Why did it suck?

Why did it suck?

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didn´t suck, it was lovely, you fucking pleb

it was a bit too bizarre, but once you get past that it's still great. if you're a big fan, you're like, "that's nice, now please make a normal film"

>why yes I'm a big wes anderson fan

Was it autism?

It was good but overhyped.

what planet do you live on? absolutely no one hyped this or mr fox because they are too goofy for any main stream audience.

I enjoyed it and i enjoy the works of wes anderson.

i loved it, even though some holocaust references are too obvious (i'm a jew and fed up with it a bit). the detail, the effort put into animation are mindblowing.


It was pretty good, but I disliked the overly happy ending. Something bittersweet would suit it more.

Literally his best work

the most boring movie ever made.

this is the same review I gave for Raimi's spiderman.

I liked it, the night moment was cute

it didn’t, it was one of the better films of the year

Huzzah, all Wes Anderson movies suck. They're not charming, they're certainly not funny, they are hipster garbage cringefests.


Can you at least tell the movie

It was great, actually. Retards went to watch it expecting to be fucking pixar or something because animation = kids film, and ended up shitting their pants in anger.

Isle of Dogs.

I liked it go back to capeshit plebbit twat