ITT: Women you would love and show much kindness to

ITT: Women you would love and show much kindness to

Attached: Amy+Acker+2019+Winter+TCA+Tour+FOX+Arrivals+-r97i2FXN33l.jpg (400x600, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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What's next for her?

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she doesn't want kindness, she wants it rough

i would abuse her then threaten to kill her if she tried to leave me

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Attached: Anne Frank.jpg (701x1979, 387K)

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I think you're in the wrong thread, mon brĂ¢ve.

Good thing my kindness is just a facade and I'm a savage at heart

Our marital bed.

Based Louchad

Attached: lou-table.jpg (600x600, 95K)

Emilia is literally and unironically Lou so emiliachad

Attached: 1563418048915.jpg (1513x2048, 1.51M)

She's not even attractive.

I would absolutely do the same

I think she'd enjoy that

Plus her personality is adorable

Attached: Elizabeth_Debicki_The_Night_Manager_E1_2.webm (1080x1080, 2.48M)

Amy A CUTE!!!

Attached: 1496364764174.jpg (960x1280, 216K)

La reina Isabela.

Attached: 2547341117628897540_n.jpg (1080x1350, 230K)

Best Fanning.

Attached: BestFanning.jpg (3000x3000, 434K)

Stop posting this Pajeeta


Attached: lou-castle.jpg (1020x1076, 194K)

Make me nigger

Attached: 1560819586759.jpg (1908x2914, 684K)

>showing kindness to a woman
Incel detected

You have great discernment and probably a huge dick too. Well done.

Attached: 29.jpg (1079x1079, 506K)

You will never not be alone.

How do i stop loving her lads?

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Attached: TRUCK.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

How is she such a perfect wife bros?

Attached: Qtest Cook.png (720x713, 772K)

What do you mean by this?

You just love her.

Attached: lovethem.png (1887x933, 2.46M)

I'd love to fucking kick her in the face. Pretty qt tho

>implying that little cuck attic Jew boy is the father

Attached: Anne and Johnny Reb.jpg (1762x2379, 785K)


she's a single mother, she needs it

Attached: January-Jones.jpg (2530x3560, 1.71M)

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>all these used up roasties
You guys are hopeless.
Charlotte Gainsbourg

Christina Hendricks
Pic related titty size

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Attached: amy-acker.jpg (1280x959, 144K)

Based and Amypilled

Attached: D4MBrcQXoAInEEa.jpg (1200x1200, 148K)

this adorable creature known as Biel

Attached: eat biel eat.jpg (1097x1999, 547K)

You rang? Best smile coming through!

Attached: Amy Super Smile.gif (495x278, 2.98M)

For me, it's Fred.

Attached: fred.jpg (399x364, 21K)

You mean Illyria?

Attached: Basedllyria.jpg (800x1180, 166K)

How is she so goddamn perfect?

Attached: 1513968218907.jpg (2048x3072, 1.75M)

Why couldn't you save her?

Attached: Angel_WesFred.jpg (200x320, 19K)

What were they thinking?

That scene when Illyria reverts back to Fred when her parents visit, but still has a menacing tone toward Wesley. Hot.As.Fuck.

It still hurts.

Attached: Sad Amy.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Carrie coon

We will never know, user.
Can you delete this?
>"We have literally created one of the best female characters in genre TV and she is played by the perfect actress of divine origin."
"Dom Fred"... Sweatyman.gif

Attached: Illyria wants YOU for her Army of Doom.jpg (2000x3000, 840K)

Even as a blue OP leather dominatrix, all I ever wanted to do is hug her and protect her. How can a woman have this effect?

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Some level of divinity.

Attached: Blue Thunder.jpg (2049x3074, 776K)

how do i get a Root gf bros?

Attached: INFOWARS DOT COM.webm (840x473, 1.35M)

Of course.

Attached: Donor of Boners.jpg (1078x609, 136K)

None. They all want your money.

Attached: Doubting Alex.gif (171x172, 962K)

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If only I knew...
I would use that knowledge to get a Root gf myself and marry her

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>ywn have a Rey gf

Attached: reys.jpg (1825x937, 603K)

How can she be so cute?

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But she doesn't want to leave.

>Please, Wesley! Why can't I stay?