>tfw a terrible mini-series is adapted into an even worse film series.
Tfw a terrible mini-series is adapted into an even worse film series
IT 2017 was leagues better than the godawful miniseries.
The 2017 movie is one of the best popcorn movies of the decade though
>popcorn movie
How fat are you?
Fucking smooth brain Zoomers
The 2017 film is ok. Retards in here will say otherwise just for the sake of being contrarian, but it was a good movie. Not gonna say it was a masterpiece or anything like that, but it was good enough to be watchable and enjoyable.
There is literally nothing redeemable about the miniseries, contrarian faggot.
It's not "worse". The mini series is absolute trash, the new movie(s) are kinda alright. Nothing Special but ok. Last one was carried by Sophia Lillis, new one will be carried by James McAvoy.
Richie alone was far better in the movie than in the series, nigga stole the show
Except for one of the greatest acting performances of all-time by Tim Curry
>Last one was carried by Sophia Lillis
It was carried by Eddie and Richie, Lillisfag. And according to early screenings, McAvoy is apparently the weakest aspect of the new film.
Literally the only thing the series had going for it was Tim Curry. The rest was complete trash
Curry is overrated faggot. New Pennywise is the best.
McAvoy has never been the weakest part of any film, I'd be surprised.
He is a weird choice for adult Bill Denbrough though. But I still trust in him.
Only a pedoshit would think this. The new movie was good because of kino Richie and Eddie banter.
They didn't adapt the mini-series. Read a book.
The only reason anyone likes the movies is they are pedo for that redhead.
Eddie was fucking cringe, just like in the last movie. And the book, too. He was never funny, just incredibly annoying. Ben was a better character than Eddie.
And I'm not a pedo, it's not like I'm sexually attracted to her. She's a pretty girl though, and a good actress.
His American accent already sounds kind of flimsy based on the trailers and he doesn't really embody Bill at all. All I can see is McAvoy.
Definitely a kino actor otherwise, but I don't think he was right for Bill.
I liked the scene where all the kids had sex with each other in the sewer.
If you say so, weirdo.
>he doesn't know about the clown fuckers and reddie shipping fujos
Are you that same autist who insisted this in that one JDG thread?
Yeah that's why it made capeshit tier money costing 30 millions to make, whatever you say
>expecting user to list every one of the discord trannies' fetishes
I don't know what JDG means and no, this is the first time I said this. And what part do you mean, the Eddie or Lillis part? I stand by the Eddie part, but I'm willing to compromise on Lillis carrying the movie.
No m8, they come from weird thirsty girls on tumblr and twitter
>proves he’s a smooth brain Zoomer
Go floss ya low test slapdick
>I stand by the Eddie part
Imagine being this much of a fag. Ziggy is going to save part 2, mark my words.
It had fucking perfect casting, and it looks like the new one will have really good casting too.
Gotta admit that I was prejudiced from fucking hating that unfunny faggot in the book and the horrbile mini series. He would have had a hard time in the 2017 movie to make me not cringe just from experience.
I can headcanon that as him talking weird to keep from stuttering.
>hating that unfunny faggot in the book
Eddie's not supposed to be funny, he's just a pathetic and tragic character. Are you confusing him with Richie?
damn that's right. Eddie was the sickly asthmatic with the fat mother.
Kind of wish that we would have had a scene where Pennywise shows up as pic related. They are both from WB, after all.
Yeah, the bird at the factory ruins would be cool. It also showed up during the Nightclub fire, which would be another cool Thing to Show in the movie. They could even include Dick Halloran from Shining, that crossover was pretty cool
Okay, now that makes more sense. I definitely agree Richie is annoying and cringe in pretty much every version. Maybe Bill Hader will make him tolerable this time.
Apparently they're adding in a new scene where young Richie deals with the Paul Bunyan statue, I think they just removed a bunch of shit from the first one due to budget constraints. They really fucked over Mike in the process.
The Paul Bunyan statue part was so fucking weak in the book. At least they took over the old Lady and bev, that was by far my favorite Scene of the whole book and one of the legit scary parts
Yeah because I don't want to bandwagon with you, your shit series and overrated actor. That series came in 90's so it's fucking zoom zoom compared to what was 80's horror. Boring piece of shit everyone remembers only because it was accessible even for poorfags.
New Pennywise is more book accurate, better acting and actually scary.
This. They finally have the technology to pull this off properly, so it was pretty dissapointing that the bird wasn't in the first movie.
They didn't have the money then, nig, the first movie was a gamble.
it was fucking boring at lest the old one was fun, the new one is literally nothing but trying ti capture 80s / 90s magic with the whimsical music when it's the kids and then LOUD SOUNDS when the clown's around
it did not scare me once
Richie was the best part of the last movie
Name one scary moment from the miniseries.
The clown was pretty fucking scary when I was an 7yo. In saying that, the original aged pretty badly and the new one makes the better movie. If I saw the new one when I was seven, it would have traumatised me a great deal more than the original did I'm sure.
Nah ya a smooth brain alright.
First off the Zoomer version sounds like fucking Scooby Doo. I half expected him to say “Ruh Ruh Raggy”,
Second he looks way too young to be creepy looking.
Thirdly they rely on making him look scary/cool with the puppet on strings movements and the fridge scene. Instead of scary/unsettling. Like he’s trying to look human but something is off type of feel. The new Pennywise tries way too hard. Just like you smooth brain in trying to convince everyone that ya bubble gum horror is quality or memorable. Nobody will be talking about this guy’s portrayal 30 years from now like Curry’s. FACT!!