Best dirty jobs episode? I enjoyed the one where he was catching snakes in lake ontario.
Best dirty jobs episode? I enjoyed the one where he was catching snakes in lake ontario
Some of those are admirable, but then some of them are corporate drone bullshit. 7 especially.
Have you signed the C.U.C.K pledge Yea Forums
>thinking i give a shit about muh employer
only between the 7 and 5. then i just dont give a fuck.
This is fucking depressing. No wonder America loves to cuck itself.
11 is hilarious.
>Accept that you are a peasant with a smile.
Mine Rowe has never done an honest days work in his fucking life this list is embarrassing
the pineal gland is in the foreskin if you are circumcised you literally have no soul
imagine licking up some womans filthy butthole haha that is one dirty job lmao am I right haha
redpill me with sources daddy
Any episode that still used We Care a Lot in the opening
The one where he calls my entire generation lazy because he became a homeowner at 22 with the money he made from his 9-to-5 that he got directly out of high school
>I believe labor is not inherently valuable
what do you call this phenotype, Yea Forums
>But why are young people voting for Sanders instead of sucking Israel's cock?
threadly reminder that if you need to pay 15$ to get the pledge sent to you, or 100$ if you want for it to have mike's autograph on it as well.
Did anyone else become gay after watching Dirty Jobs?
Day of the pillow when?
She looks like she vacations in Gambia and fucks niggers
America is a sick society.
>30 min coffee break
>1 hour lunch break
the fuck
Fuck off kike. I'll be at home munching some tendies and watching kino. Mike Rowe should be strung up and shot like the jew puppet he fucking is.
Who is this cunt?
>socialist redditors are THIS scared of hard work
PfffahahAhah you "people" are really pathetic. Maybe if you crawled out of your moms basement, actually socialized for once, and got a real job you wouldn't be so bitter about pulling your weight like the rest of us. But what do I expect from some lazy unpatriotic bums anyways? Now, go back to r/chapotraphouse, trannies. And remember... Dilate.
Mike Rowe is a boomer faggot. The days of being a good "hard worker" and being loyal to an employer are over. It all came crashing down 30 years ago now these kike employers are doing everything they can to replace you lower cost immigrants or outsource. Its a fucking scam fuck these assholes, I will never be loyal to an employer ever.
>I believe I am a product of my choices - not my circumstances
>I understand the world is not fair
How do you fuck up this bad
Why are europoors so goddamn lazy?
>mom's basement
I'm chilling in a hammock in the backyard desu
Had an interview for an entry level job. I waited 20 minutes and then the woman let me in. We interviewed for 10 minutes and then someone else came in and I had to answer the exact same questions over again. They asked what experience I had at the job despite it being entry level. Then they talked among themselves about how young people have no work ethic. In my followup email she said she'd let me know by the end of the work. Nothing so I inquired the next week. She said she'd let me know by the end of that week. That was a month ago.
This images make me happy, post more.
What is the cliché about american workers? Germans are efficient, french strike alot, meds are lazy,...
Boomers think millenials are lazy and entitled
Millennials are one day from suicide because of the situation boomers left them
Zoomers are too young to know yet
he asked about americans, this is about everyone in the world cuz its about age groups
chinese are quick but trash
polish overcharge for everything
i guess americans don't pay you but thats more about bosses
"Toil is a virtue" is a distinctively WASP thing, to the point where I think it's literally ingrained in your DNA.
I know people from Italian, Middle Eastern, and even Mexican families who are content to make a decent living. Meanwhile the "slave for your boss until you induce psychosis" crowd are exclusively white.
Even the industrious people like the occasional hardworking Indian/African immigrant know to work smarter instead of adopting the bizarre, almost masochistic attitude of the eternal boomer.
Does LinkedIn even work somehow or is it just the same shit as facebook but with worse kind of wankers?
You have no self respect
it's a joke
Then what fuckface?
>posts on weebsite
>the "slave for your boss until you induce psychosis" crowd are exclusively white.
>fly first class or private charter to some flyover shithole
>stay in the most immaculate penthouse there is in said shithole
>show up to someone else's real job that they do 365 days a year
>"work" for maybe 2 hours and then 4 or 5 hours filming intros and monologue
>steak lobster champagne cigars and call girls in your suite waiting for you
>one more day of "work"
>fly back to your mansion
>dick sucked in limo ride back by qt tranny
>personal masseuse and yoga instructor and butler await you
>do this 10 weeks a year
>get paid millions
>"why yes i am a blue collar worker just like you"
And you have no work ethic. BTW, being lazy and entitled =/= self respect.
there's actually an episode where he goes to the Canadian Arctic and helps catch greenland sharks. It was part of a study my current boss was working on Dr. Fisk. It was cool to see my boss in an episode, and I was also up there but on a different island.
Greenland sharks are pretty kino.
>only 2 sick days a year
Who actually powertrips like this irl she's like a villain or something lol
probably a single women with no kids and her eggs are rotten
No one is voting for sanders dipshit, have you even being following the election? Zoomer are all /kamelamissles/
>gives half his paycheck to the government
hey wait a second... This math doesn't add up at all
Does this type of humor not translate to 3rd worlders or are they just all autistic?