I'm the bad guy?
How did that happen?
I'm the bad guy?
How did that happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
You had sex.
Well, let me try to break it down.
It started when the Jews decided to sabotage western culture....... then came rap music........ then came Rodney King and O.J.
The rest is, as they say, history.
You were white
You were male
You weren't a liberal
I've only seen the scene where he demands to order breakfast food then pulls out a gun because he can't get a McMuffin. Was that shit played straight or does the movie reveal him to be a fucking retard? "Customer's Always Right" my ass.
You're a jew who killed an Aryan in his business because you didn't like his Zyclon B can.
have sex
The movie reveals he's a retard in that very scene dude.
wtf happened to /pol/posters. You used to be kind of funny but now I feel like I share the board with methed out skinheads
For some reason white incels love this movie but don’t seem to get it.
The Trump presidency isn't going as well as they thought it would so they're pretty much falling apart mentally.
how did it happen? you were leading up to this your whole life
/pol/'s the good guy?
How did that happen?
you live in LA for starters
He's a real jerk.
Face your doom.
>It started when the Jews decided to sabotage western culture
Bruh, /pol/ used to be nothing but method out skinheads. They stepped up. 2016 fucked it
>retard messes up the quote
>it still links to a /pol/tarded post from 2010 because this board has been a /pol/ colony for 10 years
You seem upset
>n-no you!
Every time.
So you are upset.
t. NPC
So basically he was a nigger?
No greentext. Yes I know you are. I'm glad you can admit it
And there he goes with the "n-no you!" again.
>It's a false flag reddit nigger thread episode.
Nice reddit spacing.
>"/pol/ is just a boogeyman, but here's a bunch of convenient screencaps I happen to have in defense of /pol/ any time anyone says anything negative about them. Just a coincidence."
dam sun
Is that supposed to be a valid point of discussion?
/pol/ is the best board on Yea Forums
He's more valid than anything you've ever said.
Both "white incels" and assorted trash on the left always seem to gloss over the fact that D-FENS's problems weren't all about "some white dude not getting his due," especially since the ENTIRE POINT of the one shot character in what you posted was to show it has nothing to do with race at all. He was in the same ballpark boat as D-FENS, just reacting differently.
Stop posting this same shit every other day pol
Because /pol/ posters used to be a mixture of various political ideologies mostly libertarian/ancap and nazis/fascists, who are fun people. then the 2016 election happened and /pol/ got flooded with neocons and other more typical conservatives including actual baby boomers
by being directly relevant you dumb fuck
Id argue that the Trump presidency actually did its job quite well, at least where some of us are concerned. I voted for him as a monkey wench measure, and so did many others. it worked.
No retard average republicans aren't screaming for genocide and fascism. It's literally liberal activists and feds false flagging trying to radicalized people.
Kill yourself discord tranny
You certainly seem like a smart individual willing to discuss opposing viewpoints
the low IQ of pol cant help but out itself
>unironically being radicalized by shit you see on an imageboard
go outside sometimes
Thanks, you seem like a dumbass trying to legitimize your empty racial hatred with a thin veneer
Meanwhile in reality another Republican just went on a shooting spree in Gilroy.
then i guess you should stop trying if you think its pointless
you made a thread to cry about /pol/ you pathetic faggot.
yea the underage eco fascist Iranian was totally a lifelong white supremacist. If he was a right winger it wouldn't have disappeared from the media already.
Another ad hominem. You must feel very smart right now
People on all boards are fucking fed up with /pol/. You no longer have a home here. Deal with it.
what did I even do?
No pol you are legitimately dumb
Youre trying to defend online radicalization
>Anything that doesn't confirm my beliefs is fake! FAKE!
Also, I like how I said "Republican" and you said "lifelong white supremacist." So that's how you see yourself, eh?
>You are dumb
Thanks for the discussion
I don't care what other people think. I have a life, you clearly don't
You're a zoomer poof who made an off topic thread on Yea Forums to cry about /pol/ and now youre desperately baiting for responses in a pahetic attempt to justify your off topic bait thread.
You're welcome. Your Adolf pic certainly doesn't support me
Yea, me arguing against pol and racism and radicalization is me being a white supremacist. You're dumb as fuck.
Have sex
Whatever helps you sleep at night
'Go read' isn't that bad
>Republicans are anarchists now
And you wonder why you lost the edgy kids.
have fun being eternally mad on the internet
I think you responded to the wrong post.
I'm legitimately sorry for you that you feel stupid and insecure.
Nope im responding back to you, you're just a little slow on the mental draw.
I've never seen a liberal say "Trump is finished!" It's always a sarcastic post from Trumptards who can't understand why people hate them for voting for a pedophile.
Well, what sane parent would leave their baby with a gorilla anyway? You get what you deserve.
You're not making any sense. Lay off the drugs.
I'm legitimately sorry jussie is such a piece of shit he'd stage an attack like that. Fucking disgusting trying to create drama berween the races for his own financial benefit.
fuck, einstein was wrong. relativity was all fake news. this black progressive woman will truly shape the future of physics. biopic when?
>my alma matter
>cleared of all charges
>but who was phone thinks pol's evil
Republicans are shit too, lurk never soì
its not hard to cherry pick to make a narrative pol.
the narrative is that niggers aren't human, which tends to be right 99% of the times. The rare 1% case is the golden nigger which you must protect from the feral niggers.
do you think that any of my statements support him?
Why are white people so insecure?
They're literally more 'human' than Europeans who have caveman DNA, actually, pol.
The article isn't even real dumbasses. I faked the image. Nice to see /pol/ is still easy to fool.
lel this nerd got slick trips
Just the pol types. The irony is that the people crying about IQ differences end up having low IQ themselves.
>Humanity is measured by who has the least neanderthal DNA
Good to know your a race supremacist and a NPC who totally misses the point. Ever considered killing yourself instead of living in a world where Trump is your president?
The majority of /pol/ doesn't even like Trump. Most of them hate him for being a total Israel cuck. In fact most people only like Trump because retards like you hate him. And the more you people hate him, the more people like him.
I didn't even vote for the guy because I legit fell for the "he's instable" Clinton propaganda. But that being said, looking back now; my taxes are lower, the economy is better, illegals are finally being deported, the border is finally being protected, literally my own neighborhood has become safer.
You out of touch liberals can scream at Trump voters and call them retarded nazis all you want, but who do you think I will vote for next time around when the curtains close?
Reverse psychology isn't working.
Step 1: Don't give tickets to white people because they never pull them over.
Step 2: Claim black people are bad citizens because they get tons of tickets.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Let's not get here, please.
>by the Chicago pd
That's not reddit spacing you retard.
You are a goddam idiot and your posts are circling the drain.
well well WELL look at us peers fighting amongst like crabs in a bucket. I wonder, while this side huffs and that side puffs, who laughs at us all while we aren’t focusing any of this justified anger at them. Maybe they’re right and we really are just a bunch of fucking pigs in the wallow. Maybe we won’t pull it together and sock him in the mouth.
>"I didn't even vote for Trump, but have you noticed that [obviously untrue propaganda] is totally true?"
>my taxes are lower
Nope, Trump only cut taxes for the rich.
>the economy is better,
Trump singlehandedly tripled the deficit.
>illegals are finally being deported
Wrong, they're coming into this country at a higher rate than ever before.
>the border is finally being protected
It's been three years and you haven't even started on the wall.
>literally my own neighborhood has become safer.
Complete nonsense.
Who do you think you're fooling, /pol/tard.
Yes pol retards like you fall for clickbait
You hit the jackpot, maybe you truly should kill yourself.
Newfag. He starts a new line with each new sentence. That's reddit as hell and you're reddit for not noticing it.
>muh cut taxes for the rich
imagine being a neet and not someone with a proper degree & job. The only people claiming the tax cuts were for the rich are the neet redditors sitting on their ass drinking onions and browsing /r/politics farming drumpf karma all day. There's even studies that the people who voted for Bernie were the loudest minority ever in the interwebz.
No pol you feeling stupid doesn't mean I'm a 'libtard'
Not only will we not kill ourselves, but we will never leave. There is nothing you can do to make us leave. You can cry, cry, cry, but you are powerless to do anything to stop us. You can't scare us away. All you have is words. We don't care. We will stay here forever.
There is this lecture on youtube of some white guy living in Africa who claims that Africans are legit incapable of understanding time and thinking ahead and that they merely mimick white behavior but abandon this mimicking behavior once the white people leave. He makes a really good case imo. Whites only evolved to be able to plan ahead due to harsh winters and ice ages. Africans never went through these stages of evolutions. Their societies are solely centered around who is fast and strong so if you are smart and save up 20 coconuts for the end of the week, Uga the brute will just knock you over the head and take your coconuts. So better just eat them now.
He has this thought experiment of what a society of hypothetical people who don't have the concept of long term thinking would look like. He ends up describing Africa and every single black majority country on earth to a T.
You're an outside agitator trying to play both sides
Was this film made by Jews for White's to vent?
And it's working.
The irony of this post is bernie posters. The loudest minority in existence, you can see them all over reddit and twitter, yet most of the nation hate them as they're degenerate basedboyz who leech off the government.
That's you by the way. How does it feel being a waste of a life who could've prospered if you didn't buy into the communist meme?
Holy shit, imagine unironically typing out this word. Trumptards really do talk like teenagers.
Except that its not.
people who claim that "the customer is always right" are ironically never in the right
>not knowing that söy gets reworded into based
thanks for outing yourself as a redditor, nigger.
You overreacted to stress that everyone faces , Many people lose their jobs, have relationship issues and are sick of the world. It sucks , you were told to do things for success , you did those things and did not get the success you were promised but thats no reason to act like an asshole
this is bait or a really retarded redditor, probably both.
I'm not rich and my taxes are lower. You basically just admitted that by "the rich" you mean everyone that's not a welfair parasite. Kys socialist scum.
>hurrr let me tell you about your neighborhood
1) I never mentioned the wall. But the border is DEFINITELY being protected more. You have to be straight up delusional to deny that. Look up stats and funding retard.
2) I don't even care about the wall that much personally, but I'm pretty sure the dude just got the funding secured for the thing. Maybe follow the news.
See this is what I mean. You got me defending Trump even though I didn't even vote for the guy. This is why you people will lose again. I hate you people more than I could ever support a candidate from either side. I just really can't stand you people and Yea Forums is the only place where I can openly express that feeling.
Agreed. But not one other person is this thread is talking about, or I bet has even seen this film. It has not very much to do with race. The main character's struggle as an irrelevant relic is universal. When the police take away the protesting black man they have a moment of eye contact and obvious kinship.
Let them act like idiots
>calls other people redditors
>while getting caught by the wordfilter which if you had known about before that post you would have avoided it
Newfags detected. I'd say welcome to Yea Forums, but you're not welcome here.
Voltaire was a liberal, like all smart people.
>acting like an oldfag by implying avoiding wordfilters instead of utilizing them to autismspeak like every oldfag does
This is like saying nigger by typing 8766.
Also, no one likes you. Go back to /r/politics or some gay ass subreddit to jack off to drumpf karma.
You keep pretending you didn't vote for him while using all of his boogeyman words like socialism and blindly lapping up his lies. If this discussion goes on any longer you will undoubtedly bring in God and the troops. And the reason I scoffed at the neighborhood example is because you seriously attempted to use anecdotal evidence. I've seen more and more brainlets like you trying to pull that shit since 2016.
Again, I don't know who you think you're fooling.
nice bait
Dude literally hated democracy and the rule of the mob. Does Liberals misinterpret everything in their favour? HURR DURR GOD WAS A LIBERAL
100M deaths weren't enough, we need 100M more on the niggers like this retard.
Voltaire adopted a stance in this text somewhere between the strict determinism of rationalist materialists and the transcendent spiritualism and voluntarism of contemporary Christian natural theologians. For Voltaire, humans are not deterministic machines of matter and motion, and free will thus exists. But humans are also natural beings governed by inexorable natural laws, and his ethics anchored right action in a self that possessed the natural light of reason immanently. This stance distanced him from more radical deists like Toland, and he reinforced this position by also adopting an elitist understanding of the role of religion in society. For Voltaire, those equipped to understand their own reason could find the proper course of free action themselves. But since many were incapable of such self-knowledge and self-control, religion, he claimed, was a necessary guarantor of social order. This stance distanced Voltaire from the republican politics of Toland and other materialists, and Voltaire echoed these ideas in his political musings, where he remained throughout his life a liberal, reform-minded monarchist and a skeptic with respect to republican and democratic ideas.
yeah , I mean when I was young I saw this movie I felt for the main character , I felt bad. but I saw it again and began to sympathize but also be able to call out his bullshit. He was an asshole to his wife and daughter. He held up people at a fast food joint for something as stupid as a sandwich. Those two assholes that bothered him at the park are the only ones that "Deserved" any of his retribution. Its still a good movie , but you have to take care to understand what a flawed protagonist William Foster AKA DFENSE plays
Break’s over, get back inside goy.
>KILL ALL PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH ME! Also, did you know the left is violent?
>Implying that what Voltaire meant by freeing yourself from religion was indoctrinating yourself with gender studies instead.
t. a liberal cuck
I wonder what ideology this currently supports.
amen man
Based on this thread, and that Yea Forums is the bowl of the hive mind...the next month irl is going be nutty af
I almost feel sorry for you. Must be a terrible life, being angry all the time.
Why, what's happening IRL?
you hit the jackpot again
What? no way
so you're saying /pol/ disseminates truthful information willingly and freely? wow thanks I'm headed there now
You never answered about how it made you feel that I won't be killing myself.
Funny how people with the most Neanderthal genes (whites and Asians) are the more intelligent and successful races, but somehow you think this is an insult.
If whites are so successful then how come our last president was black?
Great argument
is this some sort of schizophrenic tic?
What’s interesting about here is that, because this is the last biggest bastion of free-ish speech, really interesting minds gather (or used to) and can tap into and create a part of the larger zeitgeist. Because that’s old news, any think tank or monied interest worth their salt sends their queef bitches here to test ideas and gather analytics, so another layer of potential zeitgeist creation intersects here, again.
Re: ^, whether this thread is an organic debate happening on Yea Forums or sort of limited hangout...having spent the last 12 years lurking the fuck out of this place, my money is on something sparky happening irl in the next month. Diet civil war
If you'd watch the movie you'd know it was his license plate and nickname.
Yeah , its his license plate, its mentioned but if you have only seen the movie once it might be forgotten
I've been seeing people claim there's going to be a civil war for the last three years and absolutely no progress being made towards that. White people will never get off their fat asses so long as it doesn't affect them personally, and it never will.
ahh, ok. I saw it like 8 years ago and while I liked it and there are some quotable moments I guess his license plate didn't register for me
You chuklefuck seem to know a whole lot about reddit.
That's surprising because it's kind of a pivotal point of the movie, they're only able to find him because of his unique license plate. But if you saw it 8 years ago it's understandable.
I never said it was an insult, just pointing out pol retards are ignorant of almost everything.
I'm not 100% sure but I was probably also having a couple of the ol' brewskies. you understand how it goes
I was lucky to have a professor who lived under communist china. Everything my professor told me was the most horrific shit you could imagine. It was surprising to me since most of my professors were marxists. Communism is fucked china is fucked your whole long march through the institutions is fucked. No one is buying it
Rent free
Good thing socialism is not the same thing as communism. Nobody's buying the scare tactics.
Too bad that only works in a majortiy ethnically white country.
So, socialism will work in America? Glad you agree!
Hispanics and Middle Easterners aren't white
>socialism doesn't work!
>It works in Sweden!
>[dead silence]
>stop being an idiot
>>hurr rent free
It isn't working?
Hispanic isn't a race and Middle easterners are caucasoids
Reminder this thread is being babysat by the tranny janny.
Prove that it isn't. You can't because it is working.
>Hispanic isn't a race and Middle easterners are caucasoids
Oh so you are the kind of person that lumps them in with the rest of white people
yea trannies want straight white guys radicalized to kill them
What do you mean by working? The rape capital of Europe? Most grenade attacks in Europe? Do I need to go on?
unironically have sex... with another faggot.
What even are you on about? Fucking idiot American.
I'm the guy who lives in reality. You pol types discount every one as not being white.
Which part of socialism caused that?
So you can't substaniate your argument so you call me an idiot... Look in a mirror
You literally just fucking made shit up. I defy you to find even a single source for any of that bullshit you just said. You can't because it doesn't exist. Americans are fucking stupid.
Your whole statement proves you don't live in reality
Open borders
It's a thread that was purely created to cry about /pol/. Tranny janny is deleting other threads but not this one, despite deleting posts going against ops narrative in this thread.
There’s been plenty of progress toward something approximating a civil war since the 80’s. Go watch any good or medium okay 80’s action movie and there’s plenty of conflict-overcoming white/black characters.
Oftentimes spotlighting a “problem” creates the “problem”. If the issues at hand have no firm solution, it’s all just al queda/isis forever war bullshit. We aren’t a physical society, and as such, our civil war is a social one and it’s been taking casualties for like, 6 years.
>You literally just fucking made shit up
Immigration policy is not socialism.
Great, some right-wing blog.
Do you support open borders?
And yet you can't say why
He was never the bad guy, his masters just wouldn't let him off his leash.
The problem with D-Fens though is he blamed all his problems on small business owners.
Attacks some Korean shop owner just because he's probably dealing with high rent (being in LA),
Attacks an innocent wagie at GoodGoyBurger.
Then finally murders an innocent shop owner because he's been programmed to defend god's chosen people.
You could argue D Fens was justified in attacking/killling the gang members since that was in self-defense. But otherwise, the guy was a real jerk.
Attack the source and not the data good job
No it wasn't. It's probably made by that one retard Aussie who spams shitposts until he gets rangebanned.
You know who else was a jerk? That guy who sprayed water on Tom Cruise.
Yeah this is a funny mirror perspective on things
Fuck off. There's no reason for it to be this bad. People are being turned on each other everyday. Gender, Race and Religion are pushed to the forefront of everything to ensure the plebians rip each other's throats out once the pressure cooker is ready. This kind of demoralization needs to be stopped.
Nope. Im not the other user you're talking to, but you shouldn't move goalposts once you realize you're wrong.
Nothing in that link is backed up by data.
Yes pol he was bad and no it's not jews
>just ignore the class divide goy
Bernie is unironically right on his economic plan and it's the reason why he;ll never be president. He's literally just a puppet to get more youth votes for the Dems.
I think his issue is that you include Hispanic and Middle Eastern genealogy as “White”...which is disrespectful to all groups involved.
that’s such a good point about /pol/ actually bringing boomers to this site.. that board alone decreased the quality of the website so much 2016-now
Then maybe you should read the thread a bit more. Do you YOU support open borders?
So I'm right and you're just trying to prolong this to avoid admitting you're wrong.
What has improved in your life from this monkey wrench?
That link literally has a pie chart proving that the majority of Swedish rapes are from Sweden.
Can you fucking read
It’s always getting worse. People were lamenting lack of quality in 2009 and the level of discussion then was Ivy League compared to this GED noise
No you are just disingenious
>What did you guys think of this show?
T-t-thanks pol
Maybe you two should get together in a discord and learn english better
Nope. Nothing I said was inaccurate.
/pol/ is full of retards who actually post pictures of themselves now too. They miss the point of an anonymous website. It's insane how many of them are legitimate boomers.
Man I don’t know, I only noticed you guys arguing halfway through. You seem to have a hard on to make “white” as ambiguous as possible, that’s all I can tell.
No pol you aren't going to dismiss that you're wrong that easily.
Yeah Hispanics and Middle Eastern people are totally white....
Nope, pretending you just came in now isn't saving you face.
I'm so happy you are making a fool of yoursel
Probably right around the time you assaulted a small fast food restaurant with a semi automatic sub machine gun.
Yep there are white hispanics and middle easterners. Neither of those are races, fatboy.
So many things. Epstein wouldn’t have happened. Late night shows being outted as thought creation vehicles. Bernie-style socialism wouldn’t be given a second thought had Hilary won. Trump has crafted a perfect monster for the dumb masses to react to in ways that benefit us all and shackle those who wish they didn’t have to constantly work overtime to channel the rage called to the surface by someone they really didn’t want to win.
No pol you realizing you're wrong isn't me being a fool.
The thing people miss is he did cut taxes for everyone.
The difference is that the upper class tax breaks were permanent and the middle class breaks temporary. That way when they expire during a Democrat's presidency all the retards can cry about it to the gop about muh taxes.
Pretty genius in a cynical political sense. Too bad it's a retarded way to run a country long term. Cyclically taking dumps on your people and economy to blame your opponents and win more elections.
Firing one shot in their computer server isn't what I would call an assault. Especially when the assailant had an IMDB page of his acting career and they turned the traffic cameras around the day before the "shooting" that killed no one but evidence
Sounds like a very scientific anecdote.
>Yep there are white hispanics and middle easterners.
I wonder who they hate more
>threatening groups of people over a egg mcmuffin isn't bad
You are a incredibly stupid piece of shit.
Keep responding. Is this your first day on the job?
What is this pilpul? I think I touched a cord there
Or conversely things are really shit for a lot of people. Confronting these issues, even if it makes you sad everyone is kumbaya-ing, is seen as necessary to a free and mutually beneficial society.
No pol you feeling stupid doesn't make someone a paid shill, and no you aren't good at reverse psychology.
There’s still good shit, just more noise. And I sort of get the lax opsec, we’re more than a few steps through the looking glass: Not having made identity mistakes online at this point makes you look real shiny to those who’ve recently gathered the analytic tech to discern such things
The anti tranny user made a thread to cry about /pol/, that makes no sense.
So you're resorting to gibberish to try and end this? You're fucking pathetic.
tranny janny is protecting his thread, he's got nothing to worry about.
Pilpul is a real term but the use of it as an attempt to escape the discussion does out him as a /pol/tard.
No wonder you aren't on the front lines the hire the retards for the JIDF
Think about it
No pol not everyone that makes you feel stupid is jewish
No they do that all on their own
So people with a 95 IQ make you feel stupid?
I’m not him but you sure are a real golden discordian apple, mate
Nope, reddit spacing is saying a statement.
Then making another statement a couple linebreaks down.
Sit the fuck down, kiddo.
Thanks for nothing
Calling out idiots isnt trifle
boy saving a picture thats concise about a point and then posting said picture is like a tremendous monumental task only fit for the highest tiers of technical literacy
Good democracy is a failed god
Nice reddit spacing.
Why are people of color so insecure?
The point of the post which you pretended to miss is that you /pol/tards leap to /pol/'s defense within minutes of /pol/'s honor being sullied. Because you're from /pol/.
reminder this faggot made this thread to cry about /pol/ and has been repeating the same shit for hours and hours but the thread hasnt been deleted for some reason.
Watching all your posts get deleted was pretty funny though.
4 hours and still triggering /pol/tards. Based.
>come back to this thread a couple hours later
>the only thing deleted was my post specifically
jannies really are trannies
Idiot above me, idiot below me.
This movie was really good. I wish we could've discussed it today.
I'll try again tomorrow, maybe we'll have better luck.