shit movies that imdb top 250 tricked you into watching
Shit movies that imdb top 250 tricked you into watching
Shawshank Redemption, it's not shit but it's a 6.5/10
Into the Spiderverse
>T.E. Lawrence was 5’6”
Take that lanklets
Every Nolan film that's on there, every Tarantino film that's on there. Mostly just every highly rated that's there from 2010s.
5’5”* (165cm)
Basically every movie made before 1970 and after 2010 on the list is trash.
It was fucking kino
LA Confidential
>Basically every movie made before 1970
^this user zoomed by so fast they gave me whiplash.
great landscapes and soundtrack, but not much else
If i wanted to see a documentary about crossing the desert I would watch a top gear special
Yea Forums tricked me into reading the book which is even worse and at least twice as long
Oh no you’ve just tricked me out of reading it. I own it, it just seemed too long.
Jesus user.....
There are interesting parts but they are lost in the needlessly long and repetitive descriptions of riding a camel through the same desert over and over and over.
Get Carter was a shit movie.
take your meds gramps or I'll put you back in the home and have pedro beat you again
Not on imdb top 250 and it's good you daft cunt.
The WW2 era movies are extra trash
Dr. Strangelove
Eternal Sunshine
Gran Torino
12 weeks a Slave
Guardians of the Galaxy
Put me to sleep
I have a mech suit made of VHS tapes, bitch, and they will cut you if you catch a corner just right!
I'd push it to every movie after Star Wars (1977) to now, is shit.
Fight Club changed my life.
Apocalypse Now? Also Star Wars is abhorrent garbage.
gary stu, gary stu
I don’t think I’ve ever looked to the IMDb top 250 for movie suggestions, I’ve already seen that shit
fuck this SJW shit
you need to be 18 to post here
Completely useless and tasteless apart from the editing.
This one got me, also. It was alright, but it is incredibly over-rated. Not even top 250 let alone top 25.
There's so many Vietnam movies I fucking hate them now. I'd rather watch a Documemtary or read a fucking textbook on Vietnam. I know a little ironic but fuck war movies man they're fake. but muh action, okay action scenes FINE.
Any Indian movie. Poos should be banned from the internet.
i disagree with user but casablanca is a trash propaganda movie with shitty one liners and cheating. its trash. and bogart is a bad actor
why didnt you stay asleep?
>be 5'6"
>get raped
Indians should be banned from human internet.
Wait, guardians of the Galaxy is in the top 250? What the fuck?
more like Lawrence of Soirabia lmao kek amirite
not him but i wish
more like lawrence of gayrabia hahahahahahahahahahahaha innit?
better than Casablanca TBTHWY user
>I.... will not kill you this day.... for it is..... my daughters.... wedding..... choose....your wedding.....favour....
>crime cool
>mafia wow
Its b8 but it gets me every time
You are a pleb, an actual movie that is rated high but sucks is CITIZEN CANE
that movie fucking blows
checked and keked
the searchers. i have a massive hate boner for the searchers
yeah it's quite boring. i've started watching this like 3 years ago and still haven't finished lol
Why? It's a masterpiece.
stellar IQ all around ITT
>Its b8
it isn't, the movie aged terribly
casablanca and citizen kane are far better as classics
is this in the top 250?
maybe somebody should paste them here
ITT: 80 IQ spastics proud of being massive fucking plebs
Yeah but he also said after 2010 which makea me think he's just a really stupid millenial.
In the book, he states they share each other.
What a snorefest.
>movie taste has something to do with intelligence
I've known too many smart people with terrible taste to know this isn't true.
that movie was kino
Jews love it because it's about how they manipulated arabs to kick out theturks and ultimately allow Israel to happen. It's anglo jew imperialism porn.
One thing's for sure, I'm not gonna be tricked into watching any of those pajeet movies that's been invading the list for the past few years.
Star Wars completely fucked up movies and sci fi in general by orienting everything towards building a franchise and doing fantasy space operas instead of real sci fi ; sci fi books recovered but sci fi movies barely have
Creating the drive for franchises is what led to all this capeshit along with the transformers movies
>Lawrence of Arabia
Agreed, I mean, Jesus Christ, this movie is slow. Why are old movies so insistent on boring their audience with pointless details?
At least Gone with the Wind's characters were interesting enough to really stand out and capture my attention. Lawrence is just a bunch of historic figures whom I don't give a shit about whining their way through a desert for some forgotten political event that I as a non-British couldn't give two shit about.
I sat through Troy: Director's Cut. I sat through The Ten Commandments (1956). And of course, I sat through Avengers: Endgame. The length is not the issue; it's the pacing. All the movies I mentioned here had a great pacing AND great characters that engage you enough to make you give a shit about going on a journey with them; Lawrence here is some real life British white savior cliche who was probably glorified on-screen just to show how great white people are in saving colored people's asses. Well, good for you.
I thought I would be impressed following the AFI list. All I got was a bunch of overrated snoozefest.
Star Wars is a big culprit but Jaws is also equally as guilty because it also helped create the "blockbuster" movie. Ultimately, it was a joint effort by Spielberg and Lucas over several years that killed innovative cinema.
This. What a mediocre movie. I mean it's fine but it's far from great
Its only liked by fags who've never seen an actual noir film so it gets hyped up as more creative than it really is.
the books better, took me half a year but worth it.
Is Troy actually good. Just finished The Iliad and started watching it but turned it off after 10 mins because I hated the cast
>Why are old movies so insistent on boring their audience with pointless details?
Because people didn't have ADHD back then and visiting the cinema was an all-night event.
Emotional intelligence is important too. Spergs miss out on subtlety, which is a lot of what elevates the best kino.
Gran Torino is hilarious
This. Fuck Lucas and Spielberg.
most overrated movie of all time
Once Upon a Time in the West
>Basically every movie made before 1970
>and after 2010 on the list is trash.
Wrong. Movies like Interstellar, Fury Road and Logan actually deserve to be there.
>3 idiots
Looks more like 4 idiots to me.
please, name 10 scifi movies before star wars worth watching
hell, name 5
wait name 2
Would be easier to list the ones that are actually really good.
I understand it pioneered some stuff in film making but I thought it was a total snooze fest
Indian movies actually get their own separate 250 list on imdb
Only 2 of them are me but nice try.
Ikarie XB1
World on Wire
Clockwork Orange
Forbidden Planet
Silent Running
This. Loved the "Dollars trilogy" and was really looking forward to watch this, but what a total snore. Great music, but that's about it. Don't even remember what it was about.
I bet you made this thread you faggot
I really liked this one. For me, Nosferatu was the snooze fest.
>t. Adam
>top movie of all time
l e l
Quit halfway.
The acting was terrible and the story line as boring as boiled chicken.
Dr. Strangelove is great
>i know nothing about movie history and I'm proud
This entire thread.
Fuck off back to your Netflix containment or kys.
Please put a bullet through your skull already
12 angry men
i think the concept was good, the actors were good but the plot was so-so
henry fonda's character spent the entire film convincing the other jurors to let go of their preconceived biases and think objectively, but then emphatically pulling out a knife showed that he was emotionally invested from the very start and everything he did was in bad faith and hypocritical
also the notion of making people let go of their racism/bias is kind of impractical when everyone's personalities and thought processes are shaped by them and lead to who they are today, in any case his personal mission to turn all 11 jurors over to his side would raise a lot of questions today
Totally this. Fuck those flicks!
Kino my arsehole.
>hey let’s make a capeshit with cusswords this time
>splendid idea m8
Logan is for 15 years olds my man
That hurts user. I guess the trick is not to care.
I know a lot about movie history. That doesn't mean I have to like old movies.
Jaws and Star Wars created the blockbuster trend so that's true.
One flew over the cuckoos nest that shit is wack
I literally fell asleep watching this. It was so boring.
>the state of this thread
No they didn't
>you just didn't get it
ITT: zoomies reveal that they can't handle slowpaced movies
I don't look at IMDB, but I've been baited into watching a lot of crap by Yea Forums
>I'll throw out a buzzword from reddit, that'll show them!
i don't a website when fucking shit like avengers and interstellar are on the list
I don't a website either, Kalisto
uh oh, looks like i did a good lucha thing
that's just your reflection
Literally this. Arabia is boring and pointless.
Well shot though.
Pristine bait
Casablanca is the most overrated film of all time. I tried repeat viewings... gets worse every time.
You need to look again there's indian movies on the 250.
If not it should be. All cruise kinos except for mummy should be celebrated
Just end your miserable life already, you piece of plebshit.
I liked interstellar a lot for some reason even though Nolan is overrated trash. His only great movie besides memento desu
There are movies before 1970 and movies after 2010 definitely worth watching.
It's not really about the year they were made.
99% of movies aren't worth watching but those that are are pretty evenly distributed among the decades.
Dog fucker
I fucking hate this board so god damn much
You all have awful taste
Like seriously, it’s like I’m talking to a bunch of 14 year old.
Fuck all of you and your shit taste
Yes they did you dumb fucking cunt.
Awful b8
all of LOTR
every single Trier and Tarantino movie
Yep, the searchers is trash. Only wh*te people like it
which movie was the first """""live action""""""" movie to have a digital effect on literally every shot and having like 80% of the movie shot on greenscreen? which type of style is being used by todays blockbusters?
case in point.
it's my time to shine
Hugely overrated and I finished it only to absorb its huge cultural impact: I agree.
I agree. I hate pot-pouri plots, so I guess I'm biased.
Shit taste
Its capeshit, but I have a good relationship with X-men so I'm well enough in the target audience I guess.
It was fun, idk why you needed IMDB to lie to you about it when half of people under 40 are willing to.
this has an 8.5 in imbd, which is laughable. If it didn't have Hitchcock's name attached I'm guessing it'd be a 6.0 or so.
Eat shit
not really great but i find people who don't really care for greek myths enjoy it less. The depth of the rivallry between Achilles and Hektor isn't too well conveyed but it is only 1.5 hours long. If you already think they are mortal enemies, then you will enjoy it more. It is okay.
>12 weeks a Slave
I never normally nap, but this one made me snooze at about 3pm one saturday. Still don't know how the fucking sting was supposed to work.
It's so fucking faux cerebral though. There are far better examples of a descent into madness sotry. And why is he even giving a shit about this little girl? I get it's cos she is a semblence of innocense or soemthing, but it feels like some creep trying to do the right thing cos he knows what he is supposed to be doing. It's just a long ride into fucking weird behaviour for me and it was kinda boring.
That's a good movie, give it another try
Comfy thriller with pretty well developed romance. Gets an 8 from me. Vertigo is his masterpiece.
same, but I know the reason for me: gargantua.
i've been studying black holes for years and seeing one so accurate on a big ass IMAX screen pretty much changed my life desu
now I'm a legit astronomer (and I still watch that movie, but only up to the black hole scene. the ending is fucking trash)
This is one of those movies I did enjoy, but I can't remember a single thing about it.
This entire thread sums this board up perfectly.