Raul Julia didn't die too young and leave his potential all time great career on the table to have it tarnished like this.
Raul Julia didn't die too young and leave his potential all time great career on the table to have it tarnished like...
Aaron Richardson
Landon Hall
John Astin is the only real Gomez
Caleb Green
Bruh this finna be litty. So. Much. Sas.
Adrian Jenkins
Raul Julia didn't fucking invention the Addams Family or Gomez you retard.
Gavin Cook
>Raul Julia
You realize The Addam's Family existed before 1991, correct?
Benjamin Baker
>dude, let's reboot the Addams Family for literally no reason
I hate Hollywood
Luis James
Ryan Flores
Is there any reason as to why the animation in this movie looks like it is already 15 years old?
Blake Mitchell
Yes, but those movies were unadulterated kino of the highest order.
Hudson Smith
why does gomez look like a massive fat fuck?