Give me your best Scandinavian/Nordic movies, now!

Give me your best Scandinavian/Nordic movies, now!

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I have to watch this one right here every christmas.

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What was his fucking problem?


its more like airplane mixed with gross out humor than kill bill

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wanted to be punished for his crimes, but got away with it all - a real subversion of Crime and Punishment



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Vinkkinä muille suomihomoille: kaikki Kaurismäen elokuvat löytyy yle areenasta


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Pusher 2


How similar are the languages? Can a Swedish dude watch a Danish film without subtitles and understand what’s going on?

Scarier than any horror

no its two completely different languages

Artfags never recovered of this kino

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Was good film. I liked it.

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Dane here. Some Swedes might, but generally they probably wouldn't. Some Danes understand Swedish, but I almost always require subtitles. I am also a fucking idiot, though.
Norwegian, for some reason, is hard to understand for a Dane, but really easy to read.

Can a Chinaman understand Japanese? Probably not.

The Year of the Hare (Jäniksen Vuosi)

>Let the right one in
I really liked this. Made me feel like a kid again

Norwegian, easily.
Danish, somewhat, the actual vocabulary and grammar are just as easy as Norwegian to understand, but the accent can be quite difficult at times. If they speak slow and clearly it's fairly easy though.

The Scandinavian languages are borderline dialects and some even argue that they shouldn't count as different
languages at all.

Has anyone else seen this?


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can read and understand all swedish and danish dialects.

norwegian. some people in my own country struggle with my regional accent

Heard this was great, but haven’t seen it yet

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En ole ikinä katsonut yhtäkään Kaurismäen elokuvaa


Hurkadurka pür Kronka yy öötra

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I can understand Norwegian much easier than Swedish and for some reason Uppland swedes are easier to understand than Skånsk. Swedes generally doesn't understand a word, while Norwegians can if I talk slowly. Just stay there for a week or two and it gets much easier

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Jagten is absolutely horrifying to watch.
It's somewhat based on a true story from Norway where a group of children lied about being abused resulting in a witch hunt that lasted years.
One of the rumors in that town was that the local sheriff "Always had a small one before coffee".

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Food kino.

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Go ahead and watch it as soon as possible. One of the best thrillers I've ever seen. Incredibly distressing.

when will they learn??

Only the greatest triology of all time

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because honestly it wasnt that good, the satire got bogged down in the directors own personal life twattery.

pents confirm, Pusher 1 is the best movie denmark has ever produced and the sequels are close behind it

Pretty good one location thriller. The whole movie is just him talking on the phone, like Locke.

Norwegian kino set in Svalbard.

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checked and based. those movies feel so raw and real

heist kino

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I like this one a lot

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They are remaking it with Ethan hawk I think

>American remakes
Hard pass

This is cute.

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there is no such thing as a good scandinavian movie. they are all shit including that one

Go away Finland

Pusher trilogy

Oslo 31. August

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Also, In order of disappearance

yesss, my negro. My friends and I still quote this film, 19 years later.

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Force Majeure

One of the best animated movies you will see.

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Dont know if there are subtitles available anywhere.

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One of the best films I've ever seen no lie.
Also Reprise was good but very different

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Fantasy kino from the 70's.

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Let's not kid ourselves, it's pretty awful in comparison to other Astrid movies, just because it had some good casting doesn't mean it was good

It's me being retarded, was thinking of Mio min Mio

Terkel ? cant they pronounce Torkel.

Does anyone actually live in Svalbard other than miners

not even miners

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Yes, Longyearbyen is a proper town with over 2000 people.

Yeah its really great

Nine lives is the best norwegian movie ever made. one of the few older norwegian movies without cancer theatre style acting

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Go away mom

they didnt have blanks for the scenes with gunfire so they just tried to miss the actors (lol)

Probably the best nostalgia kino. Did you know that the cow Arne (Mads Mikkelsen) shoots actually gets shot? They installed one of those bolt devices in his desert eagle.

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lmao, didn't know that. Meeting all my old friends on Saturday, I'll bring them that piece of trivia.

Kojima approves

no insomnia?

the absolute state of nu-Yea Forums

Hope you're not referring to that hack Nolan's version

Recently been to Copenhagen and Helsinki. Copenhagen is one of the nicest cities I’ve been to, but Helsinki is like the Scandinavia most people imagine, literally 8 out of 10 people are blond.
Anyway, After the Wedding with Mads is kind of sappy but I liked it.


sweden being based for once in their life

This is a fun movie. I really liked how they completely fucked with the geography going straight from Oslo to the mountains in like 30 minutes. Also, whilst not a movie, I cannot recommend Dag enough. Top 10 show of all time for me, regardless of language. Brits and Swedes might have seen it, too

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When I watched the film I was actually pissed at the writing because I thought it was contrived that everyone instantly turned against him so violently. Couldn't believe it was based on a true story.

I haven't seen the movies, but do you know which town it happened in?

Why? First thing that happens every time when some pedo is arrested is total outrage among the masses, asking for his head.

Some years ago a danish daycare worker went to work in the US (new york I believe) and was accused of something similar, eventually being proven innocent. People don't let child abuse of their kids slide, even if it's just a rumour.

nice repeating numerals

Eight Deadly Shots (1972)

The 5h version is absolute kino

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Adams Apples was one of his better movies

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norwegians can KIND OF understand spoken swedish but written is impossible, however they can read danish
same goes for swedes, they can only vaguely understand norwegian but written norwegian and danish is impossible
danes can only read norwegian

>before isekai was a thing on top of promoting suicide
I read this as a kid and never understood how the plot was supposed to show that suicide is bad

what was the point of this movie

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usually don't care for foreign comedies but this has some scenes that made me lol

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good choice. same here. my kind of twisted

Don't you have a country to run faggot? Pretending to care about a rapper you've never heard of won't make the real blacks like you any more.

t. foreigner or ethnically challenged homo from Oslo

Norwegians understand written and spoken Swedish just fine. Written Danish is perfectly understandable(our main written standard is derived from Danish) but spoken Danish can be difficult depending on how fast they speak.

Tbqh senpai, Sweden is cancelled until they release my boy
