The shit lord is palpatine!!!

>the shit lord is palpatine!!!

Why didn't he do it?

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sheev would have murdered them all if that were to happen

>Killing Anakin with all their limbs
You wish. Darth Vader would murder sheev.

Well yep

In the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, Sheev Force Froze Dooku's vocal chords.

Because he wanted Palpatine to destroy the Republic.

the last sound dookus body made was a fart noise when he shit himself
both in star wars and in real life

he didn't wanna swear in a children's movie

He understood that he was just a cog in a much bigger plan than himself.

Dooku was honorable. He had turned his back on everything to support the sith cause, he wasn't going to ruin everything they worked for in some last second attempt to save his life.

Btw Lucas at first had Dooku begging for his life but Christopher Lee put his foot down and said that wouldn't be in character for the Count

>getting in the way of George's vision
What a faggot

Based and kino pilled

>He wasn't stupid enough to think that Anakin would believe the guy who started a war, sliced his arm off and tried to kill his wife and best friend
>Treachery is the way of the Sith, like that's literally their modus operandi, the fact that Dooku couldn't get one over Sheev just meant that he was a shitty apprentice. Kill or be killed
>He shared the same vision as Sheev, he just thought he'd live to see it

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>Christopher Lee puts his foot down and makes Lucas rewrite his character to be more in line with his understanding of Dooku
>Christopher Lee puts his foot down on every second scene in LotR with Jackson because he was autistic about being as true to Tolkien's work as possible being a giant Tolkienfag
One of the most based there ever was

Star Wars outside the movies is so retarded, lmao.

Wouldn’t Anakin have been able to detect someone using the force right in front of him?


dooku was a man of high class, he wouldn't beg like that

No Idea

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why would anakin belive him in his last words?

Now if only every other prequels actor had been like that...