Why does this show have such a weird fanbase

Why does this show have such a weird fanbase

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Thoughts on my Lor from The Weekenders story?


(Four chapters)


(The sequel, seven chapters)

how did you respond so fast

It was there, so I did (what did you think?)

do any of your stories feature niggers?

No way.


The kids that watched it were the kids not into pokemon.

>this show have such a weird fanbase

This ain't Code Lyoko.

Because Lor

>Because Lor

What did you think of my story?

>tfw liked both of these shows

it's good i like it

you should see the fillmore fanfic, yikes

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Kino as fuck

You might have responded to me before, but what was your favorite part in the first story?

What was your favorite part in the second story?

Reminder this faggot spams lewd to pornographic images of underage CHILDREN.

I get the feeling this show made a lot of lesbians.


Lesbians a shit


Legit the most kino series on television


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Nah, Lor says that she sees Tino and Carver as brothers and is repulsed by the idea of dating one of them. Even says she doesn't consider them to be real men in a handful of episodes.

Does this show have fans?

she obviously fucked tito

Then my fanfic is accurate because I recalled something like that.

She fucked Gordon

Yes and they all worship Lors pussy


Pretty sure out of the group only Tino is likely to actually fuck anyone in the series. He has a thing for that weirdly obsessive Captain Dreadnought comic girl and she likes him back. Not to mention it hints a few times that Tino and Tish are actually really close.


He does it for free!

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Case and point

Every Fucking Time! Reeeeeeee!

Weren't a thing on the show and when I do my Filmore fapfic, I'll make that clear.

Weren't a thing on the show and when I do my Filmore fapfic, I'll make that clear.

I honestly wanted to fuck the mom more, but yeah, Lor was close second on my fap list for the show.

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All fanbases with shows involving divorced parents or tomboy characters are like that.

>Lor was close second on my fap list for the show.

What did you think of the fanfic?

The only fanfic I've ever read was about that one journalist going to that one island with a bunch of young girls to fuck that only the elites had access to.
You could be the best writer on the planet and I wouldn't give a shit about the dribble you put out since it doesn't have to do with that topic. Kill yourself, you no talented negro.

What an awful show.

>All this Lor-posting
>Sleeping on the real best girl Tish

Get some taste.

What an odd thing for you to say.

Not to mention Tish is a footslut

you're the biggest autist on Yea Forums
no i'm never reading your gay fanfics

It's unironically one of the best childrens shows of the decade it was in. Recess, The Weekenders, good shit. Far better than the trash we have now.

No the biggest autist on Yea Forums is that user that is trying to force the term "clownworld" into the popular lexicon of exasperation. Stop trying to make it happen.

Recess was great but The Weekenders was straight up trash.


Have you read "Lawson Has His Fun"?

Thank you for the defense

Cringe tier canucks with no friends are this show's fanbase
It's reddit the animated series

Why that oddly specific demographic?

It's not that specific considering a vadt majority of canucks are cringe factories.

Okay but that still a little too specific - like maybe you know something I don't


Except the reverse is true

Next you'll be talking trash about Lloyd in Space like a dumb cunt would.

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Because it was a shit show

What's weird about it?

Lor made me want a qt tomboy gf for the longest time...

What did you think of the story?

for me, it's Filmore

Filmore was incredible, and easily my favourite of the era too, but it was so highly stylized it doesn't scratch the same itch as the Weekenders, which was bizarre but also more grounded.

I didn't read it because I'm not autistic. Get help

Superior show coming through.

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Lloyd in Space was actual kino
Weekenders was trash for retarded kids

He doesn't have an answer for you

Give it a chance








The weekenders had incredible dry humor. Also my mind was blown when I saw them have different outfits every episode.

First western slice of life cartoon that I can remember

And what do you think of this?:

are there any other shows in which the characters switch their clothing daily?



He didn’t hook up with her but he did hook up with other white women though.


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