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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are animals so fucking based

Fuck humans

are elephants redpilled?

Dont the wet patches mean the elephant is in heat or something?

wow, rude

Elephants are niggers
They rape and steal

Animals are not cute and cuddle. They're cruel, vile beasts, just like us.

War Elllies on the march!

Attached: war-elephants-armor-royal-armouries-leeds.jpg (900x609, 99K)

Musth. It's a male elephant thing when they get very aggressive because they want to mate. If they can't, they go around destroying trees or just straight up attack other animals.

thot status: patrolled

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holy fuck bros

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he’s just like me

>get off your fucking phone you dumb bitch
based elephant

love me some elephant threads bros


PPRROOOOOOOOoooooooooooo ........ ooo ... oo ..................... oo .. oh

I'm at trade School and have to use fucking Internet Explorer, webms don't work. Stop posting webms, okthxbye

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it's funnier because it looks like it's just on a flat surface and sliding for no reason

[X] Patrolled
[ ] Not Patrolled

Me in the middle.

watch at your own risk

Attached: 1561702859413.webm (1000x1000, 1.7M)

nigger, it clearly looks like a slope. are you fucking retarded?

what did he mean by this

Could you imagine if humans were just standing around and you walked up to a random person, shoved your arm elbow deep up their asshole without them blinking, dug out a giant turd, and proceeded to nibble pieces of it like it's a fuckin hershey's bar?

Oh my god no! Those poor chickens!

Attached: Ho! Ha Ha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! HA! Thrust!.webm (480x480, 206K)

what the fuck is your problem buddy? not everyone has an autistic innate ability to identify slopes, okay nigger

the compression in this webm hurts my damn head. 1.7mb and 1000x1000? I need to see the og video so a new one can be made

fucking Little Coward bitch thought he could scare those poor ducks, but as soon as he Slips he runs for mommy like the Little fucking bitch he really is

>could you imagine the average day of a gay man?

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What's his endgame?

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man.. you really are retarded

>your penis when you piss after a night of drinking and fucking

Seriously man, what the fuck. Does that elephant have like some brain disease or what? /an/imal experts get inhere.

there he goes again with his retarded shit
just because you're some sort of slope expert doesn't make you hot shit

For anyone that thinks the proooooher is just being a dick:

Elephants are some of the smartest and most compassionate animals there are.
They don't just whack someone with their trunk into next week because they felt like it or thought it would be funny.

If they're in captivity, there's a very good chance that they've been treated like shit.

In this case another guy pointed out that he's just aggro as shit because they get like that when they want to mate.

Same reason why the penguin walked off into the ice desert, some sort of mental illness. Maybe just age & dementia, maybe just disorientation, maybe something else.

Some humans are weird, confused and/or mentally ill, same with animals.

How I'm tryna be

Jesus Christ white women will fuck anything.

Hang out with most animals long enough and one of them will start eating poop. Hell, even retards and low functioning autismos have issues with what's referred to as "anal digging". Standing around in the grocery store with nothing to do? Better shove those fingers up your asshole and dig out some nuggets. Most of the time they just sniff them too.

not having depth perception literally makes you less intelligent than an elephant

>he doesn't sniff his poop

Eating feces is fairly common with herbivores because nutrients still exist in the poo.


being comfy

I have fine depth perception
you're the one that has the autistic obsession with slops

Elephants are comfy as shit

Yes, and when an elephant is in heat, it's the equivalent of a human getting 500 times their normal testosterone levels.

They basically become so alpha they go insane.

The elephant wanted the phone, did you miss that part? He wanted the technology

My cats are cute and cuddle with me, because they respect me. I feed them. I yell at them. I dominate their lives. But they are free to lounge around and look good and receive pets and purr approvingly.

I knew that rabbits did that shit, and they're stupid as fuck. Didnt expect smart ones like elephants to do it too.

fucking slopefags like you think you're better than everyone else just because you have some autistic brain abnormality

gorillas do too

maybe eating poo is the smart thing to do

They eat the parents poop hot from the source for the nutrient value.

Elephants looking fucking weird bros.

Just like my ding dong

How could you stop an armored elephant if all you have is swords, spears, and arrows? It's like fighting a tank

Disgust is one of the things that separates us from the animals. We have a good enough imagination to imagine how disgusting something might be before any interaction at all even if it's actually not. It's a part of our evolved fastidiousness.

Their skin's like concrete to begin with.

So my answer is "I don't know"

You could knock them over. But they're pretty grounded. Again, like a tank.

Brap posters

Elephants are huge pussies who don't actually like fighting in human wars. They would get scared and run away.

>Musth or must /ˈmʌst/ (a word from Indian languages meaning a state of enjoyment) is a periodic condition in bull (male) elephants characterized by highly aggressive behavior and accompanied by a large rise in reproductive hormones.

>Scientific investigation of musth is problematic because even the most placid elephants become highly violent toward humans and other elephants during musth.

>Musth is linked to sexual arousal or establishing dominance,

>Wild bulls in musth often produce a characteristic low, pulsating rumbling noise

>Cases of rogue elephants randomly attacking native villages or goring and killing rhinoceroses without provocation in national parks in Africa have been documented and attributed to musth in young male elephants, especially those growing in the absence of older males.

Attached: 2005-tusker-musth-crop.jpg (354x532, 54K)

covered trenches, don't have to be deep. or some sort of very strong tripwire.

Im assuming she went to take a picture and the noise spooked him.
>he is fine with all the people around
>she raises her phone in a way that looks like she is taking a picture
>after he smacks her he reaches for the phone

that is just a human way of thinking. tons of animals eat shit.

Don't aim for the elephant, aim for the human on top.


fuck humans

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Except incels

wonder how much they had to beat it to make it do that

To impress a chick. Helicopter dick

It depresses me that a seemingly intelligent species is so often brutalized by us.

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The Macedonians adopted the standard ancient tactic for fighting elephants, loosening their ranks to allow the elephants to pass through and assailing them with javelins as they tried to wheel around; they managed to pierce the unarmoured elephants' legs. The panicked and wounded elephants turned on the Indians themselves; the mahouts were armed with poisoned rods to kill the beasts but were slain by javelins and archers

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dude I just realized if an elephant raped another elephant because he was in an insane hormonic rage, there'd be absolutely no penalty, like he wouldn't get in trouble or anything


how the fuck do we stop him bros...

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Not pictured is the dozens of 'pls save me' letters but the tourists just laugh at the backwards e and go on with their day.

>Mary (c. 1894–September 13, 1916), also known as "Murderous Mary",[1] was a five-ton Asian elephant[2] who performed in the Sparks World Famous Shows circus. After killing a trainer in Kingsport, Tennessee, she was hanged in nearby Erwin, Tennessee, in 1916.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

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Dear god

>elephant rapes elephant


>man rapes elephant


>elephant rapes man


Elephants run this shit

They have to take the brushes when they're done or they make shivs out of them.

what a little cunt

That picture is a fake.

Super villain in the making.


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Like the Picture of the elephant falling into that river in Germany, it's a recomposition of what really happened. The real hanging looked just like that, so who cares.

They're animals, why would you ever think otherwise

to be fair, it was pretty frickin funny

make lanes for them to go through your ranks without fucking up your formation


Your little mind altering parasite carriers would eat you if they could. Put a dab of some sweet sauce on your finger and hold it out to them and let them bite as long as they want. You're nothing to them.

Tiger traps but bigger pits

t. Canine cuck

I said BITCH

It's called the pride parade

>You're nothing to them
t. Hasnt owned a cat
My cat used to greet me every day, and she would freak out if I didnt come home for a few days just meowing all night.

you speak like a women, which would make sense


White women should be slapped around and killed off for being such degenerate whores

rent free.
I must put in a request that you put your penis in to a vagina and/or anus, thrusting til climax is achieved.

We need to take Elephants back from the Republicans.

Has someone forwarded this to Joe Rogan yet?

Fuck Chads.
Fuck women.

I see that I was correct


No shit Sherlock

The Square format is used to get more recommendations to appear on the side of the video on Youtube.

Ya seethe?

Legit cringe.

>if I didn't come home for a few days
maybe because it was hungry you dick

but yeah you're right

Oh man. Few things are more satisfying to see than normies getting their dumbphones knocked out of their stupid grubby hands. Especially by animals.

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Notice how the Chad instinctively uses the opportunity to score points by offering the girl some comfort and reassurance by wrapping his arms around her. It's an automatic reaction and he doesn't even have to think or rationalize it.
How can we ever compete?

Maybe poos in loo are smart.

Based white women

This means that Incelephant in the Simpsons was in Musth?
Inb4 sneedlephant or sneed.

Someone posted about Macedonians, but the Romans also discovered cutting an elephants trunk with a sword will make them go insane with pain and fear.

Would have been funnier if the elephant actually got the phone.

>Encounter with Elephant
>HURRRR iv just got to pull my phone out and film it for social media.

Wish the Elephant had dragged her in the enclosure and stamped on her head.

good thread for these two alone

I hate women so much

>implying she was alone
Then how would have I known she meows

Fucking wrecking that dumb zoomer. Fuck their obsession with social media.

I lived alone and my cat started meowing when I left, and only stopped when I came home. She was meowing the whole fucking time, my neighbors told me. You could actually hear her down the whole street if the Windows were open.

Can Zoomers not enjoy anything anymore without the obsession of filming what they are doing on a device?
Serious question. I see these young faggots everywhere and they are constantly staring at phones.

peak veganism


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TIL there are forest elephants that people have only rarely seen. The have tusks right in front of them because trees.

>wet patches


It would be really awesome if spread coprophagia as the next logical step for veganism. Can't wait to see all those hipsters and instagram thots begin eating their own shit.

>deal with it

does it mean natalie proooooooooooooootman has low iq?

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>magical creature touching all of the humans
>before you even touch it you whip out your phone, hiding your face and confusing it with a shiny metal object and odd stance

Attached: elephant and rhino.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

Attached: Elephant bullies Rhinos.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

That elephant gets tortured doesn't it?



Attached: elephant wrecks car.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Hornfags btfo

Fucking protestors.

at least its quick. still better than "lethal" injection

I didn't know Elliott Rodger was an elephant

Got charged by a Bull (elephant before any of you fags make a BBC joke) in South Africa. You weren't supposed to get out of the car but I did and it got pissed. Shit was scary as fuck.

Could an elephant carry a baseball bat and use it or possibly even a katana?

That'd be some scary shit.

the utter fear and anxiety leading up to it would make the experience absolutely horrifying, even if the death itself is quick. i'd much prefer to go out sitting in a chair getting pumped with poison

not necessarily, I've read up on it and they taught those elephants to make it slow. they even used them for torture.

Oh why don't you go mass shooting about it, incel. Have sex.

cool story bro

Some folks say his still sliding somewhere.

Covering a pig in oil then setting it on fire became the best way for getting rid of the elephants.
The flaming pig would run forward squealing and scare them away.

This thread breaks rules 1 and 2 why arent the mods banning everyone replying to it.

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>Covering a pig in oil then setting it on fire
piggy no :(

you say that.
but private prisons have been cheapening out on the shit they give. it is a horrible death if you get that dose.

At least post the right image

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