Holy shit he's fat again

Holy shit he's fat again.

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He's definitely been gaining weight, also he needs to keep his beard longer

Why did he shill for TFA?

They’re ugly, tasteless, and have one of the most Funko-tier media diets imaginable. They’re like Collider, but fatter and less self-aware

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He’s shilled almost everything Disney has put out. So has Mike

he's started drinking bear again. he probably just bloated cause of that



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When will they get real jobs? If they're still doing this shit by the end of 2020, it's over.

when you age

you do get fat eventually

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Is it just the one same person on this board that cries about their TFA review every single time they’re remotely mentioned or alluded to?

Post Jay's best beard.

I bet he just gave up, because women are still not interested in him.

>is it just one guy

Attached: that's all folk's.gif (300x300, 2.38M)

He's looking like the white dude from run the jewels.

They make over $50,000 a month.


but the answer is yes

He's been fat again for two years.

He is learning from Rich

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They made 60k before making the patreon reminder video and then their supporters literaly doubled since. Alogside that Patreon reminder video they made their monthly sum hidden.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are making over a 100k a month now.

Imagine going from literally who, to multimillionaires in a matter of years after posting some dumb youtube videos with your friends

He's getting feet


At least he isn’t as repulsive as fat Aidsmoby. Hell Rich is better looking than Fat Aids.

They don’t even shill their patreon either. They don’t even put it in their description.

When has Aids been fat

Not if you eat right.

>kylo bauman

Watch the latest Black Spine episode, he's gotten chunky.

jack has never been below 40% bodyfat. the name was fucking stupid from the start

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Nothing wrong with being a little chubby around your late 30's.

In the Midwest you can't escape being fat

Maybe he just liked it?

>Nothing wrong with being a little chubby around your late 30's.
Jay is in his early 30's tho

He's 39, ya dip.

>39 years old
>still a youtube "celebrity"
woah, lads

Seems to be going well for him.

>Not if you starve

You can eat McDonald's daily and lose weight just fine.

Fat and happy. Makes you think.

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Is his bf okay with him being fat?

lil Freudian slip there

This is fucking bullshit

Forever? He's always been skinnyfat, which is disgusting and counts for 90% of anons here

American coping... Jesus fucking Christ. Meanwhile people in Europe are fit well into their twilight years lmao

Jay is cute. I wonder if he has a Wisconsinite gf.

>needs to shill his videos on a anime image forum multiple times a day
>never has to try and make a movie since its just a joke man


Yeah and you're practically a living legend... in this thread. Real success story here guys!

>to multimillionaires
Kek. Don't go overboard, user.

His nickname? You mean AIDS Moby?
Moby because he looks like him and AIDS because he’s a FAGGOT?

Yes there is. Stay fit, stay active. Don't be tricked by seeing all the fatties around that it is alright to be one too. Might as well be a junkie faggot.

There’s zero actual evidence he’s gay


>Real success story here guys!
t. Jay


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Show your benis.


He should participate into total drama island

Okay you're not fat.
Now show benis.

add in patreon with the youtube ad revenue, merch, etc. and they're probably doing pretty well for themselves. i imagine mike owns most everything though and he probably just gives jay and rich a salary.

>”NOOOOO you can’t show nudity in a B-movie. It’s gross and the woman was probably pressured into it!”
>spends the entirety of his early film “career” casting his female friends in his movies in the hopes of getting close to them

yeah let's post a junkie as an example as someone who hasn't gotten fat with age

>The basal metabolic rate decreases almost linearly with age
Your metabolism changes as you age. Weird how nobody seems to know or accept this fact and that's why they gain a ton of weight as they get older. "Eating right" in this case means going on a diet that counters the metabolic rate.

can you blame him? directors have been casting girls they want to fuck in roles probably since theater has existed.

I don’t blame him. His hypocrisy is the problem.


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>that blotchy pasty white skin
>those pubes on your chest
>fat tits
god you're gross

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What's wrong with your penis?

What the fuck is the deal with these people that you guys care so much?
(I tried watching their star wars review years ago and got bored and haven't seen anything from them since)

>raccomend every single marvel movie for 10 years
>abloo bloo cinema is dead it's almost like we chronicled the end of cinema
what the fuck is wrong with this man?

Obsessive e-celeb autism disorder

take a shower

>they like Cucktino
jeeeeeeeeeeeesus they really couldn't even be more pleb than that

FACT: Jay was unhappiest when he was skinniest.

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They're solid as superhero movies and they appreciate what they've been doing, but they take over the whole industry. What's not to understand?

It's scary that Rich doesn't actually drink on BotW anymore, he just forgoes taking his diabetes medication for the 2 hours they're filming.

Probably started out as delusion after having spent so long being angry over the prequels that just about anything seemed good.
Then people called them retards over it, and they doubled down. Down the line they no doubt realized what a shitpile it actually was, but had dug themselves in too deep to go back on it for the Plinkett review and decided on putting out a mediocre review rather than contradict themselves. (Even though they already did when they claimed Space Cop was tongue in cheek and intended to be shit.)

People will eat their shit up to the end of time because they've become a self-sustaining meme among normalfags who think they're not normalfags but actually are normalfags.

Holy shit you’re a faggot again. Seek help.

It's not usually so static. You can kill your metabolism and bring it back from the brink multiple times and sometimes not even that slow.

If you want to get laid in Wisconsin you have to be a little fat. T. skinny lanklet from Wisconsin.

Nah, my dad's in his 50s and he's like 175lbs.

Yeah it really noticeable when he was sitting on the couch