Movies that take place in the great state of Milwaukee?

Movies that take place in the great state of Milwaukee?

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Jay's sex tapes #1-871 except #57, #300, #337, and #672 to #703.

Zach Snyder's only good movie.

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>state of milwaukee

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That movie wasn't too bad, just needed a better ending.

>state of Milwaukee

>of milwaukee state

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Transformers 3.

i live in Green Bay, Milwaukee


Fine, "Commonwealth," whatever. We just call them all states colloquially.

the absolute state of milwaukee

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remember when Mike was one of us?

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Look at the fucking state of milwaukee

Are you all seriously implying Milwaukee isn't a state of being?

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Milwaukee is infinitely better than shitholes like L.A and Seattle.

space cop

I mean most of Wisconsin considers it pretty separate

But that was long ago.

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is that real?

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Anything about Jeffrey Dahmer.

Nigger Faggots and Faggot Niggers: A Star Wars Story

Christmas? Is it actually Christmassy?

Why did he shill for TFA?

I miss my Wisconsin gf

how fat were her ankles

Is Wisconsin bad?

t.not American

Its not bad, its just boring. Plus it has probably the ugliest, fattest women in the country because the Wisconsin diet is made up entirely of beer, bratwurst and cheese curds

Not really. It's weird. I wouldn't say it's good, but it's worth watching if you enjoy odd arty b-movies. It's on Amazon, in the US anyway.

i miss her too.

based and sneedpilled