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what A leppo?

I honestly can't think of worse campaign in recent memory than Gary Johnson in 2016. Had a ton of gaffes, and when that wasn't happening he just look so damn tired.

>Not American
>Cheered trump for the memes in 2016
>Don't think he's doing a particularly good job
>Want him to be re-elected just for the butthurt and memes

This was probably unironically made by Trey Parker.

Jeb! and Hillary were much worse.


Name a more dumb fucking kind. MUH TAXES.

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Talking to Libertarians irl made me a Statist.

>making fun of trump
IT'S NOT FUNNY and why I will never watch south park again.

How insufferable would life be if Hillary won.

Reading marxist literature in college made me a libertarian.

Your life would be completely unchanged other than memes.

America wouldn't be the laughingstock of the world

Years of being shunned made me a Satanist.

This 2bh
Libertarians are either TOTAL retards or just lying corporate sophists (like kike shapiro)

Johnson has autism, so yes he's definitely a Yea Forums favorite

That's a flat out lie. The cucked ex-first lady/war criminal isn't any better, shill-kun.

>That's a flat out lie
I'm sure you can back it up. Trump is only popular in Israel and Russia. Rest of the world pretty much hates him.

All I know is that we would have had pink thumbnails at /pol/ like /biz/ when Bitcoin fell.

It would have also been supreme.

Only west European cucks hate him

*hits pipe*

duuuuuuude just let the market fix it

>40% approval rating in his own country
Imagine thinking he isn't the laughingstock of the world.

Japan hates him too

We don't really hate him, just see him as a clown.

I've never heard of a leppo before. Have you?

>I'm sure you can back it up
Don't want to, don't have to. You're the one claiming America wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world with Hillary despite the fact that's it's impossible to prove unless you have a time machine and by some miracle get her elected.

I don't hate him.

t. West European(kind of)

She isn't any better. She's worse, precisely because she doesn't deliver any comedy with the tragedy.

America would be at war with the rest of the world.

this i'll shill this fuck again just for the memes

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we're not like your liberal lunatics

Every election for the past 80 years has been decided by the larger non-voting majority. You don't know who people will vote for, but it's damn easy to know who people won't vote for.

Oh yeah also historically repubs almost always get a second term.

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>Jeb! and Hillary were much worse.
sweety, you haven't seen johnson's gaffes if you think jeb and clinton were worse. i'd take 20 years of trump before I suffer even a month under that idiot johnson.

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You are worse

Is there anyone more naive and inept than a lolbertarian/ancap?

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Joke: Johnson
Woke: McAfee

lel no

>republicans almost always get second term
Not true. Only Bush jr. and Reagan have gotten second terms since Eisenhower

What is it with americans and shoving politics in every piece of media they can get their hands on? It has come to a point where they're even shoving gender politics into kids cartoons for fuck's sake.

After watching what happened to internet in 20 years, i'm not libertarian anymore.