Will this be a success? It seems like a big gamble without a clear target audience, but will it pay off and make Moner blow up big as a major star?
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no, expect a massive flop
>tiddies shopped down
this was clearly made by reddit normie pleb pseuds
trailer looks shit too
Too childish for older audience and too mature for young kids.
Lore, tone and audience was most suited for a "Jungle book story only with a civilized loli" insted of "15yo Tom Raider"
I think it will do fine. Not a giant blockbuster but it probably doesn't have a big budget.
I really don't care but it is clear this is not the role she should be in. Don't know shit about her acting chops, for all I know she is incredible, but as it is she is jailbaity fap material and she's better off doing those kinds of roles not kiddie kindergarten shit.
Poor mans mat.i
It's going to have a primarily adult male audience.
It's amazing what lust she instantly inspires everyone. A rare actual 10.
is she still Yea Forums's main waifu?
>normies would ostracize me for being attracted to that
what is wrong with people
Her skin must smell like olive oil and rose perfume mixed with sweat
normies ARE attracted to that, everyone is
Yes, she's gonna be a big name actress and one of the hottest women in the world for years to come. We're in for a treat.
yeah sure so I guess everyone just pretends not to be
I don't know why they pretend not to be attracted to her, but they are.
Shouldn't have been a kids film.
A straight-up Indiana Jones-esque adventure with a spunky teenage Dora would have made billions I'm not even memeing.
But now it's just some shitty kid film that only kids can enjoy, it's fucking flopping.
I mean literal fart sound jokes?
WTF? Moner looks like that?
Trailers look like some shitty tween show made on a 2 dollar budget.
>Not the cute cartoon that small children like.
>Too childish for teens and young adults.
>Too low quality for adults.
>No appeal in overseas markets.
>No Disney marketing boost.
>Mild appeal for pedos... who will torrent it.
Basically its another one of those live-action that has no audience and would have been better as a miniseries. See Kid who would be king, House with a clock in it's walls, Nutcracker, Wrinkle in time.
House With Clock did well I recall
But none of those had Moner.
Shocked Yea Forums has never turned on her, it's been at least 3 years. A waifu has never lasted so long and still been beloved.
She must be aging incredibly well.
It made a small amount of money, because it was shot on a shoe string. Do you think you can make a tomb raider film on 40 million?
How many tickets have you bought to date?
Dora has a small budget.
for now. she doesnt really look at cute in her recent pics.
yes she does
>judging by made up red carpet pics
prime moner was when her face was small and cute. now she looks like some generic mexican like jennifer lopez. but im still going to watch dora.
It doesn't make any sense. It's obviously aimed at kids but looks like a big budget adventure movie... Paramount are fucked once Transformers stops being profitable.
It's still small and cute. She looks no different.
¡Vete a la mierda, Isabela sigue siendo linda!
>Not a single fucking white person in the entire thing
Transformers 5 had moner and is the lowest grossing movie of the franchise
I rather doubt this is attributable to Moner.
and yet she still had it as a breakout role
they know mexicans are pregnant by like 14 years old so they're counting on them to want to bring their kids to it
Me too.
what other movies is she going to be in?
she is insanely hot
How can I dream about her? I've been trying for a while
Have you tried lucid dreaming?
Ten years of Moner domination incoming
kind of
only works sometimes in the moring when I go back to sleep
haven't tried dream journals tho
She's gonna be an A lister and queen of Yea Forums forever, I can feel it
not him, but i tried. i got close but i always wake up just before i cum.
¡Reina Isabela!
Will legit make some decent-respectable ammount of money, because it's weird enough people will want to see it.
>literal nigress hair
Not only has she been blacked, she emulates blacks and loves black """culture""". How fitting that a nigger loving mutt is the queen of Yea Forums
is it happening
Trying a little hard aren't you?
Think they will have any of Moner's feet in the movie??? just asking for a friend.
>tfw no shameless sole shots ala Tarantino
>hire a sex goddess
>try to not make her look sexy
Roasties can't handle it now, can you imagine if they went full Moner.
She's at an age where she probably makes people uncomfortable with how attractive she is. She's simply to physically mature to play a character like Dora.
Dora is honestly a horrible idea as a feature film though. Its literally a preschool educational show teaching kids spanish. Not really made for riveting, action filled story telling
What the fuck is mat.i?
95% of Yea Forums loves her, and she makes the last 5% extremely angry.
>not a single white person in a movie based on a children’s show that teaches Spanish
Your point?
I literally woke up from a dream about having a bath with her last week
So it was a spa and while we're in the tub she smiled and suddenly took her bikini off. I got a boner.
The very idea of it was so surreal so I kept thinking "am I dreaming"? Then I was like "oh shit" and just woke up
Never again
>5% of posters are dilating this very moment
some nasty train wreck of a south american mutt who tried to get someone to build her a website to scam orbiters but he ended up hacking into her icloud and dumped all her images.
95% is easily the highest ratio of love for any Yea Forums waifu. Even prime just after Kick-Ass Chloe had a fair share of detractors.
Can you imagine being in the 5% that get angry? What a horrible way to live.
lol what a fat retard
To that 5%, get over it. She's perfect and that's that.
You'll finish the dream one day, just don't give up.
Pretty, but full blood peruvian girls hit the wall pretty hard at 21, enjoy her while you can.
best in the world
Will never happen.
But she isn't full blood. Her dad is white.
what happens if she never gets any decent movie roles?
>But she isn't full blood. Her dad is white.
So is Chloe's dad. Didn't keep her from turning into a walking fireplug with a chin that can open beer bottles.
how exactly will she hit the wall might I ask? She is so perfect right now, I can't imagine her not being hot
she has crappy film roles I guess?
Well Moner is vastly hotter than Chloe.
I know, how can you even compare them? Roasties sure are getting desperate.
come on Chloe was dead in the water by mid teens, puberty killed her
Pixie Tomboy Moner or Feminine Prom Queen Moner?
>come on Chloe was dead in the water by mid teens, puberty killed her
That and her penchant for take-out pizza and 800 calorie lattes.
but she's already 18
What do you reckon?
What does it taste like?
So what, Moner will suddenly become a fridge with man shoulders like Chloe? That doesn't make sense. I don't see her suddenly hitting the wall out of nowhere like people are claiming.
They just mad their waifu's hit the wall so hard that there is no wall fof Moner to hit.
She has the strongest fanbase of waifufags on the web
flop like her inevitable rolls
Stay mad roasty.
Moner is god tier perfect.
I sure aint flopping.
yes and still going as strong as ever
Built for pounding.
Yeah she is.
im going to cry when her beaner genes kick in and she gets fat
That's decades away though right?
Hottest girl in the world?
i wish. they start to go by their early 20s
I couldn't finish, it wasn't sexy enough -New York Times
But she's already 18...
maybe her being only half will let her dodge it
its the price latinas pay for being pure sex when they are younger. the light that burns twice as bright...
Absolutely a flop.
I wish you were wrong but you're not.
Well some perhaps relevant news to your post, she's actually noticeably gained some weight in recent months
Wrong. She is only half, and takes good care of herself, so it's never gonna happen.
this doesn't really mean anything
i don't even know what this is supposed to signify
She's gonna dominate all the "Top 100 Hottest" lists for the next like 15 years, I expect
Anger that the change has already begun, presumably.
if she gained a little, she can just lose it later, I don't see the big deal
i hope so anons
Moner is not going to just suddenly stop being a 10/10 beauty because she turned a certain age, this is stupid and baseless.
so much for her being different and the exception, huh?
I didn't believe any of their warnings.
I hope it fails. I hope it fails big, so Isabela's agent's become desperate and tell her to "ditch the clean-cut image" and make her star as a crackhead prostitute banging black gentlemen in an indie movie.
>Close your eyes user
>Now open it
>and those idiots told me reincarnating myself as a chicken was a bad idea!
Is it happening?
>Not a vegan.
I don't masturbate to animal torturers.
when is moners porn career going to take off???
For sure
She's a movie star about to happen.
BLACKED needs to start trying to get peopel from outside porn.
They should start trying to get something like Tara Reid, and then go bigger from there.
>Close your eyes user
>Now open it
It is a temporary lapse, that's all.
1 billion dead sperm on opening day
>m-moner will hit the wall soon! any day now! a-and shes a slut!
femanons are so desperate and pathetic lmao
im not a femanon i just really want to see her doing hardcore scenes for legalporno
she wont even do nude scenes in mainstream movies because she is shy and modest. finally a tv waifu who isnt a turboslut
Literally only Eastern European drug addicts who will do anything for a couple euros.
more like Boner lmao
why is Dora 25 years old?
>Too childish for older audience and too mature for young kids.
This. Even the young teens who might go see it ironically are going to balk at seeing someone that old as the lead.
Dora = innocence.
This movie has no innocence
>implying young teen boys arent going to go see this movie in droves for moners legs
young kids wont notice the adult things in it and older men can enjoy them together with the magic. its basically cocteau's beauty, only better
what does her pussy taste like?
>can't hit the wall if the wall was never built
Yea shes hot but cant i just skip the daydreaming go to peru and find her twin for sale?
>Watching Transformers with my dad
>Moner appears
>Tell my dad that she's pretty
>"Surely you don't mean the kid?"
>"Dad, she's 18. Chill, you weird faggot."
Seething white roastie
>compare new Dora withnthe black little mermaid.
Latinas are So FUCKING HOT!!!!!