Listen to normalfags podcast after watching on Netflix

>listen to normalfags podcast after watching on Netflix
>seething at the last episodes
Is there a bigger pleb filter in television?

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Probably since they always watch the shit Netflix version

the last two episodes were underwhelming because they were on a time crunch AND a budget crunch

>Is there a bigger pleb filter in television?
The first scene of the first episode of Imouto sae Ireba Ii.

What podcast?

Were the last episodes really that hard to understand? It was a bit all over the place but it seemed pretty straightforward

Is the Netflix version really that bad or are weebfags just memeing

No, it's worthy of my grace.

They're not, it's just kinda jarring to see it end the way it did

That being said, I still like the show ending, even if it is totally eclipsed by EoE

Yeah, what podcast? I just finished rewatching it

should I watch eoe?

It's perfectly fine, much better and more appropriate than the original dub. They just changed a few lines but it's literally inconsequential save for the "I love you" line



It’s fucking shit.

>they start saying My Hero Academia has more fleshed out characters

>"The error, and the antithesis"
What is this suppose to mean?

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they changed the credits soundtrack which I'd say is probably a really bad choice since you're experiencing a different end product. I don't know the exact connection but I'm pretty sure the lyrics to "fly me to the moon" are a sort of clue for the show. regardless the end credits for Eva is very pleasant. they also re-did the endlish dub which was already dogshit so I don't know how it could be any worse.

But it's not like End shored up any lose ends. Brainlets can't into existential crisis and instead need to see everyone die and their waifu eviscerated by jew birds.

Original ending is better.

Rei's theme fits better imo. The lyrics are just a cute callback (callfront?) to the lore, they're of no real consequence

Time and budget crunch or not, I appreciated what they did with the last episodes. I started liking myself again after internalizing a lot.

>seething at the last episodes
>last episodes
>pleb filter
You guys set the bar way too low. No wonder other boards looks down on you.

100% memeing. Anyone who recommends the godawful ADV dub should hang themselves.

>godawful ADV dub
What's wrong with it?

Both series and movie endings were such fucking copouts

how does the manga end do you know?

It's just EoE but worse and then there's a scene with Mari from the Rebuilds

How do you think it should've ended?

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who choose to argue with the simple message of Evangelion

Who's that green guy?

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What the fuck do i watch? There are like 10 versions of this shit.

desu the different pronunciations for NERV and SEELE really irritate me

Specifically 20 minutes in

Darling in the Franxx is better than this shit

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion, the whole 26 episode series

Then the movie, End of Evangelion

Japan was a mistake.

To be fair the last 6 or so episodes are very very bad, both narrative-wise and visually.
The one where Kaworu appears is so awful it feels like a joke.

Episode 24 is great

>and visually

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Literally the one good thing about it.
Also by visually I meant the directing, which is extra weird since Eva (and EoE) has some of the best animation editing and directing I've ever seen.
The plot also goes WAY too fast all of a sudden, and the intricacy and nuance is almost completely gone by the end.
It's a mess, as much as I love NGE I have to admit.

Who else here /gendo/?

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End of Eva is cringe

Yeah, knowing he would make EoE with a much larger budget and to be the definitive ending, Anno took the last two episodes and boiled them down to direct theme and therapy


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Gendo route is so self-destructive. I don't like living like that.

2 off, 2bad

What's especially offensive about that is that NGE is not only about Shinji. The whole cast is interesting and nuanced, and it's a real fucking shame to see such a great ensemble shoved aside to focus on Shinji's instrumentality and nothing else.
I completely get why people wanted to kill Anno back then.

Isn't that the guy who made the super villain shuffle?

Eva is a meme series for tryhard reddir psychologists and pseudo intellectual normalfags
Eva is one of the most mainstream series out there because it appeals to the normalfag hivemind

It was still lesbian gets so I'm not too upset

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For a start, the line Kaworu says (which both dubs get wrong) is meant to be the lyric from the song- "In other words, I love you". Which makes its use in the end credits a lot more significant.

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I've literally never seen a bait as entry level and embarrassing as this

>Ritsuko starts as a calm and cool genius scientist lady who always knows what to do and keeps her team working like clockwork and ends up a sobbing mess because the guy she fucks doesn't like her that much

I understand feminists now.

Imagine that being your life
Why does reality have to be so cruel bros?

Cope more Evatranny
Eva is the MCU of anime

>Original ending is better.

Only works with EoE. It's shit without it.

The last two episodes are pretty fucking good if you identify with Shinji and understand the kind of shit he is realizing. Other than that, it probably makes no sense and could be pretty frustrating.

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You're going to end up wasting 9 hours of your life anyways.

>a woman is effected negatively by a man's negligence and abuse
Please censor this it obviously kills people and makes women into subhumans

This has to be some sort of parody

Do people really get through Eva without understanding Shinji's train of thought?

People go through eva saying Rei don't have a personality, so I'm sure there are people doing exactly what you posted too.
When this starts playing as Shinji is making all of his emotional realizations... shit gets me every time.
But as you said, if you don't relate to him it probably comes off as pretentious as fuck.

Imagine thinking that liking Evangelion puts you in the cool kids' club

Eva has been normie-tier since longer then before 80% of the posters on this website have been alive.

It's not about feminism or being a woman or whatever, the point was that she's basically her mother and will make the same mistakes as her mother. Mommy/daddy issues are a central theme and every major character is either exactly like their parent (Ritsuko, Shinji) or chasing a surrogate for their lost parent (Misato)

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The only way not to understand Shinji is by being an insular viewer who disagrees with what is presented

>The last two episodes are pretty fucking good if you identify with Shinji and understand the kind of shit he is realizing.
That's how I felt the whole show

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Nobody said anything about the cool kids club, but imagine being so protective of a series that you try to deny newcomers the ability to respond to it, just so you can act on top of things

I have to tell you that I could only understand him best during the two episodes. To me, him realizing that people don't actually hate him and that this kind of shit is only in his head was very relatable. But I mean, that was the first time that I felt any kind of identification with him. Other than that, I could only feel angry seeing how much of a pussy he is.

To me, it could have worked out best if he was afraid of dying, but he was not. He was indifferent to death.

Its pretty nice to see him evolving as a person during the series though. When he starts to give Misato a piece of his mind in a playful way, it shows that he is learning his real value, learning to impose himself.

You havent told yourself egotistical and delusional stories to give yourself permission to skirt stressful responsibilities? You don't feel pressure to call in sick when you have to make a big decision? You've nevwr stayed in the exact same boring place for months or years because you're afraid making any decisions at all will change you?

Dan Ryckert is the voice of reason in this. DAN FUCKING RYCKERT!

Was it kino?

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It's whatever, you aren't missing much watching it on Netflix. I'd say go for it.

Stuff like this and 'analysis' stresses me put and disgusts me. Its fucking Eva, a completelt clear display of the breaking down of barriers between people, and then people turn around and try to make a unique personal debate about it? Just fucking chill out.
>almost 4 hours

The average normalfag thinks things like this without irony.

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Do people really not register that hakf the world went extinct and Shinji was neglected by his father for 10 years since his mother died in front of him? I think people dont always grasp the state of the world there

>watching on netflix
you're as big of a pleb as they are

>For a start, the line Kaworu says (which both dubs get wrong) is meant to be the lyric from the song- "In other words, I love you". Which makes its use in the end credits a lot more significant.
yes! I knew there was something important.

childhood is worshipping End of Evangelion
adulthood is realizing the original ending had it right all along

When you're a normie, the only things in the world that matter to you (or that you are even aware of) are superficial relationship issues.

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But they're literally the best in the series.

>tfw I used to think like this when watching EVA

The line definitely would not have been remembered as much if it were "I'm the lowest of the low" in the original dub rather than "I'm so fucked up".

it's been so long what the fuck even happened in the last 2 episode can anyone recap?

They don't really make it clear enough just how big a deal second impact was, like the effects are brought up, but they're discussed like it came out of a textbook and is ancient history. The closest it comes to making it really clear it's still an issue is when Asuka talks about the second impact generation thinking it's a big deal to have a steak dinner, and even then that kind of establishes that it's not an issue for the kids.

It's revealed that it was actually all Shinji's dream and he's just a regular school kid with an abusive dad.

seriously though why is this thread on Yea Forums

Do I have to be intelligent to watch this show?
t. interested brainlet

thanks this is great

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Everyone does, its like a harem almost. Normalfags can't into low self-esteem.,

Anyone from Yea Forums here? Can you guys tell me if these are the best subs available or if I should get something else.

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dem legs

wtf that aint true

Yeah I forgot about that one

You must be even dumber than the people who don't like the final episodes.

You need to be able to follow dialog and make logical assumptions rather than have everything spelled out for you

Replace Shinji and Asuka with CIA and Sneed

watch cromartie high school

>dude it's low budget so it's art

Yes, a little.
This isn't like most anime or western shows where characters spell out their moivations and psychological traumas, dorks on the internet will do it for you, but half of them are wrong.

Gundam 0079 films are more kino than Evangelion.

Where should I start with Gundam?

It is a joke user.

They took the script and dropped it three reading levels

I decided to have my friend watch the show for the first time on my rewatch this time.
He doesn't seem to really understand any of the characters and keeps trying to act like every character is nothing more than a symbol, instead of any sort of actual people. The only characters he believes are actually people are Shinji and Asuka. He outright refuses to think of any of the other characters as mattering beyond symbolic relevance to the story.
We're on episode 9.
What should I do? I don't want to spoil him but he's acting like a pseudointellectual.

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wasn't this the show popular show in japan at one time?
should be pretty accessible, right? Is like Twin Peaks where it starts out accessible but gets crazier and crazier as it goes along?
is it season 3 tier crazy?

Eva sounds like it may be more of a philosophical show than something like Lynch, where it's surrealism.

Let him keep doing that then laugh when he gets btfo

Eva needs to be watched objectively imo.
If you go into it being told it's something 'deep' it's either going to fall flat or you are going to be trying to read meanings and jump to conclusions that aren't really there.

>Netflix dubs release
>Suddenly, Yea Forums swarmed with NGE and tranny

That's a hard question to answer since it's a fuckhuge franchise that's been going on for 40 years now and has many different alternate timelines with many different types of shows. I've seen 11 different Gundam series by now and I still feel like I'm just scratching the surface. I'd say the safest bet is the original show, usually called Gundam 0079. As the other user suggested you could just watch the 0079 compilation film trilogy instead of the full 40 episode series if you don't want to get too involved at first.

Get out of my head Charles

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>implying that wasn't one of the best skits in anime history

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where have you been we've had surprisingly decent threads for a number of years now?

scared of watching this show, whenever something reaches this cultural milestone as this important piece of art I always fear that I won't get it.
also due to the relatable themes, it'll probably be a sobering watch.


>Read the Manga: The Anime

you make me so mad

>All these years after it originally aired and there are still retards who don't get the point of Eva even though the last episodes expressly spell it out.

This shit isn't hard. Escapism bad and life is hard. The original series ends with Shinji accepting this and moving on. It's a happy ending.
End of Eva is Anno saying 'do you get it now' to the 'fans' who didn't get it the first time around, and giving them a bleaker ending as a result.
The rebuilds are Anno giving a big fucking middle finger to everyone who didn't understand the message the last two times. The world is basically a shit show and everyone hates shinji (the audience surrogate).

This shit is not subtle.

It butchered the shit out of it, but it's still watchable. There is also retarded pronunciations like how they say 'nerf', instead of 'nerve', or how they keep saying children instead of child when referring to a singular.

Give it a shot. Worst case scenario you watch it multiple times, which you will want to

it's not that bad user you might even enjoy it past episode 3

Japanese normalfags did the same thing. Hence EoE (especially the jerkoff scene, and the part where they flashed the death threats on screen) was a big "fuck you" to them.

>nerf', instead of 'nerve
It's actually NAIRV
Evangelion is E-wahn-geh-lee-ahn

It means 3.0 was a mistake.