Is he a Gary Stu?

Is he a Gary Stu?

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Jojo 1-4 > 5-8
Now go fuck yourself

Part 7 is better than any of the other JoJo arcs though.



8's pretty good, has potential to pass 7

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>everyone loves him
>never wrong about anything
>the smartest
>the most powerful
Sounds about right to me.

>everyone loves him
Abbachio would disagree


no his name are giorno giovanna

I haven't read anything past that one midget dude getting introduced. Does it get any better after that point?

>>everyone loves him
>the gang is ambivalent towards him since Bruno brought him in and they trust Bruno, only coming around to trusting Giorno after he proves himself in dire battles with them (vs Illuso for Fugo and Ghiaccio for Mista, for example)

What midget dude? The kid in a dress?
There's one really good villain of the week later, then tons of forgettable shitty ones, and now it finally seems to be good again.

Are you referring to Jobin's trans son Tsurugi or Poor Tom, the pussy eating doctor whose stand is literally, not kidding literally, pic related?

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For him to be a gary stu he'd have to be Araki's self insert and favorite character
And that's actually Part 4's Josuke (the series' real gary stu). Giorno is just a stoic badass, but he betters the lives of people around him because of his [drive] or [will] or whatever and pushes them into rising out of the shit they're in, even if it's in the name of his own dream first and foremost. He ain't morally perfect, after all his father's fucking Dio

>araki's self insert and favorite character
>anyone other than fucking rohan

Rohan wasn't even in his top 10 favorite characters (that he made back when Part 5 had just ended). Again, number 1 was Josuke. Bucciarati was above Giorno, and Diavolo was his favorite villain behind Kira
For some Reason he likes Sigechi better than Dio

No, Joseph is the bigger Gary Stu.

How the fuck is Josuke a Gary Stu?

yeah that was him. I decided not to read further at that point since I hated being blueballed with delayed updates

Do you know what a self-insert is? How is Josuke in any way a self-insert?

All JoJos are gary stus save for Jolyne and Johnny

>has a healing stand that's in nearly every way worse than giorno's
>nearly dies, has like half a staircase shoved into him during the final fight, has to have dumbass resurrect and save his ass
>has a reasonably defined and limited stand
Yeah, if josuke counts as a gary stu, giorno counts twice as hard.

>jonathan is a gary-stu
>gets outplayed and fucking dies

>"was it this guy or this guy?"

>in nearly every way worse than Giorno's
only part I disagree with, Josuke's is painless and instant. There's no way Golden Experience could've healed Hayato. Josuke's probably shouldn't have been able to.

oh I meant poor tom since I remember him being a literal middle aged midget

He was literally made to be the teenager readers could identify with unlike the previous JoJos, and Araki said that's why he's his favorite. His entire gimmick is that every bad guy he fights turns into his friend because he's so likeable, and that even though he's a mean badass he ultimately has a heart of gold. He was also made as the main protagonist of a story taking place in a cozy but adventurous small town, the kind of place Araki grew up in. He said he wrote Josuke as the kind of person he likes most, who'd be his friend. He's clearly Araki as a teen, he's just drawing himself into slice of life scenerious involving stands that he thinks are fun

A self-insert is when the writer puts himself in, not someone for the readers to identify strongly with.
>every bad guy he fights turns into his friend
>chili pepper
A lot of people end up helping out because they're not bad people in general, but got carried away with newfound stand abilities.
>araki likes that kind of teenager and would want to be his friend in his youth, so he's drawing his young self!
pants on head retarded.
Part 4 is my least favorite, by the way.

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they all are, except maybe Joseph, and maybe Johnathan. After that they're all perfect and have OP stands with their only flaw being their short range. Story wise, Part 3 onward the JoJo is just just a point of reference for more interesting side characters to latch on to. This is especially seen in part 5 where Giorno is kind of just... there... I only remember the fight with White Album being that memorable. Part 6 kinda gets back on track, but the ending was just dumb. Never read Part 7 or 8.

Anyway, only Joseph is really the only JoJo with flaws. He's constantly the weakest in the room, and is out matched in literally every battle except the cop he saves Smokey (lol) from. He gets shit on repeatably and has to fight literal gods. He gets his ass handed to him quite a few times, but still finds some way to come out on top using his wits and perseverance.

Fuck, I miss part 2. What a ride.
Joseph will forever be best JoJo.

Am I a wierdo if I think 6s final face o
ff is the best

But rohan is his self insert

No, you're correct. Everyone used their stands in conjunction, it was an amazing ride. 6 is underrated.

man fuck giorno, based buccarati was the best character

6 is going to break anime only fans hearts.