Spider-Man 3

Why do people say this is a bad movie? It's the same quality as the two previous ones

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Not as good as the first 2 but it's still a solid watch. The story is a mess but it works in a scene-to-scene basis.

Better than any Spider-man movie that came after.

I really liked the scene where Peter and Harry team up

I like it

People say it's a bad movie because the media told them to.

This, the same complaints against it (out if place characters, extra villain with bad development, unrealistic time skips even in capeshit, etc.) can all be applied to TDK and everyone blows that movie non-stop.

The "argument" I usually hear is "too many villains".

Brb, just gonna go watch the last Avengers with over 9000 heroes I need to watch 20+ movies to keep track of.

I remember watching this in the kinoplex and maybe cause I was young and stupid, I cringed when struts his stuff down the street. Looking back, how wrong was I.

still better than spiderman 3.



My main complaint is pretty much what you said. Otherwise it was fine.
I don't care about your avengers stuff.

It's also the same reason the MCU cult exists.

>too many villains
but there aren't really any villains in the movie are there? it's a story about redemption and by the time the movie is over all of the characters have done some evil shit but eventually chosen to do the right thing

I think people forget in regards to the villains, namely Venom, is that he's supposed to be pathetic. He's basically what would happen if Peter never matured like he did in the first movie.

What the fuck was his problem? He was literally praying for god to kill Peter in one scene

after Peter told him to seek religion

Definitely not in terms of editing and story.

Sandman is the only good thing about the movie. If you seriously think this is as good as 1/2 please neck yourself

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Didn't it retcon uncle ben's killer to be sandman? that was shit

People thought there was too many baddies/too much going on. Assumably those critics have retired.


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Yes that's the correct term