Cast them for the inevitable biopic

cast them for the inevitable biopic

Attached: Game_Grumps_small.jpg (600x400, 52K)

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Arin Hanson is a closet tranny

is danny a based jew?

Will there ever be a fall from grace greater than Jon-era to Dan-era Game Grumps?

This except completely and entirely unironically


i can't think of something that has had a more sudden drop in quality, even something like the simpsons died gradually

They sold out so fucking hard it's actually impressive.

I haven't listened to Game Grumps in forever, what happened after Barry left? Did everyone else bail too? Is Ross still around?

Jon >>>> Egoraptor > Dan > Ross >> Barry > Arin > Suzy >> Brian

Source on him being a tranny?
I know from stuff he’s said he is almost certainly not heterosexual but idk where the tranny claim comes from, the jontron malkovich video?

who will replace Arin once the scandal comes out?

Attached: arin flriting with a fan.jpg (444x331, 48K)

Most youtube channles went to shit in 2014

Didn’t he get cucked by projared?

Someone on /lgbt/ compiled a pretty good list let me find it

They have a whole staff and new people now. I think Ross still works in their office but only on his own projects. He was in some Mario Maker episodes recently

they now do 10 minute live action episodes where they make food or play with toys and shit

Is one of these guys supposed to be Egoraptor?

Yeah,I'll let you do that.

what happened to that weirdo anyway?

he's been dark since it happened

Please do

I doubt he'll show his face again.

go back to /pol/

I found the thread, sorry I thought there was more:
There's some .webm links there but they're expired


No, he's a SJW sionist hypocrite.

K. Keep me posted.

Thanks for delivering

>wearing a dress makes you a tranny
you're as bad as the rest of the libtards

Well it certainly doesn't make you normal.

I genuinely think Danny is a decent person.

I think in all the trouble it took to make the last Jontron episode Jon forgot to make the video entertaining. The only thing funny was Chris' line about having to put their guinea pig down.

>wears dresses
>likes putting on makeup
>countless examples of him talking about putting things in or around his ass so he almost certainly isn’t straight
>has literally said he wishes he was a woman

>Egoraptor over Arin
Based. Also, it bears repeating that 2011-2014 JonTron is immensely better than 2015-2019 NuTron, and the two should be considered separate entities.

No Jew is based.

He is a cradle robber.

>the days when Jon would say nigger, and make jokes about women all the time
Those sure we're the days.

>near 40 year old dating a girl in her early-mid twenties
I guess he really is based as fuck
They’re both adults and if they want kids they can actually have them unlike if he was dating his own age

Onions and basedboy are filtered but this obvious botshit Isn't? Fucking do your jobs mods

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Damn LMFAO really let themselves go

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