What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Nothing. It was a good movie

Women can't fight.


it's boring

the big fantasy scenes are supposed to be amazing but they're the worst part of the movie

Nothing. Several of my favorites. Blew many a load to this flick.

Nothing it was a great movie and the music scene was top kino

t. capeshitter brainlet

All the “real world” parts or whatever the fuck those were

Why wasn’t it rated R?

Nothing, 85-90% are just dumb and only see the surface level.
Just a little help, this movie has 5 layers,

zack snyder directed it and therefore it was dogshit

The real world parts were sad.

Is there a Snyder movie with a bad intro?


Nothing really. It's a solid film, with a built in brainlet filter to confuse and infuriate people who don't understand what's happening

It was ok


I skipped JL because Whedon was involved, is that real? Looks like a fucking TV intro.
I know following up BVS was a tall order but holy shit.


>zoomers actually like this movie

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I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say a colorist fucked with the visuals. But the last couple of moments are cringe. A hobo with a “I tried sign” lol.

It was condemning a thing while also being that thing and it didn't settle up that disparity in any satisfying way

>there is a direct line connecting the more brazen and cruel sexism of yesteryear to the modern commodification of the female form in mindless pop culture and nerd shit
>now look at these sweet fucking titties. LOOK

kino except the """""action""""" parts

>comments are disabled for this video
The lulzy ending to the video where skin head white rockers are terrorising based Muslims.

who cares fag

No nude scenes. If Oscar Isaac Salo or 120 of sodomized those girls, it’d be a 10/10 movie