What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
He could be at home getting slit, but now he's cold and killing nazis
unironically fighting for the wrong side
terrible screenplay.
>americans having nazi haircuts
hollywood is so strange
He had a stupid numale haircut
it says a lot that even brad pitt looks like a fag with that haircut
Yeah, he should have been fighting for the coped up Nazi trannies.
he was in the killing natzee business
more like numales appropriating based spartan cut
Spartan men had long hair the Persians when first finding the spartans watch them combing each others, a spartan saying was something along the lines of
>hair is the cheapest jewelry you can have
In the agoge they were all shaved but once they joined the ranks its long hair tied in a knot on top of their heads.
War criminal killing prisoners of war.
>but they did it too!
Does not make you better, just as bad as they are.
He was furyious because he was sent to a laser fight in a tank
The hispanic character was so shoehorned
He had to keep his crew going no matter what. I'm sorry war isn't pretty
Even my grandma had haircut like this in 41st, you faggot soiboi.
Undercuts are sleek and function. Possibly the most based haircut out there
That scene where he eats the plate of eggs that got spit in. War sucks.
Sure whatever you say zoomer
Why did they stop using lasers after WW2?
budget constraints
He raped used pusy
MY 35 year old co-worker has this haircut.. looks like a goober.
>allow my soldier to rape your cousin because they are at the same age or all my men will run a train on her instead
>you have to eat all the eggs
He fought on the wrong side.