a successful film because it made people talk about big ideas and theorycraft long before all the shit we see today. It was mysterious and big.
It was a shit film though. No characters. boring as fuck. poorly paced.
Still can't get over supposedly intelligent people opening up their fucking helmets on an alien planet.
is covenant getting a sequel?
>ancient aliens bullshit
>nonsensical character decisions
>'muh' faith
>muh 'we are gods'
And it's still a great movie desu.
Covenant is better though, it was embryo-kino.
I really liked the Harold character and I hate that he lost.
Helmets are stifling
Honestly, probably the film that got me into film. When down a horror rabbit hole, led me to here, letterboxd, etc.
And now im gay
I love both of movies, and am looking forward to the third one, David is a cool character.
>Pulls a Mauler on the Silent Hill series years before he even got popular
The helmets were constricting their big brains
Saw this video yesterday. Remember the Engineer being Jesus? Well there was even more in the script. Now why deleted it all from the movie?
but the plot is literally just Alien but instead of xeno is goo shit that not even the writers knew what it was
They were smoking weed bro
Get over it, it’s just something you suspend belief over, because we want to see their faces.
Great taste
Why didn’t they just take the loner back to the mothership?
>not even the writers knew what it was
But they did know. All was cut from the movie.
Watch this:
Reminder the crew didn't do anything wrong
How much of these two movies were practical sets?
I Just realized that is why they feel so kentnic.
I feel the brain can still on some level feel the difference between cgi and sets, and once you accept something is "real" you care more about what happens to it
Best way to handle any Aliens franchise addition is to treat it as an alternate timeline - you can still watch Alien and pretend Prometheus doesn't exist, read the Earth Angle novels, Dark Horse comics, whatever you want. I disregard Res completely and never watch it. You can watch Prometheus and Covenant as their own series and just let that stand.
In what order do I have to watch them? Starting from the original Alien
Alien, aliens, alien 3, Prometheus
>just turn off your brain dude
Reminder Charlize was an android
The trailers were written better than the movie.
It could've been an universally praised kino but some parts were just plain dumb to me and completely killed suspension of disbelief. Read the screenplay by Jon Spaihts, which was something proper before Damon Lindelof fucked it all up
Don’t binge watch them.
And you should always watch in the original air/release order.
Pic is real movie magic.
I've been going through the whole Alien franchise recently and I first watched this yesterday so good timing with the thread. I wasn't expecting much because I remember everyone saying this movie sucks back when it was released, but I actually enjoyed it. Everyone knows about the negatives of the movie so I won't go into that but I enjoyed a bunch of parts of it, like how the controls for the big albino guys ships are musical in nature - neat idea. I was intrigued by the interaction between the Aliens and these Engineers too, like did they create the aliens? Have they been fighting a war with them? biological weapons? all that stuff was going through my head while watching which was fun. The best part of the movie was the feeling of discovery on this alien world, it reminded me of seeing the Engineer's ship in Alien for the first time. The bad parts of the movie really do build up though
Anyway the movie Aliens is a goddamn masterpiece and I can't believe I hadn't seen that before
>le bleu space jocks created god and universe
kys hackfag
>this thread
Are you niggas memeing? Is it cool to like covenant now? I can understand why people like prometheus due to it promising new broader horizonts and worldbuilding. But fucking covenant, the thing that flushed everything down the loo?
Anyone who was invested in the alien franchise before promethiud resents the fat steaming dump it took on the previous lore with retcons
alien looking elephant space jockeys > gay !not humans
what the evanus edit. covenant is fucking kino. yutani.studio
covenant is an all right alien slasher movie
it's not great or anything but it's watchable, which is more than I can say for 80% of what comes out of hollywood nowadays
>Now why deleted it all from the movie?
because it would be an hour of exposition just to placate autists
>alien looking elephant space jockeys > gay !not humans
Objectively false. Just the result of hack comic artists being hacks.
The Alien IP cannot support a franchise and should have ended with Aliens.
because it's better
let's be honest though David was an absolute badass not giving as shit streamable.com
Even his walk was like a God.
What I don't fucking understand though is:
>People don't want change, they complain.
>People want change, because having the same bs is boring.
>muh human logic.
I LOVE the direction Ridley is going with the prequels. I LOVE Prometheus and Alien covenant.
supposed to be, ridley seems to have enough power to do mostly anything he wants, promethus and covenant were pretty mixed bags but it would be stupid to not give us another film about david and his trip when the first two films feel like one big setup for something even grander. details have been light though and ridley has flip flopped over the years when talking about these films and where he wants them to go. reading the original prometheus script before the lost writer was brought in was a real treat, called engineers and it's easy to find online. i think the alien wiki even has a pdf copy. it was like a mix of prometheus and covenants events but with more and different aliens than what we got, more action and lots of brutal scenes that draw inspiration from stuff he wanted to do in the original alien but couldn't either due to budget, time or the direction the film went in as it was made. I really don't care for prequels that tie everything up in a bow, one that would show us exactly how the derelict ended up on lv-426, feel like prometheus could have given people enough to assume how it might have happened without spelling it out for them but covenant seems to be going in that direction or at least giving david the tools he needs to go that way.
>while they want change, they complain because same shit gets boring*
also FUCK those absolute retarded fucking complainers with the retarded muh "I want m-more same cliche plot" like
>muh facehugger gets retard
>epik gurl kills em all
>epik epik epikkkkk
we have 3 other shitty sequels to Alien and Aliens. enjoy those you absolute cucks.
I LOVE the prequels and the direction Ridley is going.
The pathogen, David plot, the engineers, the plot, the music/soundtracks everything, the visuals EVERYTHINGGG
What I would love (later on) a mid movie between Prometheus and Covenant. Totally from David's perspective, him going super god complex/insane like and arriving to planet 4, destroying those "engineers" his lab's creation, him doing research n stuff
fyi (if you don't know) in the novelization David supposedly found an Egg and tried to copy it doing experimentation. Also when they arrived the "engineer" race supposedly turned off the juggernaut David and Elizabeth were traveling in when they homed into the planet, they did it as a mean to like quarantine it (that's why it homed to the supposed "mother juggernaut" before it connected and the juggernauts power went off (quarantine measure) david activated the payload system and DESTROYED em all.
I think so, I hope so.
all I know is: i was hyped that we were gonna see what happened to that space jockey from the original movie. that he was gonna get chest burster'd and we were gonna see a 15 foot alien that resembled giger's original artwork painting
how can you be so out of touch that you ruin your masterpiece
I'm gonna try to watch this and not die of the monotone voice exposure this nigga serves
Where can you get this without buying Mega Premium?
Prometheus is as much an Alien film as Bruce Jenner is a woman.
Reminder David is the best villain in recent cinema.
don't know, I don't have a premium account either, i think it lets you download 5GB every 8 hours, I just left the client running. it's worth it though.
what about the wheat?
it was cultivated by the other engineer offshoot race (like humans) that was killed by david
much like they resembled humans, their wheat resembled earth wheat
This desu
>single video less than half an hour
>pulls a Mauler
And here I was expecting quality content. What other channels actually have long form analysis?
the plot is shit and the characters are shit
>invested in the alien franchise
Prometheus, for all its faults, creates a universe of wonder and excitement. And The Shaw/Fassbender team would have been an EXCELLENT fucking duo.
Instead they threw all that shit away for a garbage fucking plot. Covenant was such an embarrassment
>Prometheus, for all its faults, creates a universe of wonder and excitement
yea turns the awesome enigmatic giant, terrifying boundless void and randomness into into a big human lol and "it's all connected"
20 mil years old Incel alien.
which is fine imo, i like that other anons idea of the shaw/david duo exploring and building off the tension of them not 100% trusting each other. instead sinister david goes full blown god complex and we have no shaw to balance things out. i think the engineer society and their place in the universe had a lot left to explore, covenant glossed over so much i was left wondering about.
i really like noah caldwell who mauler talks about in his videos from time to time. not exactly the same content/formatt but it's enjoyable shit listening to while cooking or doing other things. i also really like gvmers which does videos on game development, often for series that were once popular yet have fallen into low sales or development hell later in the series.
>Anyway the movie Aliens is a goddamn masterpiece and I can't believe I hadn't seen that before
Top taste my man
We can all agree that Resurrection and Requiem are fucking shit 0/10 right?
nah resurrection is fun, requiem has good action
One of the strangest cinematic experiences I ever had.
Opening hour of the movie I was legit thinking Prometheus could be one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time. Then they arrived on the planet and it turned into an embarrassing piece of shit.
I left the auditorium confused. As soon as it was released on DVD, I watched it again and realised it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Weird. It had so much fucking potential but the characters, the script and the deus ex machina bullshit ruined it completely.
Resurrection has some good parts (failed clones scene), Requiem is just garbage.
The parts I remember the most are stupid geologists or whatever getting lost in a cave with all that technology.
Stupid biologist fucking coochie coochieing alien entity
Stupid bitch running from incoming space donut like a silly cartoon.
Yep, it was terrible. If they had made it darker like the Alien movies and done away with the ridiculous characters, it could've really been something imo.
Instead they had Idris Elba playing a fucking accordion
>life is pointless, there is no mystery to it anymore, the engineers created us