So bad it's good movies

So bad it's good movies.

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I have no clue why they painted Jon Voight as the bad guy when all he did was help them and try to kill the sumbitchin snake. also Ice Cube totally forgets as has a leg injury about 90 seconds after it happens.

Damn, I miss these types of late 90s/early 00s monster flicks.

>Deep Rising
>The Relic
>Lake Placid

>Lake Placid

Just watched that recently and I really wanted to like it but overall I thought it was just mediocre. The gore effects and a swearing Betty White made it worth it tho.

I can't believe it's 20 years old now.

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>Think user is bullshitting
>Release Date: July 28, 1999


I know right. I didn't believe at first myself when I saw websites and fans of the movie celebrating it's 20th Anniversary a few days ago (since it seemed like it was just released yesterday), and then I see the release date and thought 'holy shit'. We're getting old.

Didn't he flat out murder the red head chick tho?

>The Relic
Pretty boring movie

prime jlo

it was self defense. he was tied to a post and she approached him with a knife. he tells her she doesnt want to do it and to not look into the eyes of someone shes about to kill because they will haunt you forever and he rekt'd her shit, DUMB BITCH


>When you can't breathe
>You can't scream
fuck man you're activating my vore fetish big time

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Go to bed Jon

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It's the best shark movie ever made after Jaws.

It's still cheesy and inferior compared to Jaws, but that's a good thing.

I re-watched it like 2 weeks ago and I have an issue with the premise. Why not just hire some random guys to help them trap the anaconda? Why scheme a documentary crew into helping them?

>Deep Rising

Severely underrated movie. Shame we'll never get that Skull Island sequel.

Watch the move for fucks sake.

nah, it's an unironically comfy flick. the second one was so bad it's good. the syfy sequels were unwatachable

just in case you're not memeing
>when all he did was help them
no, he used them and their boat
>and try to kill the sumbitchin snake
he was trying to capture it alive

still the best character and the most memorable thing about the movie, don't get me wrong

Mimic is fucking neat tho

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prime Famke