Why do Western movies/shows sound so much better in Japanese?

LOTR in Japanese

Star Wars in Japanese

Rick and Morty in Japanese

Star Trek in Japanese

Prince of Egypt in Japanese

TDKR in Japanese

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because you're a weeb

They don't.
Original language is always better and the only correct choice.


They don’t.

This, OP is a pleb.

You're a weeb, that's why.


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>being a weeb faggot

>the mosquito man


Weebery aside, voice acting is taken very seriously in Japan. Thus it's easier to hear talented voice acting come out of Japan than from other countries.

Did you even watch the videos in the OP?

they do not unless your eardrums have been weebed up beyond repair

Japanese actors are better, im gonna flat out say it. But thats only because they are taught (the actors) to not give a single fuck about the material and throw themselves into whatever 100%
So youll see them deliver shitty lines with the same enthusiasm as bad ones, its just funny at times.

Spotted the amerimutts

They sound horrific dude.


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They added stereotypical anime grunts to those scenes. LMFAO

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>japanese gandalf
I'm fucking done lmao

you've watched too much anime, user

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why do gooks sound either like 5 year old kids, or 80 year old grandmas who smoked for 90 years of their life?



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Bane in Japanese is absolute kino.



>that vader
He sounds just right.

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>it doesn't matter who we are
>what matter is our keikaku

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Fucking awesome.


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Frozen in japanese language


If you unironically think that, you need to actually kill yourself. You're too retarded to function in society

the lotr one wasn't good lol

all their words ending in vowels makes everything sound more dramatic and easier to shout.

fuck off back to Yea Forums

fucking weebs i swear

>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum

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Go and shill your gookshit elsewhere, you thick-skulled simpleton.

They sound faggy

based and redpilled

Back to /jp/, and take your knock off katana with you.

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This site was made for discussing anime discussion, if you hate that then go back to redd!t

Watch the Star Trek video

This sounds terrible.

post great movie dubs

Listen you filthy weeaboo, non-weebs will never agree with you.

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you're just a fucking weeb

you disgust me

>It doesn't matter who we are what matters is our keikaku
>(Translator's note: keikaku means plan)
>Was getting caught part of your keikaku?

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Redd*t's biggest anime board has more traffic than all of 4channel's anime boards combined. I think I found a place for you.

The mosquito man

>if you don't think grorious nippon is master race then you don't really like anime

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they dont you fucking weeb faggot go back to Yea Forums

I have incredibly bad news 4U.

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Based. If I was banned from image posting I'd post this.

Why won't you just go to Reddit? Nobody waqnts you here, you are not welcome here. If anime annoys you Reddit is the superior place for you, so just go there. I don't see your logic in staying, are you legitimately autistic or something?

OP btfo

>You watch this in a english dub?
>Why yes, I do? Whats the problem
>*Fat fucking weeb then goes on to watch literally everything in Japanese because he has an anime brain*
God I hate weebs.

He stays because easily baited idiots like you get buttblasted.

German LotR is perfect


>God I hate weebs.
Then why are you here? Go to reddit

>I-I was only pretending to be retarded!

japanese are so ahead of us in every way, especially culturally, you're going to have to learn it some day. fucks sake, you're on an anime forum

I absolutely prefer it to the original and I like to think that that's not only because the German version is the one I grew up with but because the voice actors actually did a terrific job.

I always liked that scene in LOTR a lot, but not because of the meme.
But because it shows that there is evil beyond Sauron in the world, and that Gandalf is a much more powerful entity than what many would have believed.

Jap vas area are better than their western counterparts

Lotr one was terrible
jap darth vader works but JEJ is still better
didn't watch
didn't watch
surprisingly well done prince of egypt dubbing

>it’s an OP tried to bait people but gets so into the larp he gets baited instead episode

Attached: b-but 4chan is an anime site.png (1956x2194, 3.03M)

Name one other topic that has 11 different boards for it, oh wait you cant.
This is an anime website, you can cry and deny it like the autist you are, but it will always stay as fact.

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How fucking retarded are you two? I watched the lord of the rings one and it’s so much LESS iconic than the English version I assume you’re either both deaf and retarded or watching these movies in Braille???

SEriously am I being memed or is this the highest form of retarded I’ve ever experienced on Yea Forums


lmfao weebcuck shitskin, even both owners of the site said it's not an anime site. You need to cope with the fact that your dead normalfag hobby is completely irrelevant

>page 10
>these two come up within 5 minutes of each other



because they have the most experience in voice acting
shame their regular acting is garbage

>those manly clips
Because manly men japanese speak from their chest while english they speak from their head and chest.
So japanese sounds really intense and commanding (in those scenes)

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For example, here is a white guy trying to speak in that japanese way

May I suggest that it has something to do with Japanese being a monophthongal language?


Maybe it's a cultural thing, but to most English-speakers, Japanese voice acting sounds pretty shit.

Star Trek was passable, good even, but it's not better than the original and it's the best of the bunch. The rest of them ranged from whatever to ear cancer. You're just a weeb, user. It's not any more complicated than that.

nope, cope

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So looks like Japanese have no equivalent of the big NO. Because it would be weird to scream "IIIIEEE" so they just yell instead.

Wtf is monophthongal

The star trek one is absolute kino, I'm going to watch the whole series like that

I recognize the Bane VA from One Punch Man and Psycho-Pass.

Amerimoot is gone, though.

Holy cringe it's awful.

I've been looking for the Japanese version of Smaug's speech(literally the only good part of those movies) from the Hobbit for years and can't find it. I've been able to the find the French, Portuguese, Spanish, German and Italian versions, but not the Japanese one


not gonna lie the prince of egypt sounded pretty damn great.