What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?


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Moot was always an incel.

ugly jews in my movies

how come women take shit from a guy if hes got status or is attractive but try to destroy him if hes not

she looks like that slut in those porn gif ads

she reminded him of some girl that turned him down at school so he was letting it out on her

ahh i love this one could never tell if it was serious or not though

He didn't have time for riff raff

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One of us.

Do me a solid and shut the fuck up

they are flirting you deplorable incels

Got a link?

he's not being totally serious, he obviously wasn't happy with her interviewing skills but hes fucking with her because it's not that big of a deal

She made public comments on how horrible this interview was and what a jerk he was being though.

To me, I only ever thought he was doing a little bit of light asshole game, which I know many girls respond well to, which she appears to, but it "bothered" her after the fact.

She's so fucking hot

Why is he such a cunt, he's not flirting he's being a cockhead

I love this video. Always gets retards going who think it's real. Funny nonetheless.

Weed out the weak ones.

You think they made out aggressively after?

This was awkward flirting between two awkward people. Neither of them have great social skills so it comes across as passive aggressive.


major bruh moment

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Fucking based

lol that was not game. if it was game he was as autistic as you seem to be for thinking it was game. dude was a robotic prick. not judging him, just calling it out

Thot status: patrolled.


Lol no that's what virgins think flirting looks like

In his defense, being nice and professional to some youtube thot during a lengthy press tour wouldn't really be my top priority either.

>waaaaa i'm pretty everyone should be nice to me!

Also a joke lmao

She is clearly fucking awful at giving interviews. He’s just fucking with her because her hot girl privilege got her there. Useless thot.

this, he made fun of her shitty interview skills at the start and she immediately took offense and got all defensive and embarrassed, she ruined the interview with her awkwardness so jew boy burned it down

>can you say romina?
>no i'm good
lmao, actors clearly can't stand this annoying thot and her shitty interviews

every video of hers is awkward as fuck

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This sounds like a basic ability to read other human behavior

Holy shit, you guys sound literally autistic. This is the pedantic breaking down of body language that comes off like someone that understands everything at the most literal face value.

This is what human beings do in conversation when they toy with eachother.
They dig at eachother and intentionally make things awkward.
I think the term is "banter"

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